11 Jun Rihanna Likes Some Black Eyed Peas

Rihanna & Fergie Hanging Out. Photo: Flynetonline.com
Rihanna was in New York last night for the official Black Eyed Peas album release party. They still have those? Rihanna was hanging with Fergie and Will. I. Am. for most of the event.
We hear Rihanna is planning on attending the Laker game in Orlando tonight as it has been rumored of late that she is seeing Lakers star player Andrew Bynum. She was seen cheering on Bynum and the Lakers in L.A. at Sundays game. Hmm. Guess he hasn’t been frequenting the strip clubs as much then.
We wonder if Rihanna and Chris Brown will run into each other at the game as Chris was cheering for the Lakers at the Orlando game on Tuesday. Rihanna has to testify against Chris Brown on June 22nd in Los Angeles.
Hopefully she is staying in New York for a minute or back to L.A. or elsewhere. Anywhere but Orlando tonight.-Dr.FB
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Celebrity News
Posted at 17:11h, 11 Juneceleb
[…] Rihanna was in New York last night for the official Black Eyed Peas album release party. They still have those? Rihanna was hanging with Fergie and Will. […]…
Rihanna Likes Some Black Eyed Peas | Celebrity News & Story
Posted at 15:12h, 11 June[…] the whole article on : Rihanna Likes Some Black Eyed Peas Related topics : entertainment, Orlando Magic, testify, world celeb var […]