08 Jul PRINCE & The NPG Perform At Paisley Park! Set List & More!
So PRINCE & The NPG performed at his Paisley Park studios this weekend. Friday night, it was a 2 song set with a dance party that followed. Saturday, it was an hour set then the dance party.
Both night’s performances were in the dark. The reason they rehearse in the dark is to test musicians skills under pressure. A few of them cheated with light-up computer lead sheets. Overall, they did excellent.
As some of you know, I was asked to come out to Paisley Park Saturday early that same morning. It came as a surprise. They wanted me there by 3 P.M. rehearsal but the earliest flight had me there at 4:30 P.M. I arrive with texts saying that the NPG pushed back rehearsal til 7 P.M. since I was not there. Seriously? Oh man.
For the set list and more click here….
As for the rehearsal and other things that happened, that story will come soon.
I am back at Paisley Park around 11 P.M., a little bit before people would be led into the gates. Trevor told me earlier that they wanted me to interview people in line for the 3rdEye TV livestream.
They were doing it with a cellphone and were trying to get the right light for everything. We interviewed about 5 people on the livestream and went to check your comments. After seeing most of you having trouble with the audio, we decided no more interviews. Would have been cool because we were going to being out PRINCE’s first ever guitar he played with for the fans and talk about that. Woulda been cool. Next time?
They were teasing something happening at the Park for about a week on 3rdEye TV but didn’t say what time or how much. That left me pretty much letting you guys know via Twitter and the Facebook Fan Page. As soon as I walked in at 11, I saw them making the board saying “$10.00 cover. $20.00 if U like music.” and I quickly tweeted it out to give people a head’s up.
While people were let in, the main sound stage where the “club” is located is mostly in darkness. I would say they started letting people in around 11:30-11:40 P.M.
Around 11:45, PRINCE went behind the soundboard and 11:50, the band took the stage. I know most of this was played on 3rdEye TV in 2 segments, but here is what happened in it’s entirety.
They started with “People Pleaser” with the NPG Divas, Shelby J., Liv Warfield, and Elisa Fiorillo splitting the vocals for the Andy Allo song. Out comes PRINCE as they go into “Ain’t Gonna Miss U When U’re Gone” which, aside from rehearsals, was the first time they performed the song live. I noticed some elements of Average White Band in the live version I didn’t pick up in the studio version. It was quite cool.
They then went into “F.U.N.K.” with PRINCE having a good time dancing on stage and the NPG Divas backing him up.
Then “Dark” was performed. This was the first time I heard the song since the Sayers Club show in Hollywood last October. It was even tighter tonight.
It was followed by an amazing performance of “Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) with Cassandra O’Neal doing a great solo.
During a break in the music, a girl yelled “I love you PRINCE!” followed quickly by a male in a deep voice that followed by saying I love you PRINCE!” I had a feeling PRINCE would respond back and he said in a deep voice back “I love you too man” and went for the pound playfully. It was quite funny.
That followed with “Courtin’ Time” which was mostly instrumental with the NPG Divas singing the title of the song while some horn players got a chance to solo.
That was followed with Madhouse’s “24” briefly before they went into a full version of “Get On The Boat” from 3121.
Then an instrumental started playing with what sounded like sleigh bells making PRINCE ask the crowd if they like Christmas music? Some of the audience yelled “yea” with PRINCE saying he doesn’t like Christmas music as they went into “We’re A Winner” by The Impressions with Shelby J. on lead vocals. Then Liv Warfield took over on “Never Loved A Man” by Aretha Franklin. PRINCE then went into a sensual version of “Satisfied” followed by a funky version of “I Don’t Want Nobody To Give Me Nothing” by James Brown. PRINCE was enjoying himself, dancing and just having a good time with his 22 piece band, and dancing as well with Damaris Lewis who was on stage the entire time.
Then it was time for “Housequake” which wasn’t as long as the one I heard at the second Sayers show in October but was funky nonetheless.
