24 Aug George Michael Pleads Guilty To Driving High

George Michael Photo: TheDailymail.co
George. George. George. Sigh.
George Michael pleaded guilty today to driving while high on the 4th of July last month when he crashed into a building.
George’s drivers license was suspended for at least 6 months and he could get jail time as he already has a conviction against him for driving high before. This has nothing to do with him being arrested for a DUI earlier this month.
The sentencing will be on September 14th. We are hoping that George can stay out of trouble til then and we hope he gets help.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 15:14h, 24 AugustGeorge Michael Pleads Guilty To Driving High | Drfunkenberry.com…
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Posted at 13:59h, 24 August” We are hoping that George can stay out of trouble til then and we hope he gets help.-Dr.FB ”
Agreed.. Love for GM