11 Oct Video Premiere! “Breakfast Can Wait” By PRINCE! Dig In & Watch Now!
PRINCE has released the video for “Breakfast Can Wait” by Danielle Curiel! Check it out!
Everyone should be able to see the video now!
The song is available for purchase and 3rdEyeTunes.com
Diagnosis: Are your eyes finally open or still wide shut?
Posted at 08:28h, 12 OctoberThis video has wack juice all over it. The dancing was cool but what killed it was Prince NOT being in his own video. Prince is wrong and ratchet for that. This is just like Prince to have a great song or album and do as little as possible or nothing for it but then when he does something bad or mediocre, he promotes the hell out of it. Pure ratchetness at it’s finest and this video is sadly another case in point with Prince screwing up a good thing. Unfrigginbelievable SMH. Prince needs to be out there to the masses again and this song was doing it with the single cover but then this mess of a video comes. Damn!
Posted at 08:24h, 12 OctoberFun to watch! As a long-time fan, I’m glad he took a break from being in this video. Danielle Curiel does a great Dave Chappelle-cum-Prince reprise, hence the original snippet of the song with Dave himself.
Hope they show up in future vids!
And the lead characters are “easy on the eyes”, to say the least
Posted at 05:34h, 12 Octoberlove old school prince like r kelly sex in the kitchen the dancing replaces sex love the flour fingeprints at the end i cant’ understand most people did get this and i think the look alike is andy allo nice love it
Posted at 05:14h, 12 Octoberprince look alike is that andy allo? love it skip breakfast because u look so hot like R kelly sex in the kitchen dancing a metaphor for sex like old school prince from the 70 and 80 breakfast can wait love it
Posted at 04:32h, 12 OctoberGreat song!! Why release this now. And make a video with no prince???
This had been a very creative year for purple fans but this is so off key. 1990 video and the song has been out for a while.
Waste of time and money.
Posted at 02:13h, 12 OctoberLove the dancing and the concept – Danielle did a really good job with that – but using a girl dressed as Prince instead of Prince himself is so disappointing that instead of watching it over and over again like I did with the “Fixurlifeup” video, I will probably never watch it after the first couple of times because it’s too annoying! I think they should just edit the “stand-in” part out and put Prince in it instead! Seriously!
Raymond J
Posted at 01:53h, 12 OctoberIt was.. ok.. Not a big fan of the dragking Prince.. I would have enjoyed seeing Troy Gua’s work in the video instead
Posted at 21:39h, 11 OctoberUhhmmmm… someone needs to tell Prince that it’s the Camille setting not the DONALD DUCK SETTING. Boy does that sound STUPID.
Also, this video seems just NOT made to order… like its just off a selection of canned pre-made videos with dancers doing dance moves… there’s nothing that ties it conceptually or visually to ANYthing Prince is doing or some current theme.
I mean, the no brainer would of been to get Chappelle in on it as a cameo at least… then Prince dressed as what I call “Classic Prince”, you know, not the JW post old Prince we now have… just a whole humorous thing. This lacks a clever concept. Its just… canned current forced sexy.
It’s in a word, awful. Isn’t that right you Spaniard over obsessed geek…
Posted at 18:36h, 11 OctoberWent to go look for the video and was hoping to see this “This video is removed because of a copyright claim by NPG Records.” This is the one time it needs to be enforced because this video needs to be removed from public consumption, it feels like a personal vehicle for the dancer & a personal audition tape to be a dancer for Prince. Also, why on Earth is there a credit sequence at the end of the video like it’s groundbreaking and the second coming of Thriller or something?
Diagnosis: This video can wait (til it’s done properly)
Posted at 16:06h, 11 OctoberThis was a Prince tease. #purpleballs
Posted at 15:57h, 11 October@Quin
Posted at 15:45h, 11 OctoberI did not like the video…it was not interesting at all, did not wanna see her, Iwanted prince…seriously?
Posted at 15:35h, 11 OctoberI’ll take an order of Curlyfryz with my shake. Damn, This girl is smokin hot, and can move. Why is Prince not in this video? It might be a good thing though, because his replacement hip probably would have gone out.
