04 Aug The NPG 6 Show Residency At New York’s City Winery!
Shelby J. and Liv Warfield with the New Power Generation and the NPG Hornz taking over the City Winery for 6 shows!
From what we are hearing, PRINCE will be performing at one of the shows? Which one? There will be a HOT mic ready!
Tickets will be available on Thursday for general public….
The shows are listed below:
Wednesday 8.21 – 2 Shows
7:00 p.m.
12:00 a.m.
Thursday 8.22 – 2 Shows
7:00 p.m.
12:00 a.m.
Friday 8.23
12:00 a.m.
Sunday 8.25
12:00 a.m.
City Winery NY
155 Varick Street
Standing Room – $75
VIP – $150
Post VMA show 8.25
Standing Room – $200
VIP – $350
Diagnosis: Instead of “Where’s Fluffy” it will be more like “Where’s Princey?!!??!?!
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Posted at 11:03h, 06 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More Infos here: drfunkenberry.com/2013/08/04/prince-presents-the-npg-6-show-residency-at-new-yorks-city-winery/ […]
Ricardo M Vasquez
Posted at 15:24h, 24 AugustThis is a world class show super tight love the band Shelby & Liv great singers : Prince was on fire bass player Gouche Slammin : Third Eye Girl off the Chain . NPG Fa Lyfe
Rick Guitar Marcel
Posted at 15:05h, 24 AugustThis is more than well worth it i saw two nights this week I was lifted and didn’t have to drink . I was so high off the band alone . The girls are world class singer : Gouche on bass / CASSUANDRA on keys : the horns off the chain . Live music
Posted at 12:38h, 21 August@Michael knows .. Sorry, I just had to comment on this one. First of all, I just want to say that ‘Michael knows nothing’.. even though I can understand your sentiments & I feel you 100%, I must say that you really don’t know what you’re talking about regarding his career derailing.. nuff said!
Posted at 12:31h, 21 AugustWould have loved to be there. Liv, Shelby, NPG & Hornz and to all of you going, have lots of fun(k)!
Posted at 12:17h, 21 AugustDamn yall.. Regardless of the situation, NPG is talented and very exciting to watch perform on stage! I’ll say it again!! Shelby & Liv & NPG Hornz are Great!! I’m sure these negative comments do not ‘Phase’ them a bit. They know where they stand! Anyway, why do you think Prince hired them in the first place. Think about it.. think about it! Right!! So you can take your negative comments elsewhere…
Posted at 09:06h, 19 AugustIf you go to this show
“Just another Sucker”
Posted at 21:53h, 11 Augustcheck out Ryan Waters! Sade’s guitar player is going to be at all 6 shows. he’s the man !
Michael knows
Posted at 00:52h, 08 AugustThis is so stupid. His career has been derailing for many years now, but to have fans buy overpriced tickets for a CHANCE to see him live is bullshit. It’s bad enough that going to a Prince concert doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to hear Prince songs. Now apparently he doesn’t even have to show up. Lame.
Posted at 15:45h, 07 AugustPeople should not be complaining about the ticket prices and whether or not Prince will show up. The bottom line here is that the NPG band + the NPG Hornz is a 20+ piece band and they all are being paid via the ticket price after overhead costs. It is being advertised just as it is: Shelby, Liv, the NPG and Hornz with Prince as a promoter. What is so hard to understand about that? It’s a small venue (750 capacity) with a big band, so common sense should tell you that the ticket price is reasonably price in order to pay the band and costs without the need of me going into detail of the math.
If you want to hear a SUPERB band performing some FANTASTIC music then go. If not stay home cause you’d just be there messing up the vibe of the place by spending the whole night wondering if Prince will show up instead of living in the moment and enjoying the band.
And yeah, I wish I could go, but I’m not complaining about it like its the end of the world. smdh Shout out to Shelby, Liv and the whole NPG – get your shine on! Much love!
Posted at 21:49h, 05 AugustHow is $75 bull@@@t for a what 20 piece band. Do you think they perform for free if Prince isn’t there? I am really surprised by the comments. It is amazing how nasty people can be. I am sure this band and ladies have work hard to get to the moment where they can do their thing. If you can’t afford it or don’t want to pay make a choice to stay home. Everyone has been negative for not supporting and when he does people are mad. I will gladly pay my $75 to see the show. Stay home and sit behind your computer hating!
Terri Walsh
Posted at 20:15h, 05 AugustWell…Prince presents…isn’t what I’m interested in. I’m interested in Prince. Period. When he plays, I’ll spend crazy amounts of money on a show. He’s either playing or not. I’m not spending one red cent on a maybe.
Posted at 20:13h, 05 AugustWow! The situation with a lot of these comments DISSIN’ my gurls Shelby J & Liv & the band, kinda reminds me of brilliant story I 1nce heard about robbers entering a church, they let u go if u told them u didn’t believe in Jesus…even the PASTOR left! 1nce they were left with the couple or so people whose faith couldn’t be broken, how TRUE they were, & filtered out the FRAUDS, they proclaimed, “Now, let’s have sum REAL CHURCH!”
2 bad there r u guys who have so little faith in the REAL talents of these ladies & this band (smh).
I understand those whose funds may be a bit tight…I’m right there with u b/c, I’m a bit tight, right now…4 NOW. But, doesn’t break my faith in these talents!
