15 Jul Sandra Bullock & Louis Back In New Orleans

Sandra Bullock. Photo: INFDaily.com
Sandra Bullock along with her son Louie have returned from Texas to New Orleans.
Sandra has been trying to stay out of the drama of ex-husband Jesse James and the custody battle he is having with his ex before her, porn actress Janine.
Sandra has been laying low after a few public appearances last month at the MTV Awards and the Guy Awards.
Also, yes, that is Sandra Bullock wearing what everyone else is wearing in Hollywood right now, Aviator shades.-Dr.FB
Posted at 22:39h, 16 JulyMy God, I thought this was Michael Jackson when I first looked. Sandra’s coloring, the pale skin, the dark hair, the bone structure, and, of course, Michael’s trademark aviator shades!
Posted at 19:26h, 16 Julyfor a sec……….thought she had robbed Gary Coleman’s grave
Sandra Bullock & Louis Back In New Orleans | Drfunkenberry.com | Sandra Bullock
Posted at 00:19h, 16 July[…] Sandra Bullock & Louis Back In New Orleans | Drfunkenberry.com Related posts11-Year-Old Girl Interviews Justin Bieber | Finance,Business …• Veronica Mars : The Movie Campaign •Reminder: Vote For New Moon & New Moon Cast For The Teen Choice …Leigh Anne Tuohy: Sandra Bullock's Baby Is “Beautiful”Sandra Bullock And Son Arrive To New Orleans | ImNotObsessed.comSandra Bullock finalises divorce | Bundaberg Celebrity …Jesse James' New Austin Bachelor Pad: Sneak a Peek | Gossip Blender UScoded by nessus Tags: along-with, drama, have-returned, her-son, jesse, louie, orleans, sandra-bullock, stay-out, the-drama You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site. […]