PRINCE Releases Big City Teaser; The NPG Gets A Twitter Account!

NPG Hornz Photo:

PRINCE & The NPG have released a teaser for the new song “Big City” and opened a Twitter account for the New Power Generation.

The Twitter account is NPGOfficial

That was just a taste of “Big City” by Prince & The NPG.

There is obviously new music headed our way which we discussed on this week’s Prince Spreecast above.


The NPG have already sent out a few tweets on the account.-DocFB

Make sure to follow the NPG on Soundcloud

Follow NPG Official On Twitter

Follow 3rdEyeGirl On Twitter

Follow DrFunkenberry On Twitter

Diagnosis:  She in the big city….



  • Debbie a.k.a thareelqueenbee
    Posted at 21:43h, 07 October

    YES! I just LOVE the new release of Big City so HAPPIE that the NPG have a Twitter account and I just have this MAD, KRAZIE LOVE 4 my NPG Horn Headz FAMS! 😉 <3

  • Giovanni777
    Posted at 10:02h, 03 October

    Thanks, J. Fly look, cool demeanor, and wise words.

  • KcO0L's CHOCOLATEBOX (@ChocolateBox777)
    Posted at 20:12h, 02 October

    U look fly Doc FnB!!!

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