25 Nov File Under So What? Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt Get Married

Spencer & Heidi Eloped In Mexico. File Photo
Wow. It is really going to be a weird week of news until that Britney Spears special on MTV this Sunday.
The Hills so-called “reality” stars, Heidi Montag (who is kind of fine in her own wanna-be waspy way) and Spencer Bratt Pratt got married over the weekend in Mexico. Unplanned, they say.
Her mother is in a fit, but US Weekly knew and is giving them the cover this week along with photos. Seriously? Seriously? So much of the Hills is so planned. Why do I have a feeling this is too?
Two douches married happily ever after…or until the Hills ends. Gay people can’t get married in California, but these two can in Mexico? Seriously?-Dr.FB
Posted at 11:14h, 25 NovemberOmg seriosly?!
Its not like it matters anyways their “marriage” aint gonna last!
Those two idiots piss me off