27 Jun Prince & Michael Jackson Were Friends?

Prince & Michael Jackson. Photo: MSN.Com
Prince and Michael Jackson were friendly rivals? Seriously? According to former band members of the Purple One, it’s true.
A report in the Startribune, Bobby Z., Prince’s drummer for the Revolution, remembers watching the 1984 Grammys with Prince as Michael Jackson swept the Grammys.
“We were watching rough cuts of [the movie] ‘Purple Rain,’ and we knew that’s where Prince wanted to be the next year,” Z said Thursday.
Michael Jackson even showed up to 2 Purple Rain shows backstage. Although Michael Jackson did want to work with Prince a few years later, Prince declined due to lyrical differences.
Michael Bland insisted they got along fine. “They’d shoot hoops at Paisley Park,” Prince’s studio/home in Chanhassen. “We used to get packages from MJJ Productions [with] footage of Sly Stone performing in Europe. Prince would pop it in the VCR, and we’d watch it.”
Prince even defended Michael at a press conference in 2000 where he said something along the lines of “we don’t really know what is going on with him and maybe we need to chill on that.” (I can’t find the original transcript so paraphrasing people.)
Personally speaking, I did see Michael Jackson attend one of Prince’s shows at 3121 Las Vegas in 2006 with Wil I Am of the Black Eyed Peas and Chris Tucker. Michael did not make the after show as planned where he was to be seated with Michael Jordan.
Recently, Prince has been performing Michael Jackson songs in his sets, “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” and recently “Dancing Machine” by the Jackson 5
It’s nice to know my favorite artist Prince had an interesting connection with Michael that many of us did not know, beating him in hoops I am sure. -Dr.FB
Posted at 07:47h, 25 AprilOne thing is that both Prince & MJ ‘borrowed’ a lot of sounds from Sly’N’Robbie Fire album .. when you listen to the Fire album your head will spin
One other thing is MJ followed up Thriller with Bad, one of the most contrived and mass marketed machines ever to grace the planet (hold your horses, I love that album) .. Prince AND the Revolution followed up Purple Rain with Around the World in A Day with no initial singles or videos. That album was just dropped into the world’s lap and we were all blindsided with its musicality, its colours, it’s diversity and begeezus, I still can’t come to terms with Temptation. I’m glad they didn’t record anything together. I’m glad Prince sent MJ a box of black feathers to freak him out. I’m glad Jimmy Jim and Terry Lewis created Janet I, II, III & IV. And finally, I’m glad Prince totally rocks MJ’s Dont Stop Till You Get Enough in his shows now. It’s a fitting tribute to MJ’s classic groove by the best Funk monster on the planet.
Posted at 07:22h, 25 AprilPrince vs. Michael Jackson = Prince wins
411 Music’s Versus 08.11.10: Michael Jackson vs. Prince | 411mania.com
Posted at 04:01h, 15 February[…] on “Bad”, and knocking Jackson’s nose job in the lyrics to “Musicology to the two playing basketball together at Paisley Park, swapping Sly Stone tapes, and Prince defending …. All in all, the rivalry seems to have been one of mostly friendly competition, but lasted all the […]
411 Music’s Versus 08.11.10: Michael Jackson vs. Prince | 411Mania
Posted at 18:12h, 14 February[…] on “Bad”, and knocking Jackson’s nose job in the lyrics to “Musicology to the two playing basketball together at Paisley Park, swapping Sly Stone tapes, and Prince defending …. All in all, the rivalry seems to have been one of mostly friendly competition, but lasted all the […]
Posted at 22:55h, 20 FebruaryIt’s one of the biggest musical what could have beens, like Elvis and the Beatles, Hendrix and Miles………..Prince and the King of Pop
That would’ve been magic. Too bad.
Posted at 03:12h, 18 January“And Michael has asked that I also introduce prince. rince, come up here!” – James Brown
» Captain EO vs. The Kid The Spellout
Posted at 21:51h, 27 October[…] talked a lot of smack about Jackson, but Jackson apparently let it roll off; the two reportedly "shot hoops together," impossible though it may seem, and they even shared a stage together with James […]
Posted at 01:00h, 29 Juneilove prince and mj they are my favorit singers eeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Posted at 18:56h, 25 JuneThey were friends. And they respected each other’s genius.
This is obvious to anyone who knows anything about music.
As for you @keepitreal — please put your pulpit away. Your implicit and grossly misplaced judgement is quite out of place here.
Michael Jackson was man of deep integrity and spiritual truth and it is only those who cannot see — who cannot see that.
