27 Jun Prince & Michael Jackson Were Friends?

Prince & Michael Jackson. Photo: MSN.Com
Prince and Michael Jackson were friendly rivals? Seriously? According to former band members of the Purple One, it’s true.
A report in the Startribune, Bobby Z., Prince’s drummer for the Revolution, remembers watching the 1984 Grammys with Prince as Michael Jackson swept the Grammys.
“We were watching rough cuts of [the movie] ‘Purple Rain,’ and we knew that’s where Prince wanted to be the next year,” Z said Thursday.
Michael Jackson even showed up to 2 Purple Rain shows backstage. Although Michael Jackson did want to work with Prince a few years later, Prince declined due to lyrical differences.
Michael Bland insisted they got along fine. “They’d shoot hoops at Paisley Park,” Prince’s studio/home in Chanhassen. “We used to get packages from MJJ Productions [with] footage of Sly Stone performing in Europe. Prince would pop it in the VCR, and we’d watch it.”
Prince even defended Michael at a press conference in 2000 where he said something along the lines of “we don’t really know what is going on with him and maybe we need to chill on that.” (I can’t find the original transcript so paraphrasing people.)
Personally speaking, I did see Michael Jackson attend one of Prince’s shows at 3121 Las Vegas in 2006 with Wil I Am of the Black Eyed Peas and Chris Tucker. Michael did not make the after show as planned where he was to be seated with Michael Jordan.
Recently, Prince has been performing Michael Jackson songs in his sets, “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” and recently “Dancing Machine” by the Jackson 5
It’s nice to know my favorite artist Prince had an interesting connection with Michael that many of us did not know, beating him in hoops I am sure. -Dr.FB
Posted at 00:53h, 18 Augustdangg prince isss astonishing n mj is AMAZING 2 but i see sooo freakin much of him!! i jst now became a prince fan i wnted to listen 2 princ b4 he did 2! lol
shw him sum luv n r.i.p michael jackson
Posted at 10:47h, 17 AugustTO MADDLADD: If you read your BIBLE it clearly states Jesus is King of KINGS! So if there were no smaller KINGS what would have been the point of saying KING of KINGS? Think about it!
Posted at 23:57h, 10 AugustMJ’s biographer (Taraborrelli) tells the story of Prince coming over to the Jackson’s Encino estate for dinner one evening in the 80s. Prince spent most of his time hitting on La Toya.
BTW, Taraborrelli claims that they were competitive friends.
Michael’s choreographer Kenny Ortega was concerned about Michael’s insomnia because he knew he’d need a lot of stamina for the upcoming O2 concerts. Apparently Michael told Kenny that he’d wake up in the middle of the night with song ideas that were being given to him “from a higher power” and that he just had to write them down. Ortega wondered if Michael couldn’t make a deal with his “higher power” to give him these ideas at another time (instead of in the middle of the night). Michael responded, “no, I can’t ignore the ideas. Because then he [God/higher power] might give them to Prince.”
I grew up with the music of Michael and Prince, and I think they’re both incredibly talented. I feel lucky to have been a teenager when they both ruled the charts. Michael’s death, when he had so much more to give to the music world, is a tragedy. But the music itself will live forever.
Posted at 20:06h, 01 AugustI heard that it was Michael who introduced Prince to James Brown as well, so they probably were friends ( or as much as friendship with MJ was possible).
I also heard that they both sent each other songs meant for the other to record them, but both of them wouldn because of their pride.
There is a lot of stuff in MJ`s life that nobody knows about, I think that is what prince meant in the interview
Posted at 14:15h, 31 Julyhe is the one..he is KİNG THE POP…He is Michael Jackson!!!
Posted at 19:03h, 28 JulyMichael’s grandfather’s name is Prince and THAT’s why his sons have that name.
Posted at 18:47h, 28 JulyTo Keep It Real: judge not lest ye be judged. If you haven’t been on my house, you don’t know what’s going on in my house so to speak. Believe half of what you hear and none of what you read. And keeping it real, they both had nose jobs. No matter 1 or 50, the idea to change what God gave you isd born from the same place. Lauren Hill speaks on it: fake nails done by Koreans blonde hair like Europeans. However; I’m not judging either, we all have our issues. It just kills me when someone wants to criticize someone they don’t know with convoluted logic. I’m glad Google led me to this site. Interestiing convo, lol. Peace and love to all and remember to give loved ones their flowers while they are living. The next breath is guaranteed to no one.
Posted at 18:33h, 28 JulyI hope they were friends. They were two African American men the same age putting up with the same ish from the business. I’m a fan of both but my ties to MJ are deeper. That man was rocking a mic from the ages of 5-50 and broke down barriers and took a lot of ish in the process. He was around my whole life and he dared to call himself a king or may I say self-proclaimed King,lol. Who is on the board of the proclamation committee because I have coronated him! They (ther media) never say self proclaimed thug, nigger, drug dealer, etc. Any negative label to describe a black man they will accept. It was a great time in music when both Michael and Prince were on top 40 radio. Kids today won’t have those memories. Let me throw George Michael in there too because I’m a fan of his as well. So stop the nonsense and let’s give respect where it’s due, to both Kings: Michael and Prince
Michael Jackson vs Prince Rogers Nelson: Friends or Enemies | ColoredGirlSpeak!