They then went into “The Jam” by Larry Graham, giving the band a chance to solo. Donna and Hannah along with some sax players killed it. That was followed by “The Bird” which went on for a while and then “The Glamorous Life” to close out the show. The last 8 songs some will refer to as “The Vanguard Jam” which he did at the NAACP Awards but it was much longer. The set list for Saturday night is below which we are told was not circulating completely until now.
Here is the complete set list:
People Pleaser
Ain’t Gonna Miss U When U’re Gone
Something In The Water (Cassie Solo)
Love U 2 Man (crowd interaction)
Courtin’ Time
Get On The Boat
Christmas song Parody
We’re A Winner (Shelby J.)
Never loved A Man (Liv Warfield)
I Don’t Want Nobody To Give Me Nothin;
The Jam
The Bird
Glamorous Life
PRINCE walked over to the soundboard as the band left the stage. He may have been giving notes on some things he heard during the performance, but appeared to be all smiles after that and before he left with Joshua Welton and a few others.
The band stayed around for a bit talking with people in what I would call the main entry way/lobby leading into the sound stage/club. It was about an hour performance and for $10-$20 bucks and at Paisley Park, could you complain?
There were a couple of kids there and the crowd seemed young. It appears word of mouth hit and for the price, it aroused their interest to come on out and have a good time!
I stayed in the lobby area mostly after the show as people wanted to talk and it was hard to hear on the dance floor. Go figure. It was great hanging with the band and seeing your faces and meeting you all. I’m happy to see you all happy and having a good time.
Now, as for rehearsals and the 2 hour or so conversation with PRINCE and driving around town listening to the new music, I will be sharing those soon. It could be a book so will have to break it up so it will be more enjoyable for everyone.
Elisa, I hope you feel better.
I want to thank PRINCE, The NPG, Julia Ramadan, Katie, Yvonne, Joshua Welton and 3rdEyegirl for the rides and U. This weekend was last minute and unexpected and awesome.-DocFB
Diagnosis: Was an incredible experience to see him perform like that in the Park and in the dark. I’m not sure when there will be parties again at Paisley as they leave for Montreux. I’m sure there will be. As to when…stay tuned.
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Posted at 14:10h, 09 JulyDoc, I wish I could have gotten to meet you! Maybe next time!
Heather Lane
Posted at 09:18h, 09 JulyCan’t wait to hear the rest, Doc! Thank you for sharing!
Posted at 05:56h, 09 JulyFantastic report, Dr F. That must have been a wonderful experience for you. Congratulations, you certainly deserve it!
Was watching on Livestream, and how good were those musos?? The best of the best!! Love to you all xxx
Super Sexy
Posted at 23:51h, 08 JulyBragging again about your fake friendship with Prince.
Posted at 16:40h, 08 JulyObviously, this is why he played Dark! Great story, thx.
Posted at 16:37h, 08 JulyDoc, I saw the broadcast via 3rdeyegirl TV livestream and loved it…we need more parties like this one… it was worth the wait!!!! Keep up the good work and thank you Prince, NPG and 3EG!
Debbie a.k.a thareelqueenbee
Posted at 16:31h, 08 JulyWay 2 GO DOC! So HAPPIE U got a chance 2 Parta N tha Dark at the Park with Prince, 3RD EG and Tha NPG FAMS. U deserve it. So looking forward 2 reading U’re interview with Prince U would be the BEST Interviewer than most of those that have interview Prince. And YES! I know U could write a Book on U’re entire PURPLE EXPERIENCE with Prince.
Posted at 15:55h, 08 JulyI was there both nights and it was AMAZING!
My son came with me . He was in the womb when he heard Prince for the first time. We had the best time ever.
Posted at 15:54h, 08 JulySo the new stuff, 3rdEyeGirl good, Parade good, 90s good, 2010 good, what man? And an hour of edited chat or an hour of honest, frank chat? Am I already answering my own questions?
