09 Apr Idol Cast Off Pia Toscano Signs With Interscope Records!

Pia Toscano. Photo: PiaToscano.org
This is the best news Pia Toscano has heard all week! After being eliminated from American Idol this week, unfairly we might add, Pia has landed on her feet, signing with Jimmy Iovine’s Interscope Records!
Things haven’t been the same on American Idol since Casey was saved when Stefano should have been going home. That save for Casey could have been used for Pia.
Since everyone thought Pia was going to make it to the end, maybe they stopped voting for her n voted for everyone else. That’s 3 women in a row that have been booted from Idol. Coincidence?
We hear that Pia will be recording this week. They are rushing the album. Don’t worry, and don’t rush Pia. We won’t be forgetting you anytime soon. Maybe have a song ready for the Idol finale, but nothing else.-Dr.FB
Diagnosis: America’s Bad Decision Is Right For Interscope
A Voice
Posted at 02:36h, 15 AprilWell, last night was fairly predictable. Next week it should be Casey or Stephano.
Have you noticed the annoying vibrato that Jacob has? It shows up more when he isn’t yelling. The average listener would probably not notice it in a live performance but on a recording it would start to drive you crazy and you wouldn’t know why. I’m surprised that Randy hasn’t mentioned it. Some singers think it’s cool, but personally, I think it’s the lack of proper vocal training.
I was very impressed with the duet that Scotty and Lauren did. The Idol music producer knows he’s got a couple of winners here and pairing them up last night was brilliant! These two kids have a great future in or out of Idol. They are young, good looking, have personality and talent. Yes, Scotty has talent. LOL
There’s a good chance they will be the two finalists. They embody the dreams of pretty much every teenager that is watching and voting.
Posted at 16:14h, 12 April@ A Voice Says thanks and wow what a talent your!
@ a This Guys Says — LOL !! if listening to slow jam after slow jam after slow jam after slow jam after slow jam (get my drift) your thing that’s cool — the young folk out there that will go out and buy this stuff will get tired early on of slow jam after slow jam after slow jam. Vocally she was ONE of the better ones but for me she just did not bring it. Stefano — he can sing more then just slow jams, is vocally pleasing, boy knows how to move and is a good looking dude — so can we count on your vote this week? : ) LOL
A Voice
Posted at 11:04h, 12 AprilAlthough I wouldn’t necessarily call 1817 “an idiot”, I do agree with “This Guy Says”.
Actually, Casey, Stephano, Paul, and Jacob should have been gone by now. Fortunately for them, they are guys and Idol results, for the most part, are driven by teenage girls. The three people who are professionally qualified to make the best choices (the judges) are left out of the equation at the most critically important time of the competition.
With Pia gone, there is no more true competition. It is now reduced to the best of the rest.
In my humble opinion, the winner now should be Lauren Alaina.
My qualifications:
vocalist/instrumentalist in many styles of music from rock to gospel.
Play several instruments.
Have directed choirs and vocal groups.
Have been talent judge, director, trainer, coach, for large and small groups and individuals. (and much more)
This Guy
Posted at 02:24h, 10 AprilYou are an idiot 1817, Stefano is horrible musically. Everything is nasally and almost always in a head voice. He is horrible, Pia was by far the best vocally. Hell even Thia was better than Stefano and she got voted off early too. Maybe we should stop letting you vote.
Posted at 22:58h, 09 AprilOutside of her looking good and able to sing ballads I don’t get what the big deal is over her.
Out of these 3 (pia, Casey & stefano) Stefano has them beat!