Posted at 18:53h, 25 JuneI can not say that I was an MJ fan but I can say I respected most of his work. The person that really was the King, other than Elvis, is the hybrid of James Brown and Little Richard. I love Prince and knew that the MJ Prince rivalry was something contrived by the fans, just like the supposed rivalry between The Beatles and The Stones.
We should remember MJ but we should never forget those that have passed before us for without them, music would be dead.
Posted at 11:41h, 18 AprilPrince and Michael… They are the best musical geniuses of our time. I think they kept each other on the top of their games… Heard this promoter that was part of the THIS IS IT tour that.. Michael would always have to act quickly when God gave him an idea…otherwise, he said.. “He’ll give it to Prince.”
Posted at 14:18h, 07 April@Truth Is Weirder Than Fiction ^ That was a seriously good perspective on Prince and Michael Jackson. Couldn’t have said it better meself! I’m going to keep it as reference!
Truth Is Weirder Than Fiction
Posted at 01:09h, 07 April@spock nozzzle – Well, by that logic everyone had a hit after Thriller is a better artist than MJ and everyone who had a huge hit after Purple Rain is better than Prince. Obviously neither is true. Also, both MJ and Prince hit a height with a single album they never again reached. None of MJ’s other albums sold as much as Thriller and none of Prince’s other albums sold as much as Purple Rain. That doesn’t mean their albums after those albums were inferior, I think all their albums after their monster hits suffered from “sequel-itis” in the public mind. Nothing they ever could do or did would ever top those albums in the public mind for the same reason a sequel almost never equals the original film in critical review. People are blown away by the original because they weren’t expecting it. They aren’t as blown away by sequels because they’ve become accustomed to the sequel and hold up everything in perspective to how blown away they were by the original. Nothing ever quite compares. Unless the original was fairly sucky or had major flaws.
In MJ’s case his “Dangerous” album did sell more than his “Bad” album and was his second-highest selling album. His “HIStory” album didn’t sell as much as the Dangerous album because of executive meddling (Sony selling it as a 2-disc album that required you to buy an anthology of his previous albums on top of the new album) and the damage done to his reputation in the US by the way the media covered the 1993 trial and the tabloid banter afterward. However, his HIStory World Tour sold more than any of his previous tours and remained his biggest-selling tour until the This Is It Tour which likely would have surpassed the HIStory Tour.
In Prince’s case his albums were relatively “hit and miss” in terms of which ones were big sellers after Purple Rain. His “Lovesexy” album sold weak like “Parade” (which was after Purple Rain) despite a successful Lovesexy World Tour while his “Sign O’ The Times” album sold big, but never as big as “Purple Rain” and had a weak Sign O’ The Times World Tour. Partially due to audiences expecting him to stick to his old style and not being able to adapt to his changing styles. MJ actually suffered from similar problems with the Invincible album aside from lack of promotion due to his messy breakup with Sony. Like MJ Prince’s sales became bigger overseas than in the US which was getting more into grunge and post-grunge rock, hardcore gangsta rap and more New Jack Swing-y R&B (and later harder-edge sexualized Jodeci and R. Kelly-style R&B).
Personally even though their earlier albums are my favorites too because it’s what I heard first from them I think both Jackson and Prince’s successive albums were more inventive and experimental than their old stuff from the 70s and early 80s. They played with new and radically different sounds from their original albums and pioneered mixing several genres into single songs, something most artists never dare to do. Despite some of the plebian-minded and fickle American public not appreciating it.
spock nozzzle
Posted at 19:36h, 03 Marchi will always maintain that any artist who could dazzle the world a year after michael jackson’s thriller album epic has to be considered the better artist. To me , thriller was the climax of MJs career.He set a standard that would definitely have stifled other artists if DR. PRINCE hadn’t prescribed the alternative to MJs sound Purple Rain, which allowed a different style of pop music to evolve.So impressive was this eclipse, that Prince made our world experience a no.1 hit song,a no.1 album and a no.1 movie simultaneously in 1985, a year after the world had been mesmerized by thriller. Prince did purple rain album simply to show our world that he is able to compete with MJ if he chose to. When doves cry, that one song, was enough to dminish all the hype created the year b4 from thriller. Prince could have continued in the PR vein , but he didn’t. It was done to
salvage music by providing an alternative style of POP for artists to pursue instead of MJ’s style of thriller which in 1983 was shaping up to become the only style of music artists would have to pursue to become hugely successful. MJ’s successive albums became less impressive in terms of
musical impact , unlike Prince , who did an impressive sign o the times album in 1987, and successfully continued to let the world experience various styles of music. MJ was indeed a great dancer,entertainer whereas Prince is the definition of a pop artist the unpredictable genius in all facets of the music industry . At an MJ show u can expect to hear billie jean; at a Prince show u just don’t know what you will hear – it’s not certain u will hear WDC or Kiss or PR , but rest assured you can expect to enjoy the entire performance , getting your money’s worth, without forfeit by being carried out on a stretcher from fainting, as in an MJ show.
