24 Mar Review: Bria Valente’s Elixer

Bria Valente Promo Shot File Photo. Photo: Prince
Another new Prince project brings another Prince protege. This time, you are getting Bria Valente’s Elixer whether you want it or not. So let’s dive right in shall we?
1. Here Eye Come
The first word you hear is “Anticipation” and you do wonder if she is talking about her own debut or the lover she wants to take a shower over. The breathy vixen is here, oh, and here she comes.
It is an OK track that I wouldn’t ask to change if it came over the radio n seems like it would fit in on a rainy day mix cd.
2. All This Love
Where have I heard this before? I heard it somewhere I just don’t know where.
Space travel/We’re not movin’ at all/Eye look into ur eyes and start to fall/ clothes unravel/Bolivian paper doll/if you don’t bounce/we could have a ball
Just what am I gonna do with all this love? In all honesty, I just don’t know because it’s not working to her best advantages. It’s a lil pop groove that would be better served to an A/C station.
3. Home
This is a track that premiered as a snippet last April right here on this web site. It is not at all what I expected and more up tempo than I thought it would be.
Eye came down to find you here/celibate and all alone/travelling In a caravan of Isis tears/Eye’ve come to claim u 4 my own/Of Course ur’e scared the 1st time eye appear/cuz many seek your throne/but there is no need to worry/no need to fear/u should just feel at home
This is a song that will need a car with a good pair of speakers to enjoy. Otherwise, you might just hit the forward button to the next track.
4. Something You Already Know
The breathy voice returns. She woke up this morning with the sweet aftertaste of loving you. Well, hey now!
yes we’ll be sho nuff kickin it later on 2nite/in ur’e favorite dress alright/and we’ll be/doin what we do/back and forth on a rocking horse/a fantasy is better in real life of course/the name of the stallion is me/2 the east n west coast
Um, in all honesty, I did not know that.
I love it when you kiss me/yea you know right there/and when I tell you to lower your pitch/u get so deep it’s hard to bear/eye love it when you pull my hair
She asks her lover later to taste the rainbow and something tells me she is not talking about skittles.
5. Everytime
This one features string arrangements by Claire Fisher and is the lead-off single with a video directed by Chris Robinson. It’s nice but does it catch your attention? Love the strings and she looks pretty in the video but does it have my ear? It’s missing something that Elixer has later on.
This one might be a grower on me but not sure yet. It may be the video, but I could imagine this coming over a beach resort stereo while catching some rays.
6. 2nite
2nite is a dance song with an upbeat tempo that mentions many formats within the song but stands out and stays in the dance format. Don’t try to call her shortie or be a brokeback buster if trying to pick her up because she is just not looking for that tonight. From the male perspective, not so sure I am digging this song too much.
7. Another Boy
Released to I-Tunes and serviced to L.A. radio only last year, the breathy voice returns proclaiming Minneapolis style. I like the song, it’s cool. Just laid back and not trying to be anything it is not. She is just professing to her lover there will never be another boy for her now that she has found him.
8. Kept Woman
This was a leftover from his last protege Tamar Davis’s unreleased CD. It wasn’t a stand out when Tamar saying it and not when Bria does it either. It’s a good song but nothing spectacular. It suits either fine and that is a compliment within itself.
9. Immersion
The voice is backed by a piano-keyboard taking you to a place where time has no meaning. Comparing inhibitions to bee stings. It’s not bad but it is not infectious either.
10. Elixer
The title cut features Claire Fisher string arrangement. The breathy voice returns and it duets with Prince. Easily my favorite track.
The naughty lil Prince returns with his playfulness and it rubs all over Bria musically and in other ways. This is what we expect from a Prince track; to not sound like something else and Elixer delivers.
Again, easily my favorite track and Prince’s vocals on duets always bring out the best of his female singers and this is no exception.
The title cut ends the album on a very high note and you wish the passion that Bria has in this track carried over to all her material but it hasn’t. Perhaps if the breathy voice and the oooh wee babies are used more in the future, we may not write her off so quickly. Plain and simple, make a video for Elixer and have it be as sexy as the song is, and we may just have something here.
Bria Valente - Ardub
Posted at 13:06h, 06 July[…] […]
Posted at 20:25h, 25 Decemberwell i like some of the songs. mainly “home”.
paul godfrey
Posted at 02:46h, 02 JulyGod blessyou bria and The greatest of them all prince, iam a private b. guard and i met him yrs ago at centro fly on 21st and 6th ave and i watched over him then i want to wk for him like i worked for alicia keyes. I can be reached at my e-mail site , thank you so much for the great entertainment bria & prince god bless you guys, paul godfrey. 646 528-5799
LOtUSFLOW3R… because l33tspeek is coming back any second now. « I’ll come up with something in a minute.
