15 Apr A Mystery: Zooey Deschanel Talks About Working With PRINCE!
Zooey Deschanel talked to the AP recently about her fashion line, “New Girl” plus working and recording with the pop icon PRINCE!
The AP talked about Prince guest starring on the show and having a single out together. They asked if her and Prince are best buds.
ZD: He’s very mysterious. I couldn’t venture to call him my bud. He’s too, like, aaaaah (she looks skyward in reverence). He is incredibly nice and so generous and just so talented — a really wonderful person and I feel lucky to know him. It’s cool because I make records with (my indie-folk duo) She & Him. We’ve made four records, but we’ve never been a pop band. The Prince thing was almost by accident, because (producers) said we’d like it if Jess goes up and sings with Prince, so I did a vocal for the sound department. They sent it to Prince, and the next day they’d mixed that vocal in… and then they released it! It’s so exciting.
The mystery so far will be if “FALLININLOVE2NITE” will have a video for it. May 16th is the 30th anniversary of “When Doves Cry” being released as a single. If no video by then, there will be no video…at all.-DocFB
Diagnosis: Zooey, what is Plectrum Electrum?
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Posted at 12:01h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Myles Matisse
Posted at 21:22h, 04 MayThe song FALLINLOVE2NITE is too short, the chorus too repetitive throughout, not enough lyrical verse genius and too dance/house sounding for Prince’s black audience and just too out there for regular folk. Also, with Prince’s voice being even higher than his “Camille” one, it sounds like he’s on helium which doesn’t come off well. It would’ve sounded way better if Prince had used his real voice without altering the speed of it. Also, Prince should’ve released the song to iTunes and other media immediately after the appearance on “New Girl” and the Superbowl to maximize exposure and sales. Also, had their been an expensively made music video with Zooey as well played by many cable and satellite outlets, it would’ve done wonders. As it stands, it fell flat, flat flat. Unfortunate.
Posted at 15:25h, 15 AprilLOVE ZOOEY & Her Fortunate Encounter W/ “P” Man Will Last A Lifetime I’m Sure But, I’m Glad That She’s Also Doing More & Getting Much Deserved Recognition :-D.
) I’m Just Over The Moon…(ESPECIALLY That Moon Last Nite!) In ORBIT Even, That It’s Even Coming Out…& In VINYL! I Can’t Say That Enuff (Panting!)…Prince Is The MAN!
A Vid Would Be Cool But, As Much As I’m Going In2 Pre-Withdrawal Over The THOUGHT Of Not Having That Album Out Yet (I’ll Continue W/ The Prescribed Sensory Opiates, Thank U
Same Goes With This Song, Even If A Vid Of The Song Never Comes Out, I’m Content Enuff That It Was Even Released As A Single & Even Tho’ There Was A Big Wait 4 The Album, I’m Trusting It’s B/c, Knowing He’s Such A Perfectionist & Wants What’s BEST 4 His Fans, He’s Just Sprinkling On Sum More Magik Dust 2 Add 2 The Finishes. U CAN’T RUSH PERFECTION & Good Things Come 2 Those Who Wait & I Personally Can Wait As Long As It Takes & Am Extremely GRATEFUL 4 His Sharing Of His Gifts & Whatever/However/WHENEVER He Chooses 2 Share It ;). I Respect & Trust This Man~<3
J Wayne
Posted at 14:39h, 15 AprilHe should never do a video for this absolute drivel. It needs to be forgotten about ASAP. Up there with the worst he’s ever done…..certainly his most commercial and dumbed-down.