02 Mar Kid Rock Starts Internet War With Beyonce & Her Fans; She Doesn’t Have A “Purple Rain”!
Kid Rock has a new album out “First Kiss” and did an interview with Rolling Stone speaking his mind, and the subject of Beyonce came up and he doesn’t understand her popularity.
“Beyoncé, to me, doesn’t have a fucking ‘Purple Rain,’ but she’s the biggest thing on Earth,” he said. “How can you be that big without at least one ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ or ‘Old Time Rock & Roll’?”-Kid Rock.
Fair enough. But Kid Rock kept talking;
“People are like, ‘Beyoncé’s hot. Got a nice fucking ass.’ I’m like ‘Cool, I like skinny white chicks with big tits.’ Doesn’t really fucking do much for me.”-Kid Rock
So it went from not having a big hit to her not being white and having big…wits?
Beyonce’s fans went on the attack. The Beyhive started posting crazy comments on Kid’s Instagram page and everywhere they could on social media.
Kid then posted a photo of Raid aimed at the Beyhive. Lord.-DocFBDiagnosis: It’s interesting to me that Rock is a huge Bob Seger fan and Prince was wanting one of those rock anthems which led to him writing “Purple Rain” in the first place. Kid Rock inducted Seger into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame in 2004, the same year Prince was inducted. He didn’t seem to care too much for Prince then but now it seems that “Purple Rain” is the gold standard to where you are on the music icon ladder.
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Posted at 12:53h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 09:44h, 04 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 04:26h, 03 MarchJay Z might not kick his butt, but Kid better watch out for KANYE lol
Posted at 17:42h, 02 MarchHe is right about her not being all that… Her last Album was just a bunch of nothing. Hey Sex sells right? That concert her and Jay-Z did ran for a while on HBO, and it was a bunch of nothing. Her fans worship her like a God. Don’t get me wrong because I do like a lot of her music, but I in no way feel it was all that… It was missing something Maybe The Real.
The problem I have with his (race?) comment is this. I like big butts!!! The only difference is with me it does matter if they are black, white or brown butts. Come on now you can do side bends or sit-ups to have a skinny waste, but please do lose that BUTT!!! Well, I better fix one thing… I love my wife’s big butt
I’m white, but I was raised to not be bias. I was raised to love and look at people the way God loves and looks at them. Black, White, Brown who cares because real beauty transcends color. You can be one of the best looking people on earth, however, you open your mouth and immediately become the ugliest person.
In the end, Rock is Rock always has and always will speak his garbage from his self absorbed, hateful, pompous heart!
Posted at 16:28h, 02 MarchHe better shut his mouth, b4 Jay-Z kick his teeth in..
Don’t hate, congratulate..
Momma always said if u aint got nothin nice to say bout some1, then:
Keep Your Mouth Shut!
Posted at 14:31h, 02 MarchBubble gum rock vs bubble gum RnB … both fairly irrelevant
Posted at 10:22h, 02 MarchBeyoncé needs to sit down and be quiet! You get defensive if you know he’s right! So ssshhhhhhh!