15 Oct NSFW! Bruno Mars Releases Stripper Galore Video For “Gorilla”
Bruno Mars was set to release his new video "Gorilla" yesterday but delayed the video by a day, hyping it a little more. The sex scenes were a little steamy...
Bruno Mars was set to release his new video "Gorilla" yesterday but delayed the video by a day, hyping it a little more. The sex scenes were a little steamy...
Rihanna has released the video for "Pour It Up" even after some thought she would not release it since she had a falling out with the director over creative differences....
I am really not understanding this Elton John/Madonna feud. At all. From Madonna beating Elton John for best song at The Golden Globes earlier this year, Elton has...
[caption id="attachment_20058" align="aligncenter" width="410" caption="Melissa Smith. Photo: Starmagazine.com"][/caption] Here we go. Another woman has stepped forward and said she had an affair with Jesse James. Melissa Smith is telling Star Magazine that she...
This brings the lol's when thinking about Miley Cyrus using a pole in her act for the Teen Choice Awards. Hope you like.-Dr.FB...