20 Aug Watch Now! Adam Lambert, CHIC, & Nile Rodgers Do A Funky Cover Of “Let’s Dance” By David Bowie!
Nile Rodgers was performing a concert for the AFTEE (All For The East End) charity raising money for local non-profits. he called up Adam Lambert to cover “Let’s Dance” by David Bowie!
Adam is killing the Bowie classic!! Killing! Adam is def killing it!
A new song of Adam’s entitled “Lay Me Down” featuring Lavicii was also played so look for a post on that soon!!!!!-DocFB
Diagnosis: It really is pathetic that a label does not know what to do with Lambert. It makes me wish that America did get it right and chose him as the real American Idol over Kris Jenner Allen. I am not one for putting down others. Just upset. Hope you guys feel me.
Best Best Online News in the World
Posted at 01:30h, 07 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More: drfunkenberry.com/2013/08/20/watch-now-adam-lambert-chic-nile-rodgers-do-a-funky-cover-of-lets-dance-by-david-bowie/ […]
Best Best Online News in the World
Posted at 17:18h, 06 April… [Trackback]
[…] There you will find 5959 more Infos: drfunkenberry.com/2013/08/20/watch-now-adam-lambert-chic-nile-rodgers-do-a-funky-cover-of-lets-dance-by-david-bowie/ […]
sciroxx clenodex
Posted at 03:25h, 04 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More here: drfunkenberry.com/2013/08/20/watch-now-adam-lambert-chic-nile-rodgers-do-a-funky-cover-of-lets-dance-by-david-bowie/ […]
Posted at 00:05h, 22 AugustBe more objective people!
Debbie a.k.a thareelqueenbee
Posted at 15:56h, 21 AugustADAM just TOTALLY SLAYED IT! YES! I wish he would have won American Idol instead of Kris Allen it really AGGRAVATES ME.
Posted at 15:36h, 21 AugustHey MarcelS67? That horse of yours is dead..why are you still beating it? Give it a rest. Music, ALL music is subjective anyway. You don’t like it, you don’t like HIM..we get it, LOL!
Posted at 15:10h, 21 AugustI took a second time to listen after Jim called it garbage, and it really is not a very good performance people!
Posted at 13:13h, 21 AugustAll I can say is WOW….Adam Lambert playing with Nile Rodgers!!
They nailed “Let’s Dance”!!
Posted at 11:26h, 21 AugustGarbage
Posted at 02:32h, 21 AugustOK go and see Bowie once and you’ll probably agree with me, but hey just an opinion!
Oh and Bean, there’s no need to be sorry to disagree with me…………
Posted at 21:54h, 20 AugustMarcelS67 is wrong. “the bean” is right, Lambert ROCKS. The verdict has been rendered, CASE DISMISSED! Rap rap rap!
Posted at 21:52h, 20 AugustMarcelS67….and that why legends want him to stand in for the greatest artists of all time? Sorry, honey, take your little brain, put it in your back pocket and just dance!
the bean
Posted at 19:29h, 20 AugustSorry to disagree with you marcels67 but that was the hottest version of Lets Dance I’ve ever seen.
Linda Ladden 4evrmomof4
Posted at 16:42h, 20 AugustWe feel you! We hope that Adam is now able to develop his music in the creative manner and direction he wishes, with the support and worldwide distribution he and his talent deserves. He may have gotten more attention for the travesty, and unfairness, of the Idol vote, than if he had actually won. He did not need the win for a validation of his incredible talents and vocal gifts. Love watching his career move forward to international acclaim, and can’t wait to see what he has upcoming in the future to surprise us!
Posted at 15:26h, 20 AugustYep, we all probably wish him the best, but he should leave the Bowie songs alone, that was well…………..not that good, to say the least.
Posted at 13:47h, 20 AugustAdam is just featured as vocals in LAY ME DOWN. It’s one of Avicii’s songs on his new album coming out in September. Niles and Adam also co-wrote on it. BUT IT’S AVICII’S. It would be great if you could correct your blog. Thanks.
Posted at 12:28h, 20 AugustAdam Lambert is already a big success world wide.. he may not be in Katy or Gaga’s league as far as record sales YET.. But A man who can front for Nile or Queen is a huge success in my book. Adam is probably the best male pop singer of this generation.. I call that very successful …
Posted at 12:14h, 20 AugustWhy the cut on Kris Allen?
Hopefully Adam will find the success he deserves, either with a label or independently.
Judy Lushman
Posted at 12:05h, 20 AugustYep! I agree with you. Adam needs a label who believes in him and actually promotes him and his music. Glamberts have been saying this for ages now. Glad Adam walked away from RCA. A very smart move on his part.
Posted at 11:52h, 20 AugustOh I feel ya Dr. F! I really FEEL ya! So true. Adam needs a label that WANTS him to succeed and believes him as millions of fans and scores of other legends/artists do!