07 Aug Rolling Stone Covers Obama

Rolling Stone Obama Cover
After the Advocate, Rolling Stone follows suit by doing an Obama cover. The article is a round table about “Obama So Far” 7 months after he has been in office. Not only a cover but a round table which features Michael Moore.
I may need to get over my Rolling Stone ban and read this article. Obama so far 7 months in? What do you think?-Dr.FB
Posted at 00:43h, 13 January2peerage
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Posted at 01:26h, 07 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 22:48h, 08 AugustI can sum up Obama’s performance in one word…….TERRIBLE!!!!!!!
Posted at 14:09h, 08 AugustGiving the Prime Minister of England a DVD set that won’t play in England; even stranger, giving an ipod to the queen of England, agreeing to release the Abu Ghraib “torture” photos then reversing himself, scaring the stuffing out of New Yorkers with the low-flying Air Force One incident, mistakenly gives the U.S. credit for inventing the automobile during a state of the Union speech (Germany built the first car btw), stops military tribunals at Guantanemo then reverses himself, putting the country 1 trillion more dollars into debt in his first 6 months, strangely admits to not knowing all the facts but still takes the opportunity to insult every cop in the country with the Gates incidents, lets his Justice Department drop voter intimidation charges on Black Panther members in Pennsylvania, appoints a host of tax cheats to his new administration, some of whom make it through, and now puts the nation on the verge of with a poorly thought out (he’s admitted he doesn’t know all the details) health care plan that we can’t pay for…I guess I’d say it’s pretty much been a train-wreck so far. We gotta long way to go. For the sake of our country, I wish him better luck.
Posted at 10:49h, 08 AugustJust got this Rolling Stone in the mail yesterday … I guess I will have something to do tomrrow … at work 2day :o(
Posted at 17:35h, 07 AugustWhew, can remember the last time I bought a mag but might have to check this one out. I think Obama is doing great. No one’s perfect and I’ve been continually impressed with his handling of so many issues. And the slick, low-key resolution of the North Korea Eng/Ling incident was well played.
How can you not root for this president? Go Obama!