18 Jun The Emmys To Take On The Dallas Cowboys & Lose!
The Emmy’s, after announcing they were moving the award show to September 13th to not compete with football, have now moved it back to September 20th.
The reason? The MTV Video Music Awards, which sucked butterballs last year. Both networks are owned by Viacom and you just can’t have both compete.
Now, by moving the award show back to September 20th, it will be put against NBC;s Sunday Night Football which will have Tony Romo & The Dallas Cowboys versus Eli Manning & The New York Giants, basically, a ratings bonanza and an Emmy killer.
The Cowboys each time they had a game on Sunday Night Football last year, would win the ratings for the week and were also NBC’s highest rated games of the year. Add in it is the Cowboys home opener at their new stadium and the ESPN coverage that will follow, CBS is majorly F’d!
The last time the Giants played the Cowboys in a home opener, the ratings were in the 30 million range. (I was there.) We are talking American Idol numbers. Not to mention the Emmy’s are still on tape delay in the West Coast so while watching the game, you can find out the winners online.
Side note: The Cowboys have NEVER lost a game I attended. Unfortunately, unless Tony hooks me up..cough cough..scuse me, I will not be at that game.
Face it; until the Emmy’s move to a nation-wide live telecast, something else will catch the viewers eyes, no matter who the host is.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 00:45h, 07 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 13:38h, 18 June‘..which sucked butterballs last year. ..”
It sucked what!? Lol.. Euhum..Sorry continue..
Blog Article and Video about The Emmys To Take On The Dallas Cowboys & Lose! | Dr … - Tony Romo
Posted at 13:15h, 18 June[…] versus Eli Manning & The New York Giants, basically, a ratings bonanza and an Emmy … http://www.drfunkenberry.com/2009/06/18/the-emmys-to-take-on-the-dallas-cowboys-lose/ Daily […]
Dr. Acaiberry
Posted at 12:46h, 18 JunePrepare 2 lose the home opener….
-the DR.
The Emmys To Take On The Dallas Cowboys & Lose!
Posted at 12:38h, 18 June[…] the rest of this great post here Share and […]