03 Apr New PRINCE &3rdEyeGirl Rehearsal! “BOOMSTRATUS”! Listen Now!
Posted at 19:55h
in 3rdEyeGirl, Celebrity News, Entertainment, Music, NPG, PRINCE, Rehearsal, Tour Dates, Tour Rehearsal
Madison Dube stopped by the PRINCE Spreecast tonight to drop the latest PRINCE & 3rdEyeGirl rehearsal jam of “BOOMSTRATUS” and it is HOT!!!
BOOMSTRATUS from Madison Dube on Vimeo.
Check it out above and let us know what you think!
There will be vocals on BOOM for the tour…PRINCE just didn’t sing on this version…
Also…the SICKEST part of the new version of STRATUS is Ida’s bass solo….GOTTA COME SEE IT LIVE!
Thank U PRINCE, 3rdEyeGirl, & Madison!
The LIVE OUT LOUD tour is almost here!
Get your tickets HERE.-DocFB
Diagnosis: Speechless…like an instrumental!
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Posted at 16:51h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Posted at 10:45h, 04 April… [Trackback]
[…] Read More: drfunkenberry.com/2013/04/03/new-prince-3rdeyegirl-rehearsal-boomstratus-listen-now/ […]
Posted at 18:50h, 17 SeptemberLove this groove.
Posted at 18:46h, 17 SeptemberYeah…i like that bass too !…….the guitars and drums are sonically enhanced somehow, lol !
Irene Schacher
Posted at 06:27h, 16 AprilSuuuuuuper!!! Prince forever!! He’s so cool
Myles Matisse
Posted at 15:40h, 14 AprilA live DVD is a MUST for Prince to do. He really hasn’t embraced the filming and especially RELEASING of proper live DVDs. Rave un2 the Year 2000 is heavily edited and manipulated with performances from that show cut from the DVD release. And the Live at Aladdin Las Vegas DVD isn’t long enough and doesn’t have enough songs that cover Prince’s entire career. The Prince & The Revolution Live and Sign O’ The Times releases from the 80s were out on VHS and Laserdisc and NEVER DVD/Blu-Ray, which is a travesty. Also, wonderful concert films like Prince & Revolution Parade/B-Day concert and Lovesexy 88 were shelved (Parade) and released only overseas (Lovesexy) and BOTH of those haven’t had proper DVD/Blu-Ray releases. The Musicology tour shown in theatres also has NEVER had a DVD/Blu-Ray release.
Add to that all the many other wonderful Prince films that had money spent and well produced only to sit on shelves NEVER having a DVD/Blu-Ray release:
The Undertaker
Beautiful Experience
Love 4 One Another aka Gold Experience special
Sacrifice of Victor
Add to all that the fact amazing concerts like Sheila E.’s Live Romance 1600 that were released on VHS and Laserdisc but NEVER DVD/Blu-Ray are collecting dust is just plain WRONG.
And, while it’s cool Prince will PROBABLY release the Montreux shows on DVD, I was quite surprised at the set lists for both shows being devoid of most of his 30 year + career of hits. Stunning really how many of his wondrous songs are shockingly absent.
All in all, for someone of Prince’s stature not to have more DVD and Blu-Ray releases of him in a live setting as well as ALL his music videos is incredibly sad and more than a missed opportunity for Prince when it comes to money he could make and influence he could have on the public. Out of sight, out of mind is how the saying goes.
It’s a shame all that time, energy, creativity and money Prince put into all the unreleased concerts he filmed, short films he created and music videos he produced and shot has for the most part gone for nothing as they are all sitting in a vault collecting dust and by so doing influencing, entertaining, enlightening and educating NO ONE. Sad…sad…sad….
Posted at 15:31h, 14 AprilI forgot to mention that I love the winter scenes!
Posted at 15:22h, 14 AprilI like his album collection! The sound is sad to me. I think he is thinking about the past and all the great musicians, and looking at the future and expressing his feelings about the future of music!
Barbara Jean Friday
Posted at 19:51h, 06 AprilPrince when will you be coming back to detroit!!I want to take my two boys to see real music being played ilove your music!!!! You r music is the only music I listen to the only!!!!
Barbara Jean Friday
Posted at 19:26h, 06 AprilIt sounds really really good reallygood
Debbie a.k.a thareelqueenbee
Posted at 16:26h, 06 AprilI am so Speechless right now this instrumental of Boomstratus is PURE PURPLE ROCK! by Prince and 3rd Eye Girl. I just LOVE the way Madison capture the vibe and fill of Ida, Donna, and Hannah hanging out N TWIN CITY and the Record store I totally dig it. Once again I am looking forward 2 seeing much MORE of Madison she surly has a GREAT EYE! in capturing Prince and 3rd Eye Girl. Thank U so much Madison for premiering the unfinished video on Spreecast on Wednesday night truly EXCELLENT work U are doing with Prince and 3rd Eye Girl LOVE IT
Posted at 11:10h, 06 AprilBoom! That’s hot… Ida, Hanna, Donna. U girls make me jizz in my pants.
Posted at 10:34h, 06 AprilBut now I am giving up expectations and just look forward to what’s coming!
I’m really excited about it all and will be there in spirit (spending every free minute online … LOL).
Posted at 10:29h, 06 AprilMyles, I could not agree with you more! An official DVD of the Live Out Loud tour would really be awesome! Doc – can you relate this message to Prince, please?!
Many of us would love to see Prince rock out with the girls, but only a small part has the chance … a DVD (or at the very least, live material for download on 3rdeygirl.com) would be very much appreciated!!!!
Posted at 15:09h, 05 AprilLOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!! & can’t wait to experience it live!!
Myles Matisse
Posted at 11:20h, 05 AprilM21 Nights comment is a perfect example of WHY Prince should get Madison and a film crew to film the upcoming 3rd Eye Girl tour and put together a 2DVD/Blu-Ray release with a couple of the shows and a mini-documentary. Have cool liner notes and pix in the enclosed booklet and you’ve got an item that will sell around the world, pleasing both the fans and make some coin for Prince. Win-Win situation!
Posted at 08:12h, 05 AprilThis is so awesome! I am excited and sad at the same time … for a rock fan like me, this is promising to be the ultimate best Prince tour ever – him rocking out with 3rd Eye Girl! I am happy that he is doing this, and sad because I won’t be able to fly to the States to see this live! My only hope is that he’ll do some gigs like that also in Europe … small venues, small band, and pure rock!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEEAASE!!!
Thanks Doc for the news.
And thank U, Prince, for the fresh new energetic approach to all this great music! I love it all. – U ROCK my world!!!!
Posted at 06:17h, 05 AprilLoving this music, and particularly loving the images by Madison. Keep up the good work all. Hopefully this will all lead to something that can be purchased from the 3rd Eye Girl website!
Loved the images of the vinyl records. Hubby & I have a collection of around 1,000 and it was good to see that some of ours were represented in the clip! Which leads me to thinking …here’s a challenge – I reckon Prince & 3rd Eye Girl could do a killer cover of legendary Aussie band, Skyhooks’ “Women in Uniform” … remember when you were 20, Prince!!
Posted at 18:20h, 04 AprilReally like BoomStratus as well as BOOM from LotusFlow3r, and the video is fun. I wonder if this will be one of the jamz on the tour??????
I also noticed the slogan “Real Music by Real Musicians” in the video but truth is, I’m hearing that slogan all over the place now (locally and otherwise) from various artists —so, once again, Prince has inspired a movement. keep it up.