10 Jun Prince No Fan Of Versus Michael Jackson Parties

Michael Jackson & Prince. Photos: NYMag.com & Gettyimages.com
Dj Spinna is bringing his Prince and Michael Jackson party to Los Angeles this Friday for Soul Slam L.A. at the echoplex and then San Francisco this Saturday and although the music and fun will be the same, one thing is different and it’s because of Prince.
For 5 years running, it was called Prince versus Michael Jackson but Prince let it be known he does not like the whole versus thing with MJ no longer being here.
DJ Spinna said “I met Prince and we spoke about this whole versus thing and he’s not a big fan of the idea of it being ‘versus.”
“After Michael’s death we decided to call the party Prince and Michael … because it’s not really fair.”
“I think people are more keen to hearing his music and celebrating it even more. I can feel the energy in the room every time I play his music … way more than before.”
Prince has never attended the parties but one of his DJ’s Rashida Robinson has DJ’d them in the past and perhaps that is how Spinna was able to talk to the Purple One about his feelings on this.
Spinna knows just what he would play for Prince if he did show up; “I think if he actually showed up I would have to get a little deep and go beyond the pop hits. He’s a real musician … he’s real serious about his craft,”
“Maybe if it’s a cut that everyone doesn’t necessarily know off-hand, I would do it for him, just to let him know that I know what time it is.”
“She’s Always In My Hair” would go over quite well with him Spinna. Trust me.
If you are planning on attending the Soul Slam event in Los Angeles, go HERE or San Francisco, go HERE. Soul Slam is usually in high demand and should be more so since these are the first Soul Slam events on the West Coast since Michael’s untimely passing last June.
I will be at the Los Angeles one this Friday. Always looking forward to good music and this should be cool.-Dr.FB
Myles Matisse
Posted at 01:58h, 24 JuneThat’s cool because I’ve decided never to do another Prince versus Michael Jackson night or anything mixed with a Prince night. When Club Head in West Hollywood goes down, it’ll be Prince and Jam & Lewis all the way! Next night? Saturday, August 7th at Palms Bar.
Posted at 18:24h, 18 Juneyou’re the best michael ! we love you
Posted at 19:56h, 17 JuneI snatched the advertisement from Amoeba Record store 2 weeks ago!! Didn’t know this would be a big event or I would have gone. Hope they have another one!!
Posted at 23:19h, 12 JuneUnfair, yes but fame kills, Prince the early years to Prince today expand your kaft. Very sad how Micheal Jackson left this world. Who’s better what a redicolus and dumb concept.
Posted at 16:34h, 11 JuneYea! its time for the comparisons to stop. Its not fair and disrespectful since MJ has gone on now. Prince is right yet again
Posted at 11:33h, 11 JuneI love it … I am a huge fan of both Michael Jackson & Prince and I never really cared for the “versus” either because I love them both equally … Kudos to Prince !
Posted at 10:08h, 11 JuneThat was pure class on Prince’s part for Michael Jackson & his legacy. Being a huge fan of both artist I thought the comparison thing was unfair for both Mike & P.
Posted at 05:01h, 11 JuneWow, they should bring this to Amsterdam! Paradiso would be a great venue for this!
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Posted at 21:46h, 10 June[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rick Nolastname, kukumi.4 ククミ•キャトル. kukumi.4 ククミ•キャトル said: 殿下 RT @m_electric: RT @drfunkenberry: .: Prince No Fan Of Versus Michael Jackson Parties http://bit.ly/dxUFIJ […]
Posted at 20:30h, 10 JuneWhat a fantastic way 2 celebrate 2 great musicians! I’ll b there!
Posted at 17:56h, 10 JuneLoL … Thanks Doc, I was wonderin’ if P would say “something” about things like this sooner or later.
Posted at 17:34h, 10 JuneThat was really classy on Prince’s part and he’s right, it shouldn’t be a “vs” kind of party. Prince and MJ were and still are the best of the best and their music has totally changed the world as we know it. I’ve been to DJ Spinna’s parties before and they are off the chain and I hope that all the Californians reading this will get the opportunity to go to one of his shows cause they are GREAT and he does a fantastic job honoring Michael Jackson and Prince. I really like the whole unity type of feel to this.
Posted at 17:14h, 10 JuneGood for Prince. Now that’s respect, only a few people can honestly show that to Michael these days.
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