19 Oct Sports Boxers & Briefs 10/19/09 Edition
The Dodgers and Angels over the weekend put themselves in a hole. The Angels moreso down 0-2 to the Yankees play at 1 P.M. and hope to win one today....
The Dodgers and Angels over the weekend put themselves in a hole. The Angels moreso down 0-2 to the Yankees play at 1 P.M. and hope to win one today....
This is for all the Sad Tony Romo Cowboy fans! It could be worse. You could be this person! You know that's gonna leave a mark!-Dr.FB...
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="Jess Leaving LAX Friday. Photo: bauergriffen.com"][/caption] Tony Romo and the Cowboys won ugly on Sunday. Maybe Jessica is not a curse of them winning but Romo did...