PRINCE 3RDEYEGIRL Shepherd's Bush Empire One of the surprise highlights for many at the PRINCE 3RDEYEGIRL show in London on Sunday at Shepherd's Bush Empire was the performance of "Chaos & Disorder". LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the footage and the sound! PRINCE, DONNA GRANTIS, HANNAH WELTON, and IDA BASS  are simply awesome!!!! 3RDEYEGIRL! We thought U knew that's how they do! For a special review of the Purple Empire show, click here!

PRINCE Photo: MTV News PRINCE & 3RDEYEGIRL just played a show at the Shepherd's Bush Empire in London and from what we have been told, it is one of the best concert's people have ever seen! Did we expect anything less? Mako Bones, who was at the Electric Ballroom's shows had this to say about tonight's show! Ok tonight was off the hook! 2 1/2 hours! I queued for 6 hours to see the bomb! Even George Clinton was in the building in a suit so blinging white it was radiating from the balcony! Gig started at 8 with 3RDEYEGIRL coming center stage and introducing themselves and gave a speech on wanting to connect with you without seeing your phones. Right on sisters! Then the funk n roll broke loose! For the full review and set list, click here!!!!