4 those whose FAITH in these TRUE TALENTS r going 2 show ur support, I’m overjoyed…THEY DESERVE IT. I’ll be there in spirit ;)! & of course Prince is always on 2 promote REAL Music by REAL Musicians & he always has the BEST & believes in their TRUE talents…why WOULDN’T he promote them 2 shine on their own & “Show’EmWhatThey’reWurkinWit” ;)?!
4 the rest of y’all…”Oh, ye of little faith”…2 bad y’all gonna miss sum REAL CHURCH.
Debbie a.k.a thareelqueenbee
Posted at 17:10h, 05 AugustYAY! YAY! YAY! NYC is So Blessed to have my NPG SISTAS and my NPG HORNHEADZ Doin tha DAMN THANG N NYC! Wish I could be their but I am on tha West Coast hopefully there will be a Livestream of these shows like he did at the Chicago City Winery. <3 This is REAL MUSIC by REAL MUSICIAN!! I LOVE my GURLS Shelby J and Ladie Liv and my NPGHORNHEADZ Much LOVE 2 them <3
Posted at 07:52h, 05 AugustWow. A mixed bag of comments. Some positive and then some real venom thrown out. What happened?? Did someone take a dump in your cheerios ?
Take it easy folks. No one’s making you go. And, if you do go, don’t expect Prince to perform the ONE night you go. 1/6: The odds are not in your favor. Better yet only go if you really want to hear Shelby J, Liv Wharfield, and the NPG rock the house.
I do.
Posted at 06:28h, 05 AugustWould like to see Prince’s other backup singer Elisa on stage with Shelby and Liv. It will be a good show.
mmm hmmm
Posted at 04:29h, 05 AugustWow, some negative nasties up in here judgin’ ‘n grudgin’- No one is forcing anyone to go to any shows. I have to say most on here having a very rude fit about these shows not being what they personally want them to be.
Prince fans can be very selfish, I’m sure we are all guilty of it- but to bash any band member because they are spreading their wings and Prince is cool w/ them doing that- You are not a Prince fan, sorry. There is either hate or envy coming from you when you spew this nastiness online. I feel sorry for everyone miserable that hasn’t tapped into their happiness.
People are obsessive, everyone wants to see Prince, period. This is treating him like an idol instead of a musician. NPG band members are like Prince’s family, so when u bash them, u r, in effect, bashing Prince & what he represents and believes in as an artist and musician.
It’s embarrassing to see some of the juvenile classless attitudes on here- I really hope people relearn what it is to have some class,reserve & candor – like Chris Rock says, “let it swirl around in yo head a while”… everybody on the instant constant me me me click click click. Ugly. Gotta be kinder to each other.
I rarely comment on this type of activity online but this wasn’t cool & somebody needs to speak up on here. I happen to know a member of the NPG and her character, talent & integrity are unrivaled as I am sure are all the band members. Thats all. I said it.
Dan Woods • Paisley Parked
Posted at 03:59h, 05 AugustWow, some negative nasties up in here judgin’ ‘n grudgin’- No one is forcing anyone to go to any shows. I have to say most on here having a very rude fit about these shows not being what they personally want them to be.
Prince fans can be very selfish, I’m sure we are all guilty of it- but to bash any band member because they are spreading their wings and Prince is cool w/ them doing that- You are not a Prince fan, sorry. There is either hate or envy coming from you when you spew this nastiness online. I feel sorry for everyone miserable that hasn’t tapped into their happiness.
People are obsessive, everyone wants to see Prince, period. This is treating him like an idol instead of a musician. NPG band members are like Prince’s family, so when u bash them, u r, in effect, bashing Prince & what he represents and believes in as an artist and musician.
It’s embarrassing to see some of the juvenile classless attitudes on here- I really hope people relearn what it is to have some class,reserve & candor – like Chris Rock says, “let it swirl around in yo head a while”… everybody on the instant constant me me me click click click. Ugly. Gotta be kinder to each other.
I rarely comment on this type of activity online but this wasn’t cool & somebody needs to speak up on here. I happen to know a member of the NPG and her character, talent & integrity are unrivaled as I am sure are all the band members. Thats all. I said it.
Posted at 00:16h, 05 AugustThis is straight up overpriced bullshit. Hey Prince, do we really look this stupid to you? Let Shelby and Liv have their own thing. But don’t overprice 6 concerts just because you MIGHT be on one (1!) of them. Ridiculous.
Posted at 00:12h, 05 AugustThis is straight up overpriced bullshit. Prince, do you really think we are this stupid? Let the NPG girls have their own thing. But do not overprice 6 shows just because you MIGHT be on just one of them! Bullocks.
Posted at 22:54h, 04 AugustGood to see the NPG branch out.
However, the Prince-open-mike addition is not really adding to the idea.
If this is a Liv/Shelby with NPG showcase then I think it would benefit from Prince saying he won’t come and stick to that.
Now many attendees will come to see Prince and be disappointed with ‘no show’.
The whole expectation of Prince brings more negativity with it, which is not needed here at these shows. Pricing seems a tad high for the general public but seems to suit ‘The Winery’ demographics/target audience.
Good luck ladies, it’s your arena to shine.
DB says: Prince, let your children freely run without the mystical antics, which draws negative sentiment. Let them shine.
NPG can always do for you a regular tuesday at the bunkers like the sunday/monday dr. Mambo’s combo