Posted at 15:41h, 08 Julysounds like u had a blast!! thanks 4 all u do Doc
by the way, the livestream thing was a huge hit
Posted at 15:02h, 08 JulyDoc,……….
>>>>> You are a Blessed individual!!!! <<<<<
Congrats Man,…..
Musgrave – Chicago
Posted at 14:56h, 08 July__________________________________________________________________
*Doc I have to hand it to you,…. You’re a Blessed individual. Living in Chicago – I guess I have only myself to Blame for never visiting Paisley Park,… But to take a Drive with the man and listen to some of His New Music. >>> Blessed <<<
Congrats Doc – Look forward to hearing about it all Wed. Night.
Musgrave – Chicago
Posted at 14:51h, 08 JulyVery, very, very cool. Happy for u doc. U deserve it. For all your hard work. We all appreciate it.
Posted at 14:39h, 08 JulyWay cool! Thanks for the report, Doc. Was great fun watching the livestream on Saturday night. Something in the Water – I almost fell off my chair!!! Wonderful.
Posted at 14:37h, 08 JulyLivid I wasn’t there and couldn’t do anything to change that! But I’m so glad that a paisley party even happened I just hope there will be another one and in/after fall because no matter what I can make I it there!….btw Doc complain? (Yeah this will be ironic comming from me) man hell no! I’d be walkin around sayin”thank ya jesus I knew you loved me” hahaha but seriously I’d pay 50 just to stare at him for an hour.
Posted at 14:24h, 08 JulyIm happy for you sir!! Sound like a truely amazing tyme.. Even more when you wake up having no clue 12 hours later in a different state you will be seeing Prince in his “Home”
Thank you for everything you do for the Prince community! and Thank you to Prince NPG 3EG and everyone that has touch all our lives!
Posted at 14:06h, 08 JulyNice reporting doc…thanks! Too bad about Livestream. I was on a few weeks ago when you had 3rd Eye Girl interview and there were glitches then too. Have you guys considered looking at another live streaming technology? The stuff you’re trying to get out there is too good to let these glitches spoil the fun(k)!
Farnell Newton
Posted at 13:50h, 08 JulyLawd….I need to come to one of those next time.
Posted at 13:38h, 08 JulyThanks Drfunkenberry for posting this! Great having U there, even if we had 2 wait 4 your arrival b4 the start of the second nite of rehearsals..LOL! Well worth the wait!!!
Posted at 13:37h, 08 Julyawesome awesome awesome! thank you all soooo much!
Angela Corley
Posted at 13:19h, 08 JulyWow! Must have been an incredible night. Were you there both Fri. and Sat. night or just Sat.? I would have been there in a heartbeat but a flight from Seattle was too much.
Maybe I should have slapped down my Visa and dealt with the bill later.
I think you should write a book seriously.
Looking forward for more to come especially details about the interview.
Much love,
kco0l's ChocolateBox777
Posted at 13:15h, 08 JulyThe new line up is real funkay!. Eye think this maybe my favorite NPG line up! The background vocals are more tighter now & on point. Cassie’s solo on “Somethin In The Water” was really good. “Ain’t Gon Miss When Ure gone” sounded better live & was turned in2 a hot funk workout. Prince’s vocals was soulful & on point. Npg Hornz man they bring out a whole new fuller sound 2 Prince’s already “MasterPieces”..
Congrats on Ur interview with Prince Dr,FNb! Can’t wait 2 read it. Eye was just saying right b 4 U announced it Y Prince never let U innerview him? Then here it is! U deserve it,With all Ur hard work 4 these past years…:-)
Posted at 13:08h, 08 Julyu should have told him that here in europe we expect him to play instruments and sing his own songs. Use the backing vocalist as backings damn.. it’s getting more & more “The NPG Divas ft. Prince”
Posted at 13:05h, 08 July<3