10 Mar Marathon Man! PRINCE Performs 4 Hour Amazing Show At Palladium
The L.A. Marathon was held on Sunday morning but PRINCE decided to have his own marathon Saturday night with his 3RDEYEGIRL and NEW POWER GENERATION bands.
I could easily just post the set list (Over 60 songs in total) and that could be the review of the material he went through Saturday night but that would be cheating.
On Friday night, Prince and his band performed for under an hour, pulling out one of the longest versions of “Days & Of Wild” I have ever heard and the first time I heard “Extraloveable” live as well. It really was just a small taste of what was to come Saturday night.
The show kicked off with the as yet unreleased “Big City” followed up by NPG Diva Elisa performing “Superconductor” and as the NPG Horns went into “1999”, Hollywood knew what kind of party it was going to be. Prince then picked up Donna Grantis’s guitar for a little bit of chicken scratch and gave it back to her. He would not pick up a guitar again til the last 2 songs of the show.
Prince was in a great mood for the crowd as they went through “Extraloveable”, “Let’s Work”, “Love Machine”, “U Got The Look”, “Nothing Compares 2 U” duet with Shelby J. “Take Me With U” was played as the crowd wanted to go anywhere Prince was willing to take them, achy feet be darned.
As Prince reached into his catalog and songs he wrote for other people, it was like he was turning chapters of how great music was, and how great music is when you have talented musicians around you to perform. From “Purple Rain” being played with a sax solo from Marcus Anderson instead of the usual guitar solo, Prince was not following the script of what “you have to do” when performing a signature song.
He did many songs that I did not hear live before until that night. We don’t need to go into how many shows I have been to but if I have been to another artists show that many times, there is no way I would have heard them do one song I haven’t heard before.
Later in the night legendary rapper Doug E. Fresh joined Prince on stage as he would rap over beats like “Hot Thing” and was simply amazing during “If Was Your Girlfriend” and “Forever In My Life” with Prince on keys and then picking up his bass as Doug E. beat boxed. Yea, that script I was talking about, Prince threw it away a long time ago.
Every Prince hit and song you can imagine, he performed. He closed out the show playing guitar with a high energy performance of “Let’s Go Crazy” and “FUNKNROLL” the song he opened up the Arsenio Hall show with last week.
The “FUNKNROLL” remix was played in all its bass glory after the show ended.
When you get wind of Prince playing your town, if you get a months notice or a few hours, find a way there. Someone found out about the show after 8, got dressed, headed down there with a $100 cash ans was in there with no problem. That coulda been you, but you were playing.-DocFB
Diagnosis: For the legendary set list, click here!
Big City
Let’s Work
Love Machine
Nothing Compares 2 U
Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret
Cool/Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough interpolation
The Sweeter She Is
Purple Rain
Mutiny/Ice Cream Castles
Old Friends 4 Sale
People Pleaser
Ain’t Gonna Miss U When U’re Gone
Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)
We’re A Winner
I Never Loved A Man (The Way I Love You)
I Don’t Want Nobody To Give Me Nothing (Open Up The Door, I’ll Get It Myself) (instrumental)
The Jam
The Bird
Jungle Love
The Glamorous Life
Lost & Found W Lianne La Havas
Hot Thing w/ Doug E Fresh
If I Was Your Girlfriend w/ Doug E Fresh
Forever In My Life w/ Doug E Fresh
When Doves Cry
Nasty Girl (instrumental) sample
777-9311 (instrumental) sample
Sign O’ The Times
I Would Die 4 U
Pop Life 1
Alphabet St.
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World sample
A Love Bizarre
Days Of Wild
Ain’t Nobody
Don’t Stop The Music
Family Affair
How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore
The Beautiful Ones
Diamonds And Pearls
Sometimes It Snows In April
Act Of God
What Have You Done For Me Lately
Which Way Is Up?
