11 Oct Video Premiere! “Breakfast Can Wait” By PRINCE! Dig In & Watch Now!
PRINCE has released the video for “Breakfast Can Wait” by Danielle Curiel! Check it out!
Everyone should be able to see the video now!
The song is available for purchase and 3rdEyeTunes.com
Diagnosis: Are your eyes finally open or still wide shut?
Posted at 11:07h, 11 OctoberCool video, but feels unconnected to the song, which as usual is very good… was surprised by the donald duck voice though….
Posted at 10:50h, 11 OctoberDefinetaly could use a Prince cameo. Love the song, Vid was good if it were for Janet jackson. Im just saying….
Posted at 10:49h, 11 OctoberWell….it’s a video that I wouldn’t buy, but decent. Enjoyed the humour with the look-a-like. Did not enjoy the chipmunk voice, but then again I’m sure that was meant to be humorous – at least I hope so!! Pretty sexy song, so to take out P’s spoken bits for the chipmunk voice ruined it for me. Glad they are tacked on at the end though. Diagnosis: thanks P but meh….
Posted at 10:47h, 11 OctoberIs @DaniCurlyfryz going to talk about the video next Spreecast now that it’s out? She’s answering Q’s on Twitter. Camille lives!
Dimitri Whitman, Sr. (DigitalCreator)
Posted at 10:43h, 11 OctoberDidn’t care for the video. New album in 2014? We’ll see.
Posted at 10:28h, 11 OctoberYeah, really disappointed here. Agree with most of the comments. Doesn’t go with the song at all, no Prince; what’s the point?
Posted at 10:24h, 11 OctoberThe video itself is good…Danielle did an excellent job. But when I see a PRINCE video..I want 2 see PRINCE!
Posted at 10:19h, 11 OctoberI Loooooooooove the song – soundin’ so sexy (cept maybe for the chipmunks). Great dancing & wardrobe. But I have to agree – I wanna see me some Mr. Goodnight. <3
Posted at 10:15h, 11 OctoberI thought it was a fun creative video. Love the Prince look alike.
Petter Aagaard
Posted at 10:10h, 11 OctoberIt’s cool… but since Prince ain’t in the video… I’ll probably won’t ever see it again…
Posted at 10:05h, 11 OctoberThe way to go lookwise, not convinced towards the sound (I hear video clashing with it)
Posted at 09:58h, 11 OctoberWell that was a waste of my time!! Dont understand what the song has to do with this video!! I totally agree with Chris J and the no name reporter.
I must give it to Prince: the man is brilliant cuz no one will wanna download this :P… mission accoplished
Jshua Ok
Posted at 09:48h, 11 OctoberCurlyfryz definitely did her thing and….Hey &Y!
Good look!
Yolanda morrissette
Posted at 09:45h, 11 OctoberLoving the video as always Prince is being creative
Posted at 09:43h, 11 OctoberLove it, its cute.
Posted at 09:38h, 11 OctoberI like the video, but where is Prince? I don’t want to see a girl dressed like Prince. Great dancing but the video makes no sense but I LOVE the song.
No Name Reporter
Posted at 09:36h, 11 OctoberPretty random video, I could just put So You Think You Can Dance on my TV with the song playing in the background and come up with equally entertaining visuals, this video treatment feels disconnected from the song, I think a song that’s this GREAT deserves an excellent video release preferably with Prince in it, no disrespect to Danielle Curiel or the crew, I’m sure she did a good job with what she had to work with, it just has the feel of a fan made video you see on YouTube & not an official artist release, I want this single be big, it’s one of his strongest singles in awhile, but don’t think this video will get much attention, I’m a lifelong listener & watched the video twice but don’t think I’ll watch the video again, there’s nothing for me to watch in it that’s very interesting to me.
Edith Violetta
Posted at 09:33h, 11 OctoberNow, here it works
Posted at 09:26h, 11 OctoberHow can I view this in Norway?
Posted at 09:18h, 11 OctoberWell done! All well done,actually! + Dude is too cool. Much LOVE
Posted at 09:14h, 11 OctoberEmbarrassing to watch
Chris J.
Posted at 09:10h, 11 OctoberThat video is so weird…only 5% of it has to do with the actual lyrical content of the song. Is that Danielle Curiel herself as Prince? Why can’t the man himself be in his own video? I’m confused…
Edith Violetta
Posted at 09:10h, 11 OctoberHave been waiting the whole day and now it doesn’t work in Austria
please help!
Posted at 09:07h, 11 OctoberNPG2014
Posted at 09:00h, 11 OctoberI thought the video was cool wish Prince could have been it…. the dancing was amazing thanks for sharing