Posted at 15:04h, 26 July[…] performing in Europe. Prince would pop it in the VCR, and we’d watch it.” The website Dr. Funkenberry reports that recently, Prince has been performing Michael Jackson songs in his sets, […]
Posted at 19:38h, 21 JulyI’ve seen both Prince and MJ in concert and Prince put on the better show without question. MJ had to know this too, if he saw Prince in concert. Game recognizes game. I’m just saying. MJ style of performance was for a young man, not an older one. I could never see MJ being happy as an old or middle aged man. Hell, he didn’t seem happy as a young man, with all that cutting he did to his face. I sure hope he got his house in order before he met his Maker.
I am glad Prince and MJ respected each other. MJ was a better song and dance man but Prince was a better all around songwriter, musician and put on a better concert. And anyone who would call Prince a “one hit wonder” must be like 10 years old and on their first computer. I’m sorry, but there’s no excuse for that ignorance.
But can we get reaL? Can we stop the madness please? I love music but let’s get a grip. These people are entertainers and entertainers only. Their knees will bow down just like the rest of ours. Some of you all need to be ashamed of yourself.
RC, you must not believe in God if you would so easily misuse his name like that:
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Deuteronomy 5:11 (King James Version)
Jesus Christ is the ONLY “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.” You need to recognize while you have some breath in you.
Posted at 00:19h, 20 JulyR.I.P MJ
MJ’s grandeur made it possible for Prince and other acts to break out in to the industry.
Mike sang about love, peace and positivity, touching the core of his fans souls. NEVER WILL THERE BE ANOTHER TALENT LIKE HIM.
Props to Prince: Brotha self taught in 25 different instruments.
A real musician, talented dancer and song writer.
Mike was the singer and dancer from birth.
In my 40 years I’ve never seen Prince and MJ on the same stage together. I don’t thing that would be a good show anyway.
The 2 styles are contradicting
Posted at 12:24h, 11 JulyPrince is amazing and I have seen him in concert but MICHAEL JACKSON is GOD!!!! No human has done and achieved what he has done plus he was a great person full of humanity and peace. I miss you MJ
Posted at 00:06h, 11 Julyoops wrong comment one of my friend s was very upset and stole this but seriously
i think they are both ta;ented intheir own ways
Posted at 00:02h, 11 Julyi think michael was a great person he helped many people and was an amazing artist i love his music and prince is ok cuz every one has their style and taste of music some maylike
michael and other prince
but michael was one of a kind
and welll some people dint notice that until knaw that he died bit he finaly got the peace he neded cuz in thiz world most ppl belive he those acusations when the kid lied
and may god forgive those ppl who lied and commited that mistake
and imo mj is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more better i n looks and talents and everything considering prince looks like a pile of crap … sorry…. but mj is sooooo talented he rocks my world
Rajesh B.
Posted at 19:26h, 08 Julyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 1CoxNzOOoQU
so just making sure everyone saw this clip it is probably the best trio since before the land of time…i wish that these three had done more together…
Missing MJ….lucky to still have Prince!
Posted at 17:33h, 08 JulyThe reason why the king had kids named Prince because Michael Jackson was the King. A king is not going to have a kid who is a king. If a king were to have a son they are going to be a prince not a king
Posted at 14:00h, 08 Julyi have always loved you as i listen to your music now. why were you not there
Posted at 12:15h, 08 JulySo called King gives birth 2 so called Prince
Niraa x3
Posted at 14:38h, 07 Julyprince is a one hit wonder . honestly , they were possibly FRENMIES . michael had no true friends in the business . HE WAS THE BESTTT . not prince .boo .
Posted at 10:22h, 06 JulyFrom Fascination: “So called King gives birth 2 so called Prince”.<<<that line makes me chuckle. I can't remember where I heard it (it may have been a Janet Jackson Behind the Music or similar documentary) but MJ had issues with JJ utilizing Flyte Time to write/produce her album because of their connection to Prince.
But it is great to hear they were on good terms. I have been wanting to hear some official reaction to MJ from Prince, but I know not to hold my breath.
Posted at 15:04h, 04 JulyC’mon Bzandaz….even Fred Astaire said that Jackson was the greatest dancer of all time! When it comes to dancing, Michael J. may well be the greatest.
Posted at 07:10h, 04 JulyI loves me some Prince as a matter a fact i was having a discussion on whos a better dancer mj or prince alot of ppl would say MJ but i stick with Prince cuz if u look at some of those clips when homeboi was dancing in those HEELS doing spits and breakdancin and kicking that mic perfectly i was like dannnnng on Prince NOW MJ can dance too now im not going to front but PRINCE DANCES IN HEELS MAN Beyonce can hardly dance in Heels.. But IM SOOOOOO HAPPY TO KNOW THAT MY TOO LIGHT SKINNED BRUTHAS LOL GOT ALONG I wonder if Prince will be at the funeral…sigh RIP MICHAEL I HOPE U got it together before u left…
Posted at 05:06h, 02 JulyIf anything kept them apart professionally it was probably the ‘King of Pop’ moniker; Prince would not want to be seen as MJ-lite but that is how he would seem if he opened a show for Michael Jackson. If I was in the music business and had a time machine I would go back to the 80s and talk them both into touring with Queen as The Royals of Rock, Pop and Funk.
Posted at 16:39h, 01 JulyI recently heard a Lenny Kravitz interview where he described his first time meeting Michael Jackson. He said that Prince took him to MJ’s hotel suite in NYC and the three of them hang out and had dinner.
MJ, Prince, and Lenny Kravitz at the same dinner table? Cool!
Christopher Tracy
Posted at 11:36h, 30 JuneQuote from prince “my voice is getting higher and i aint never had my nose done” look out! all the purple hippies bang your head on the 1!