Dancing Machine
Let’s Go Crazy
Posted at 01:37h, 13 January2wayfarer
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Posted at 07:31h, 04 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More: drfunkenberry.com/2014/03/10/marathon-man-prince-performs-4-hour-amazing-show-at-palladium/ […]
Posted at 21:54h, 12 March[…] These shows come on the heels of a nearly 4 hour show of epic proportions in Hollywood last Saturday night.-DocFB […]
Posted at 09:09h, 12 MarchThis was my third official time seeing Prince in
concert.The first being all 3 shows at
the House of Blues (our friend was the manager) in 2011 maybe?, last year in
Anaheim with 3rdEyeGirl and then of course this past Saturday at the
Palladium.And while my first 2
experiences were incredible in their own right, this concert at the Palladium
was in a class of its OWN.It honestly felt
like Prince was punishing us with his genius.While I know this will eventually spin off like a bright sparkling star
into the cosmos of legendary live Prince shows, there was this expression on
everyone’s face like they were witnessing something historical. And I’m pretty
sure we were.
There was the usual chatter pre-concert. Everyone was nervous that the crowd was too
small. Prince wouldn’t be happy. Then there was the ‘I hope he plays the hits’
from the new fans and the ‘I hope he digs deep’ from the veterans. Then Doug E. Fresh started spinning old
school rap from the back of the room.
Well played Prince. I was tiring
of their conversation and wanted to dance anyway.
Also, I thought I was lookin’ good Saturday night, but then
Prince comes on stage and shames you with his beauty. The man is like some kind
of mythical creature. He never tires,
never sweats, never ages. I’ve finally
decided that it’s best to stop trying to figure it out and just enjoy it.
We were lucky enough to be front row to the right of his
microphone. To watch that 4+ hour
spectacle from that close…there really are NO WORDS. I would have walked away with my mind blown
after the main set and first encore. But
then he kept coming and coming. By the 6th
encore I really DID get freaky and let my hair down. At one point he said, “Don’t you feel bad for
the people who aren’t here?” We all
scream YES! And he matter-of-factly
replies, “I don’t” and then launches into the Beautiful Ones on piano.
If you were too far and physically couldn’t get there, then
I am sad for you and I hope he does something anywhere near this epic in a town
close to you. The good thing is, if you
are reading this then you are already in the right place. Dr. F keeps it real and seems to get the info
to the people. But if you live anywhere
near LA and you were not there? You
REALLY missed out. Because if you’ve
always wanted to see Prince get downright funky with moves that should
embarrass the 20- year-old professionals he had on stage, you missed it. If you’ve always wanted to see Prince sing his
heartfelt ballads while on piano, sorry you missed it. If you have always wanted to see Prince rip
it up on bass, je suis désolé…but you missed it. If you have always wanted to see him shred on
guitar, guess what? He did that
too. And you missed it.
And I’m not taking anything away from 3rd Eye
Girl and the NPG. They are crazy
talented and left it all on the stage Saturday night. I was so, so, so impressed by all of them.
The highlights for me?
Days of Wild, Partyman, The Sweeter She Is, and Dark. Although every one of the 60 songs they
played were stunning displays of musicianship.
And for those who complained about not being able to take
pics with their cell phones, I really DO feel bad for you. Not because you couldn’t take pictures, but
because you were even thinking about
that. I would have gladly crushed my
phone with my too-tall platforms and lay the remains of wires and glass at his
golden-heeled feet for one more encore. Live your lives!
Posted at 08:14h, 11 MarchMyles Matisse there are a few bands that record the live audio/mp3 like and then sell the live concert back to the audience then just saw the show- say for 25 bucks then combine the video data file with it for another 25 bucks and the artist makes money money
that is the future of mercy sales- as u make one copy now and put up at say, vimeo with a passcode
sadly few artist do this now-
sadly prince hates cellphones and did most of the concert was in the dark…. so most of us there could not take photos( which he do not mind ) or video( which his security kicked people out for)
i went to both friday and saturday show with a friend who saw prince for the first show_ lucky show – and yet when he goes home he cannot hear most of the 60 songs played on spotify or iTunes as only his 80s stuff and a scant singles from later are on there- MISSING ARE 20 ) CDS of music. and very few dvd s for sale.
but that is what he wants i guess
and yes he asked the audience who wrote the songs after he sang the bird and jungle love by the time
who i also just saw here in la in November. he has never done both those songs in a concert that i know
Myles Matisse
Posted at 01:04h, 11 MarchLooks like it was an amazing show. You know what would be even more amazing and much needed to spread the Prince music/show word throughout the world? That would be if Prince would get a production team together to FILM his next 4 hour show. The Palladium would’ve been a perfect place to do it. Unfortunately, I’m sure it didn’t happen. But, hopefully someone can get the word to Prince that his legendary shows like the one above should be FILMED professionally with multi-cameras and released on DVD/Blu-Ray!!! I’m saddened that he doesn’t have more live films on DVD out there in the marketplace of the world and in all the wrecka stows. I’m sure he’s got his reasons though. Still disappointing.
