28 Oct Corey Feldman’s Wife Files For Divorce

Corey & Suzie Feldman. File Photo
Corey Feldman’s hot wife Susannah Feldman has filed for divorce. Why? She finally realised she was married to Corey Feldman! I kid. I kid.
They have been married for 7 years which is forever in Hollywood but you knew it would happen soon as they started doing a reality show. They have a 5 year old kid named Zen. Wow. Did I never see the kid on their show or what? She is seeking sole custody of Zen.
I thought they looked good together n were sweet but I don’t know. Corey just seems like major drama, the kind of drama I try to avoid. Last time I saw Corey was at MJ’s funeral where he dressed as Michael…and we all wore suits. Doh!
BTW, we got some dirt on this split! Major. Coming soon.-Dr.FB
Posted at 02:59h, 13 January1johnson
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Posted at 11:05h, 04 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 22:18h, 27 JanuaryGreat Article, much information that I got after reading this article ..
Posted at 21:31h, 27 JanuaryGreat article, much information that I got after reading this blog ..
thanks ..
F Corey Feldman
Posted at 22:48h, 29 OctoberCorey Feldman is such a sell-out douche bag. He got all butt hurt that Michael Jackson didn’t have room on his bus during 911, because Corey thought he was a huge star and would get special treatment to flee the city. He went to the media crying about how Michael left him to DIE. Ummm, ok. Yet, Michael Jackson put his fans in his numerous hotel rooms, with all his personal belongings, when they had no place to stay because he was worried about their well-being. Yeah, he sounds like an uncaring person and would leave people to die. Right. Or maybe it just sounds like a washed up star who got pissed off that Michael treated him like a normal human being, instead of kissing his ass.
Corey went on Larry King ranting about the incident and then insinuated that MJ may be guilty. He said he didn’t think so at first but now that he looks back (not that he’s mad), he changed his mind.
Now that Michael has passed, Corey is praising him and saying he’s a great person.
I would give a lot to see that douche bag in person and tell him exactly what I think of him.
Michael had a horrible time because of opportunist assholes like him. F*ck Corey Feldman. I can see why his wife is filing for divorce.
Posted at 08:42h, 29 Octoberever watch that show? his wife is a total bimbo from hell……….Corey can do much better (and prob. already did from what I know)