25 Jan Andy Allo Releases “U Will B” Demo Duet With….PRINCE?
Instead of 3rdEyeGirl releasing something purple, it’s Andy Allo! Allo just put up “U Will B” a demo duet without the singing partner given credit, but it is PRINCE, right? Hmm.
Andy Allo is set for a big 2013. Hot on the heels of the release of “Super Conductor”, Allo will be performing on the Guitar Center Sessions Feb. 22nd, 2013.
We will also hear a late Spring tour for her is in the works as well.
Check out “U Will B” above and if you haven’t, get yourself a copy of “Super Conductor”, sit back and enjoy!
Get “Superconductor HERE or HERE!!!!-DocFB
Diagnosis: U Will B with……?
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Posted at 18:06h, 28 JanuarySuch a sweet song and beautiful duet! Thanks Andy and Prince!
Posted at 02:54h, 28 JanuaryAndy & Prince making beautiful music together – what’s not to love?
Posted at 00:25h, 28 JanuaryGoooood vibrations. Thanks.
Posted at 12:27h, 27 JanuaryLove the song. “TheBeautifulOne” already summed it up perfectly.
Posted at 22:32h, 26 JanuaryWonderful song, singing, instrumentation. Prince’s falsetto is amazing, Andy’s voice fits so well.
Posted at 18:23h, 26 JanuaryMade every hour sweet as a flower to me
Posted at 15:28h, 26 JanuaryI definately dig the diamond in the rough sound… There’s loads of discussions that further editing would take the honest soul out of this version. I don’t know if I agree, I just know I love the demo as is. Besides, the lo-fi aspect absolutely has its charms.
Maybe releasing uncut diamonds is a very profitable way of doing it. Like the hit and run tours Prince did in Europe. Selling out a venue of 15,000 “in no time flat”. I think that booking venues last minute is cheaper than planning ahead, so the margin is higher and more money goes into the purple wallet
Anyways, I think 2013 will be a very interesting year for us Prince fans. Somehow I feel loads of fan favorite bootlegs coming out in one form or another. Montreux is a great example, but imagine the ’88 Small Club soundboard recordings coming out, or studio out take boots as The Work, or The Jewel Box… Impossible is nothing!
Posted at 11:18h, 26 Januarycan’t stop listening to it – just too beautiful!
Posted at 06:27h, 26 JanuaryBeautiful.
Prince’s opening vocals are particularly stunning.
Would like to see this fully produced and getting a proper release. It would be much deserved.
marijke jongbloed, filmmaker
Posted at 02:13h, 26 JanuaryTheir voices color both towards falsetto, which is interesting they fuse! Excellent, we hope they continue this road.
Posted at 23:17h, 25 JanuaryFor me this is the best new Prince song I’ve heard in ages. A piece of Love right out of Prince’s heart. If Andy is or was his muse, and this is the result, I hope they’re in each other’s company for a long time.
Posted at 23:03h, 25 JanuaryLoving this demo! Andy sounds sweet, and Prince in the background created a sense of an ethereal feel! It’s amazing how he worked this song when he performed it in the mix of ‘Shhh’. This is a wonderful treat!
Tamara J
Posted at 22:49h, 25 JanuaryLike A cup of hot tea with home made honey and a pinch of fresh lemon…..U Will B sounds excellent!
cathye o
Posted at 21:38h, 25 Januaryvery lovely. a little to long. thanks
Posted at 20:30h, 25 JanuaryLoving what I’m hearing–beautiful song, Prince & Andy. I really like the delicate nature of this song–something about this melody reminds me of the feeling one gets when you first realise you’re in love and it hits you square in the center of your stomach and you feel exposed and there’s nowhere to hide and its almost like voyeurism cause you’re on the outside of yourself looking at the inside. Nice. Can we get a clearer copy though?
Posted at 18:42h, 25 JanuarySounds like it was recorded at the same spot as God. (for the youngsters the B-side to Purple Rain) …….if your not familiar with what a B-side is ask yo mama
Posted at 17:54h, 25 JanuaryCool track…easy listening!
Posted at 17:30h, 25 JanuarySit right down and talk to me . . . u don’t have to waste my time if you want to be a friend of mine . . .
Know what you been listening to lol
happi eternalsunshine
Posted at 17:14h, 25 JanuarySo happi;)
Posted at 15:56h, 25 JanuarySimply Beautiful!! Did I just say “simply”? There’s nothing simple when it comes to Prince! I’ll be listening to this one over and over and over…
Posted at 14:44h, 25 JanuaryThis is the most beautiful song I have heard in a long time. Immediately touching. And that although at first I really thought it was two females singing.
Posted at 14:43h, 25 Januaryloving this a lot thanks for sharing
Kcool's Chocolate Box
Posted at 14:37h, 25 JanuaryThx Andy 4 callin me! U R a class act………
Kcool's Chocolate Box
Posted at 14:35h, 25 JanuaryMasterPiece!!!!!!!!!
Posted at 14:34h, 25 JanuaryOf course that’s Prince! He also played that song when he was doing the concerts at the Forum.