The set list looks amazing. A bit too many covers for my taste, but then again, Prince has his reasons to do more covers. Personally, in a perfect world, the only covers I’d love him to play would be songs he’s written for other artists. The Time
song, COOL comes to mind that he performed.
Thanks Doc for keeping Prince and his and related news alive. If it weren’t for you, there’d be no one left that gives as much time, energy and soul to Prince, his music and the continuing legacy of an absolute musical genius and the VERY BEST MUSICIAN AND ARTIST ON THE ENTIRE PLANET…EVER…PERIOD.
Posted at 16:15h, 10 MarchSERIOUSLY, If I Got Word That PRINCE Was Playing NOT FAR FROM ME & I Had The FUNDS & The MEANS, Unless I’d Gotten Confirmation Telling Me That The Were NO MORE TIX AVAILABLE WHATSOEVER & “U STILL Can’t Get In, No Matter How CUTE Ur Butt-Cheeks R!”, Only GOD Could’ve Stopped Me! I Couldn’t Be In That Situation That A LOT Of People Have Found Themselves In B/c They “Missed The Boat”, I’d Rather Be In The Category Of “Dazed & Confused”, Not Knowing What Just HIT ME & RAN! Props 2 Those Who Got 2 Witness This INSANE Show! NEVER CEASES 2 AMAZE. There Wouldn’t Be Enuff Words In A 4hr Definition That Can Describe This Incredible Man & What He Does~<3
Posted at 15:49h, 10 Marchpurplerock20ten – I had to laugh at your comment. I phoned my wife after the 1st Manchester gig and said I was going back the following night – “too much” she said – “is one night not enough?” – it took 14 years of marriage to bite my tongue and simply say “one night is never enough”
#princearmy & respect
Posted at 14:32h, 10 MarchDid Lianne do the song or did they duet together?? ahh that would have been dreamy! Nice mix of covers and his tunes. Sounds like another awesome night.
Should have moved to LA last November instead of tHiS OnE! I have had enough of the cold….people. Can u SaY paSSivE-aggResive lol I’m sure we won’t see any of that in LA eh Doc? JK whateves, come what may in the words of Ms. La Havas I’m gone gone gone
Posted at 14:00h, 10 MarchTotally, totally agree 20ten there is no one like him PERIOD. …….
Posted at 13:31h, 10 Marchmrgooodnight so true! I think we all know the weird glances of friends when we tell them “I went to three Prince concerts last week”, and the inevitable reply is “you are crazy., One show has to be enough, surely they are all the same”. And then you tell them this is not the case and you can see in their faces they don’t believe you … they just cannot grasp the genius of Prince!!
Posted at 13:27h, 10 MarchEver since I first read about this show yesterday my mind has been totally blown … speechless. NO ONE COMES CLOSE TO PRINCE LIVE!!!! NO ONE!!!!
Posted at 12:15h, 10 Marchprincelover and who was lucky was my friend who it was his FIRST PRINCE SHOW
fyi it was 3 hours and 15 minutes but one hour is added to the daylight savings time that night http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving_time.
Posted at 12:07h, 10 Marchprincelover thanks and i was lucky- as i paid for fridays show and he played one hour friday-
– i first heard about these show 28 years ago when prince played my homeotwn of boston at a small club… his only USA tour date for the parade tour- then missed these club dates over the years after reading about them in newspapers- yes i am old- til i saw him at glam slam LA in 95 once but only a short hour gig- so yes lucky after 28 years of trying to find these gigs-
Posted at 11:56h, 10 MarchMan who ever got to attend this marathon you are so lucky I wish I was there
Posted at 10:09h, 10 Marchi was there amazing and prince also did the times cool which he wrote and ask by the end WHO WROTE THIS SONG
Posted at 09:42h, 10 MarchJust can’t stop smiling at the thought of that set list. Manchester 2nd night was my personal highlight of 25 years of Prince concert going. Much love and respect for conveying what many don’t understand – that you won’t ever get the same thing twice with Prince and THAT is one of the many things that makes him stand (metaphorical) head and shoulders above every other artist.