Posted at 16:16h, 22 Octobereu amo o michael jasckson eo prince jackson quero fazer??????
Posted at 16:15h, 22 Octoberbom não tem nada aver com o michael jackson..
Posted at 18:34h, 06 SeptemberPrince did incorporate The Way You Make Me Feel into his Livesexy show in a jam called the 80’s Medley. It was a nice tribute then as also Mike was doing his stellar Bad Tour.
Posted at 09:36h, 05 SeptemberAny1 can post post a link 2 watch vids of Prince singing Don’t stop ’till you get enough, and Dancing machine ?
Posted at 13:40h, 23 JulyActually,there were not friends,ha ha
Prince hated Michael at all.
Michael you’re the best ever! Rest in peace honey…..no one like you…not even Prince!
[QUESTION] Did Prince like Michael? - Page 2 - The Michael Joseph Jackson Board
Posted at 16:03h, 30 June[…] prince is NOT jealous of michael. they are both 2 amazing artists. and i dont think those lyrics were about michael, i think they respected each other. i also found this article: Prince and Michael Jackson were friendly rivals? Seriously? According to former band members of the Purple One, it’s true. A report in the Startribune, Bobby Z., Prince’s drummer for the Revolution, remembers watching the 1984 Grammys with Prince as Michael Jackson swept the Grammys. “We were watching rough cuts of [the movie] ‘Purple Rain,’ and we knew that’s where Prince wanted to be the next year,” Z said Thursday. Michael Jackson even showed up to 2 Purple Rain shows backstage. Although Michael Jackson did want to work with Prince a few years later, Prince declined due to lyrical differences. Michael Bland insisted they got along fine. “They’d shoot hoops at Paisley Park,” Prince’s studio/home in Chanhassen. “We used to get packages from MJJ Productions [with] footage of Sly Stone performing in Europe. Prince would pop it in the VCR, and we’d watch it.” Prince even defended Michael at a press conference in 2000 where he said something along the lines of “we don’t really know what is going on with him and maybe we need to chill on that.” (I can’t find the original transcript so paraphrasing people.) Personally speaking, I did see Michael Jackson attend one of Prince’s shows at 3121 Las Vegas in 2006 with Wil I Am of the Black Eyed Peas and Chris Tucker. Michael did not make the after show as planned where he was to be seated with Michael Jordan. Recently, Prince has been performing Michael Jackson songs in his sets, “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” and recently “Dancing Machine” by the Jackson 5 source: Prince & Michael Jackson Were Friends? | Drfunkenberry.com […]
Posted at 15:01h, 21 Juneomg i lov MJ he is my idol and im going to be in talent scouts for singing!~i LOVE prince michael 1st so much and paris is so pretty!!!
Di Id
Posted at 14:24h, 09 June“I’ve never said anything bad about Michael. Perhaps he knows more than what we do and we should let him do what he wants to do and just wait to see what happens. Besides, he’s a plant… And I was the one who planted him.”
(a “plant” is a spy who secretely participates in criminal activities in order to inform on the criminals.)
Posted at 07:17h, 29 AprilSo well said ^ 2DamnFunny, so well said.
Posted at 05:09h, 29 AprilIt’s nice to see that they were friends. And why wouldn’t they be?
When I was younger, I don’t remember it being a choice between the two. Everyone I new loved them both.
We bought (and still have) almost all of their albums. (Sorry but my allowance was to small to by every album that Prince released, had to settle for a 12″ singles)
All I know is Michael made you want to be romanced.
And Prince made you want to take your clothes off!!! (or is it just me? LMAO)
Both are icons, both are legends, both are trailblazers, and both are sexy as hell!!
I wanted to glitter socks, glitter gloves, a military jacket and that blue suit in ‘Raspberry Beret’
For me, they were two of the top black male artist (Prince still is) and it’s immature to keep pitting one against the other.
We lost a great artist last year and should appreciate the ones we have left instead of bickering like bunch of brats about who’s better.
I still miss MJ everyday, but I have his music keep his legacy alive.
We need to do the same Prince, Stevie, Luther, Rick, Teddy, Marvin, Lionel, etc.
Those that have passed and those that are still here.
Just embrace great musicianship.