Posted at 15:28h, 11 OctoberAgree with most–great song, bad video. No Prince, no watch again:)
Posted at 15:22h, 11 OctoberScratching my head. Who directed this video?
Posted at 14:51h, 11 Octoberbrang on THE REVOLUTION
Posted at 14:47h, 11 Octoberon the serious note, Prince bring back:
“The Revolution” & “The Time”…
don’t run from the challenge!!!
Posted at 14:41h, 11 Octobercool video, but would have better if Prince were dancing & playing instruments…..
the video itself iz very professionally done tho’…
it’s just semi tho……
Posted at 14:35h, 11 OctoberPrince, the music is absolutely great: But, the message is very 1952ish at replicating the book: “Black skin, White masks” by Frantz Fanon. For this reason, the lead dancer has on a 1950s outfit, with straight hair, while making a meal of ham, eggs; etc. as to show an emulation of trying to be “White”. And she is supposedly sexy when aggressive. Then the video flips to her hair being kinky like “Black” folks, walking in to the dance group like a primate monkey wearing all black to symbolize the color of black people; also showing the black woman as aggressive (pushing the man around), and she is at the head of the table, without a man, with a bunch of children at the dinner table; typically a characterization of black or Hispanic families. For this reason, the dancers are all on their knees to make themselves the size of children. I say unto thee: All humanity is kin and the same. Behaviors are learned, from modeling. I love you, and love all of humanity. If she came up with the concept, she hit her aim; and heaven is angry.
Where are your educated friends, Prince? How could they allow you to make such a mistake in judgment? I really see, that you no “real” friends…Sorry…
Posted at 14:30h, 11 Octobernice video and song! it’s been a awhile since he released a video that’s not so serious. it’s fun and light. the only thing, is he should have been in the video…the female look-alike was cool and all but should have been him.
As always Doc, thanks 4 sharing! Your the best!
Terri Walsh
Posted at 14:14h, 11 OctoberWhoa, 1990 called, it wants its bad-wanna-be-not-quite Janet Jackson video back.
Love the song, but this …I just.can’t.even….
I get Prince is letting the children stretch, but whoa…he needs some grown folks who know what they’re doing…. this is embarrassingly bad.
Wait, maybe its a parody? …(reaching, I know…)
Posted at 13:47h, 11 Octoberfun video & great dancing! the video makes me like the song a lot more – well done Danielle!!!
Posted at 13:42h, 11 OctoberPrince, the music is absolutely great: But, the message is very 1952ish at replicating the book: “Black skin, White masks” by Frantz Fanon. For this reason, the lead dancer has on a 1950s outfit, with straight hair, while making a meal of ham, eggs; etc. as to show an emulation of trying to be “White”. And she is supposedly sexy when aggressive. Then the video flips to her hair being kinky like “Black” folks, and shows the black woman as aggressive (pushing the man around), and she is at the head of the table, without a man. I say unto thee: All humanity is kin and the same. Behaviors are learned, from modeling. I love you, and love all of humanity. Quin.
Tell Lee Hogans, I said hi.
Love ya.
Posted at 11:34h, 11 OctoberI Get Such A Chuckle Knowing That There R Peeps Who Think That That’s PRINCE In The Vid :D. FINALLY The VID IS Open! I Think It’s A Cute Concept & Tho’ I DO See The “Janet” Influence In It, I Also See It As An Homage 2 Janet Who Is An Absolute Icon In Her Own Right, Along W/ The TRUE Minneapolis Sound That Is Prince, & Prince DOES Give U A LOT 2 Work With ;).
Gorgeous Dancers, The Choreography Is HOT, & A Congrats 2 Daniel Curiel 4 The Concept & Direction & Just A Resounding Round Of Applause 4 ALL Involved & Now That “Breakfast” Has Been Served, It’s Tyme 4 PANCAKES :D!
Posted at 11:26h, 11 OctoberKind of a let down – I thought he could have done SooOOOooOOo much more with that song – Deserves Better.
Musgrave – Chicago – A little Disappointed.