09 Feb Ellen Debuts On American Idol Tonight

Ellen Degeneres File Photo
Ellen Degeneres will have her American Idol debut tonight as she takes over for Paula Abdul in the judge’s chair.
We hear there was some friction with Simon Cowell early and often and if we do watch it, it will be for that reason only. Will the chemistry be the same or will this be a worse replacement than Conan was for Leno?
So, I ask you this as the dust has settled on the whole Paula thing, will you watch American Idol tonight with Ellen or be like Drew Brees and pass?-Dr.FB
Posted at 00:06h, 13 January3modules
Saundra Pichler
Posted at 10:47h, 17 FebruaryI believe that it is kinda unfortunate that Simon is likely to depart from the tv series next year. This positively is definately not the same. I really do really like a few of the contestants so far, but really don’t enjoy a winner as yet. Nonetheless, I don’t think there may be the possibility that some of these people shall be superior to Adam Lambert.
Julianna Chy
Posted at 21:15h, 10 FebruaryAnyone who can make those snappy quips is one bazillion percent better than Randy, dawg!
Posted at 07:04h, 10 FebruaryBABA-BOOEY! BABA-BOOEY! BABA-BOOEY!
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Posted at 00:54h, 10 February[…] Ellen Debuts On American Idol Tonight | Drfunkenberry.com […]