Posted at 05:36h, 01 July[…] listen to the Bria Valente album Elixer at some point, but the scanning I’ve done sounds like pretty standard R&B Adult […]
Posted at 15:42h, 02 AprilElixer is “too tight”. Bria has a beautiful, sensual, sultry voice. I cannot understand folks “hating” on Bria. Her interview on Fox was very impressive, she is quite articulate and most importantly so very humble. I really like Bria and I’m hoping she will do well if she hangs with Prince. Congratulations!!! Bria. I hope Lotusflow3r burst through the charts at no. 1….
Posted at 18:01h, 31 MarchWhat are you people smoking? If you think Bria is UGLY, someone has poisoned your eyes. Granted she has some strong features, but doesn’t most women, especially the one’s who take after thir father. As for the CD. If you have a closed mind already, you want be able to hear anything. Some music needs to be listened to not heard. LOVE THE CD !!!!
Posted at 22:30h, 30 MarchLove the CD. I am not getting what people are talking about. The production is tight and her breathy, sensual vocals are hot. “Something U Already Know” is hot but i have to agree “Elixir”with Prince is thorough and the best track but this whole CD is HOT!! Really every track on this thing is hot, but i gotta say anything with Clare Fisher’s strings on it are incredible.
Posted at 12:26h, 26 MarchPerhaps the track “All this Love” reminds you of the hook in “On our own” by Bobby Brown??
Posted at 09:44h, 26 MarchHi dr,
what’s happennning with Bria? What’s wrong? Why so many negative feedbacks? Listen to Elixer, soft and groovy, perfcetly balanced whith why not, some dolce-vita perfume. Is it because all bitter/grumpy/never satisfyed people from prince.org doesn’t have room enought anymore on their poor discussion board that they have to bitch around elsewhere? I am pretty satisfied about Bria voice, music and beauty. It seems all trax pleases me, good soul. Specialy 2nite, which is a great lowtempo beat that all party people must apreciate it.
Ride on and looking forward Bria live performance.
Posted at 21:18h, 25 MarchGod, I miss the days of Jill Jones and Boni Boyer. The only way this record is going to sell is because it’s packaged with Lotusflow3r and Mplsound. Sad but true…
Posted at 18:35h, 25 Marchyou guys are mean bria is very beatiful and talented also intelligent, i heard she could her own in a coversation with prince and come you guys she seems fun too
Posted at 18:31h, 25 Marchyou guys are right she is ugly looking just like a man that ugly bitch but she should go out with prince after all their both ugly as hell
Posted at 01:10h, 25 MarchThe song “Elixer” seriously sounds like one of the best Prince duets ever. Which surprised me. His vocals are killer!
Posted at 21:13h, 24 MarchBria = a pretty Transversite Horse with a good voice
Posted at 19:13h, 24 Marchlook 4werd to hearing this cd
it sounds hot and shes pretty sexy
Posted at 17:31h, 24 MarchCan’t wait to hear this 2. Naughty, naughty Prince. I liiiiike it!
Posted at 17:17h, 24 MarchWell, she does look like a man, but regardless, who cares about music from her? We’ve gone through this for how many years — Prince’s current girlfriend gets an album, fails, and that’s it. I can’t believe this album is seeing release instead of Grandmas… you’d think Prince would work on an album with someone with some talent, but then again, Rosie Gaines did say Prince will work on an album with the girl he’s banging, instead of the one with talent. Still holds true today.
Flor De Loto
Posted at 14:54h, 24 March“whether we want it or not” LOL!!!
Posted at 14:39h, 24 Marchshe stank badly i hate her music and my friends think shes ugly 2 what man out of his right mind would date her that bastard
Posted at 14:37h, 24 Marchi will love her album she can sing my favorite song is another boy and she is super duper ugly
Posted at 14:22h, 24 MarchSounds like a ‘late-nite’ album.
I thought ‘Kept Woman’ was a highlight from Tamar’s aborted disc.
Posted at 13:48h, 24 MarchIm gonna love this CD i can already tell. I agree she will be the best protoge he has released yet and obviously the most stunning. I liked the tone of her voice the second i heard it, its very sensual and flows smoothly with Prince’s tailored productions.
Posted at 13:37h, 24 MarchI think by Prince standards she will be one of the better proteges.
In the real world she would be considered an old hag with an okay voice and this is the begininng and end of her career. Truth hurts.
Posted at 13:32h, 24 Marchi have Tamar’s album and didn’t think it was too bad, i’m just anxiously awaiting the countdown so i can get these jams in the ipod, so i can wild out like nick cannon
Nurse Goodbody
Posted at 13:27h, 24 March“She asks her lover later to taste the rainbow and something tells me she is not talking about skittles.”, classic Dr. FB
I think I’m going to enjoy this CD, I really don’t care how review rating are so far….