17 Oct Guess The Prank Worked! Bieber & Minaj Video “Beauty And A Beat” Gets 30 Million Views Within Days Of Release
A day before the video for “Beauty And A Beat” was released by Justin Bieber featuring Nicki Minaj, Bieber tweeted that footage from his computer was stolen from his hotel room while he was performing.
The said footage stolen turned out to be a prank to get people talking about the video. 30 million people have viewed the video on youtube alone. Guess it worked.
The video starts out showing the Biebs from a few years ago in the studio then to playing table tennis (My memories of my last game of table tennis is quite embarrassing. Thankfully, no video of that.) and then to a in-cut promo for the “Just Dance 4” video game which features Justin’s music.
Too bad I was not the anonymous blogger they never mentioned. I would have LOVED that.
There have been some crazy good videos lately. Not needing a huge budget, just having fun and using different camera angles and locations. Although the watermark does scream Backstreet Boys circa 1999, it is still a fun video.
Leave it to Minaj to rhyme Bieber with Wiener.
Well, even if you didn’t get fooled (like TMZ) you can watch the video above.-DocFB
Diagnosis: Justin wants to party like it’s….3012? OK then.
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