02 Aug Prince “Come Together” Oslo Jam! Listen Now
So, NPG band member Andy Allo is at it again…..but we are not supposed to tell, right? She posted on her facebook and youtube account a “Come Together” jam by Prince and the NPG in Oslo that happened tonight.
It’s pretty funky. Andy had this to say on her Facebook page:
Thank U 4 a Beautiful Night in Oslo! A Little Something to keep the funk going…
Don’t tell… ♥
We are not telling…but sharing. I know someone is getting a kick out of this. Us? As long as we get these beautifully sounding gems, we don’t really care.
Um, I think we need some video of this new dance Prince. Just saying.-Dr.FB
Diagnosis: Come Where? Come How?
Best Best Online News in the World
Posted at 19:37h, 06 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More here: drfunkenberry.com/2011/08/02/prince-come-together-oslo-jam-listen-now/ […]
Nachspiel: Prince-Fans üben Aufstand wegen Kölner-Pannenkonzert | Forderungen nach Schadenersatz, Konzert in Berliner O2 World nie geplant | rap2soul
Posted at 12:01h, 24 November[…] auf die anderen Europa-Konzerte zu blicken und deren Ablauf. Begeisterung am 3. August 2011 beim Konzert in Oslo, 7.000 Fans verfolgen das […]
Lisa Lameira
Posted at 00:34h, 06 AugustThank you very much that was 2 funky
Posted at 23:23h, 05 August…I was talking to the Twinz, by the way!
Didn’t the tabloids try to marry him off ever since he started looking healthy again?
Do I see signs of jealousy, guys?! Well, so am I, but I realize I can’ t have him all to myself, even though his music touches my heart.
If Prince should feel intrigued by a fresh, youthful attitude, why not? Him being a Superstar and Symbol does not make him less accessible, he’ s normal, right?
No monk, neither. And:
The guy is old and hopefully wise enough to make his own decisions, he’ s grown, don’t U know?
Does anybody feel overprotective like my dear mother?
God bless her, but please don’t, that’s bothersome!
Freedom, Y’all!
And don’t announce the marriage b4 there’ s even a carriage… (;)
Posted at 21:59h, 05 AugustOh, U r as sweet as ever, and U doubly speak my mind ( as mostly! Haha, just joking;) Love U both the same
Pro Fan
Posted at 13:07h, 04 AugustIt’s interesing to me that Shelby J Fan Page has 1,870 Likes and Andy Allo now has 9,903 Likes. Maybe if Shebey was petiite, light with hair Prince would release covers of just him and Shelby singing.
@malcom99 – Yeah I heard Prince likes Cap n Crunch abd his Honey Comb is extremely jealous.
Nachspiel: Prince-Fans üben Aufstand wegen Kölner-Pannenkonzert | Forderungen nach Schadenersatz, Konzert in Berliner O2 World nie geplant | rap2soul
Posted at 17:29h, 03 August[…] auf die anderen Europa-Konzerte zu blicken und deren Ablauf. Begeisterung am 3. August 2011 beim Konzert in Oslo, 7.000 Fans verfolgen das […]
Trudy June
Posted at 14:37h, 03 AugustOh wow. a wedding, I thought we were listening to a song, I liked the song, to bad the clip is not a moving one, where Prince dances and all ! Now all I can see is a little man standing, not dancing, the music I hear is good though …. And the girl being 22, how old is your dad ? Not 53 I hope …
Posted at 13:33h, 03 AugustAndy Allo is only 22? Damm Prince, that’s messed up man. If this dating rumor is true, get help and open your eyes. It’s wrong to do that with a young impressionable girl who wants a music career. She is in over her head.
shelby fan
Posted at 13:04h, 03 AugustShelby is amazing at what she does…. If Shelby & Cassandra were not singing, there would be weak female vocals backing Prince up. Shelby, Liv and Elisa are a power trio and they sound perfect backing Prince. Not a fan of the new toy Andy Allo, she is a weak link and not very strong addition to the lineup this year… She is only 22 but she is sleeping with the 53 yr old boss and getting paid for it. Gross! Gross Gross!
Posted at 12:26h, 03 August@pro fan Agreed. Prince is known for his cereal cheating ways. If he does marry again he should stop messin about and marry a woman who would leave his behind in a hot second if he didn’t stay faithful. Some women tolerate BS for the lifestyle and Prince knows it but that’s not the type of woman you respect or value. Maybe the third time will be the charm if he makes some changes. Otherwise the only good that can come out of him would be the music. Happy wife happy life.
Pro Fan
Posted at 11:21h, 03 August@candice – What is there to be extremely jealous of? Prince’s first two wives weren’t so lucky. He’s been divorced twice. I doubt he’s much as a husband. Continue to Enjoy the band and his music because Prince is a musical genius but it doesn’t’ mean he is a great lover or husband.
Andy is almost at 10,000 Likes on facebook! It looks like she’s averaging 700 Likes a week. If her and Prince keep up the predictable releasing of covers Andy may soon be a superstar with millions of fans. Prince and/or his publicist are likely the ones telling Andy and Dr. Funkenberry to post the covers. Don’t tell means Prince wants you to keep spreading the word about Andy Allo touring with him and the NPG. It’s marketing and promotion people.
Posted at 10:45h, 03 August@malcom99 “U could have a big o house and a big ol car, but next 2 God nothin else amounts 2 a womanwomanwoman strong—grown—special—beautiful—” RaheemDaVaughn
Amen brother:)
Posted at 09:48h, 03 AugustMaceo should be made a permanent member of the NPG! he just adds that little superfunk ! Not that the NPG lacks any of that hahaha far from it! Love this track!!
Thank u doc for this funky medicine!! i will follow ur prescription 2 the letter: “get as much of it as u can- no overdose possible”
Posted at 04:04h, 03 Augusta cover. hmmmm. I guess posting performances of covers is cool, as long as its not a Prince song. :-/
Posted at 01:50h, 03 August@Candice Prince ain’t gonna marry a girl, he is gonna marry a woman. I see him with a boss chick, a ride or die queen that handles her business and get’s it done no matter what get in her way. She love God, she strong and elegant, not easily moved from her high standards or by anyone who tries to break up her happy home. My wife is all those things and more. I made the right choice with her. Prince deserves a woman like my wife. I been a Prince fan for thirty years and will be for thirty more, this man is genius. Peace
Posted at 23:48h, 02 AugustNice !!
Posted at 23:34h, 02 AugustI got to give it up to Shelby J!!!!!!!!!!!! That gurl can saaaaaaanng! I didn’t hear Andy’s voice when he told her to sing along, unless the volume on her mic was low. hmmmmm anyhooo Maceo is brilliant!!!! Prince, you are a superb man and I love you and wish you happiness for all eternity! I will be extremely jealous if you decide to marry again, whomever she is, she will be the luckiest girl in the galaxy!!!!!! I am available! Are you attracted to 40 year olds with two really cute kids??? ?????
Posted at 23:24h, 02 AugustTHANK YOU!! With a iPod filled with almost every Prince recording there is, I just can’t get enough of the Prince groove. Real music for real music lovers!