12 Jun New PRINCE! “Ain’t Gonna Miss U When U’re Gone” Featuring Ledisi Out Now!
PRINCE has just released a new single “Ain’t Gonna Miss U When U’re Gone” featuring Ledisi. It was released on his 3rdEyeGirl.com music site.
The song is a 6 minute long long funk jam and it should have U working up a “Black Sweat” in no time!-DocFB
Diagnosis: “Eye give credit where credit’s due….”
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Posted at 23:03h, 06 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More: drfunkenberry.com/2013/06/12/new-prince-aint-gonna-miss-u-when-ure-gone-featuring-ledisi-out-now/ […]
Posted at 19:28h, 17 Juneyes the song tis quite funky, I like that first boom on the drum(?) pairs nicely with and sets up a nice contrast with the vocals.
Posted at 05:02h, 17 JuneFor those who continue to doubt that Prince can still get funky? Here you go… now go get some sweat! Love this!! “Rubber Ta Ta’s LMAO!!
Suzy Six
Posted at 21:06h, 14 JuneThis song is AWESOME! Its funky and fun! LOVE the rap, Its so much fun 2 listen 2 and i can get my dance on too! 2 party toes up!
Posted at 12:12h, 14 JuneLOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! SOOOOOOOO FUNKY! Thank you Prince, 3rd eye girl and Dr FB! Love, peace and prayers of gratitude !
Posted at 19:31h, 13 JuneWho is Prince calling Bourgeois’ (boojee?) haha I thought everybody he worked with was funky. lol
KcO0L's CHOCOLATEBOX (@ChocolateBox777)
Posted at 18:11h, 13 JuneCool 2 finally hear the full version of this!!!
Debbie a.k.a thareelqueenbee
Posted at 16:40h, 13 JuneOK and OMG! I am doing my HAPPIE DANCE right NOW! I have dreamed about this for a while NOW and my Dream came true THANK, THANK, THANK U PRINCE for making this Queens Dream come true. I have alwayz wanted Prince 2 Collaborate with my GURL! Ledisi since day 1 and NOW the day and time has come and ALL I can say is YES!, YES!, YES!, YES!, and Sing HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY, HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY. Thank U so much LOVE U PRINCE & 3RDEG
Posted at 16:28h, 13 JuneJust heard the track played on my local radio station in NSW, Australia! YES, this is a BIG THING!!!
Posted at 13:53h, 13 Junenevermind, just went back to the 3rdeyegirl page. it’s official. so which way is he spelling “u’re” these days anyway?
Posted at 13:52h, 13 Junegood song. but is that artwork official? the “ur/u’re” Princebonics are different on the file and the artwork.
Posted at 10:28h, 13 Juneps: “the lawnmower” ? lol.
already went around on a loop for eleven times. loving those kettle drum synths
or whatever they are. and loving those ledisi backing vocals. especially that part
that repeats the track title and sounds like a vintage sample from somewhere
will miller
Posted at 09:10h, 13 JuneIlove the new prince song it.good
Posted at 05:48h, 13 JuneLooooove.
Posted at 05:04h, 13 JuneI like the song, though I don’t get the lyric – If it wasn’t for me you’d be a “who”
Please pass on my thanks to Prince for providing this song on 3rdeyegirl.com and in wav format. Would be greatly appreciated if all the other non-wav format releases be put up for sale in wav format on 3rdeyegirl.com
*Breakfast can wait
*Screwdriver Remix
*RnR Remix7
Posted at 03:15h, 13 JuneGenius!!! Lovin it. Sounds so “out of time”…in other words “Timeless”. Cheap at twice the price
Posted at 02:02h, 13 JuneVery cool, cute & funky – could have listened to that for 16 minutes! Love it that 3EG website is back in business!!
Posted at 01:40h, 13 Juneis there a .wav download available?
Posted at 01:05h, 13 Junetoo long? never! these kind of songs need space to breathe. i always love it when prince stretches songs beyond mere single length. diagnosis: “Here Eye Go”
Posted at 21:41h, 12 JuneCool , finally something new
What about the album “plectrum electrum ” ?
Posted at 21:11h, 12 JuneI like it. Got those “Nasty Girl” drums on it. It’s a little long though. The song would be more “impactful” if he made it < 4:00.
Julie Welch
Posted at 20:29h, 12 JuneI love this song!
Posted at 20:27h, 12 JuneThanks for sharing cant wait to hear the full song