08 Jul Dev’s New Video “In The Dark” Copying Lady Gaga?
Wow. Dev just released her new video “In The Dark” and some say she is jacking from Lady Gaga. They say the hands are emulating Gaga’s “Paws Up” gesture along with her getting close to another woman and almost kissing her. Even the shades she wears are so-called Gaga-esque.
I’m not buying it. First of all, the hands have a mind of their own as they cover Dev later in the video, quite sexily I might add. Also, Gaga did not invent lesbian or bisexual moves in her video. Neither did Madonna but if anyone could claim to bringing it to the forefront, she can.
If Dev’s voice sounds familiar to you, it should. She sang the hook on Far East Movement’s “Like A G6” and had a big hit with “Bass Down Low” late last year.
Lady Extravaganza is really too big where every female artist has to be compared to her or is copying her. I don’t see it that way in this video. The question is…do you?-Dr.FB
Diagnosis: In The Dark On The Edge Of Glory
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Posted at 00:20h, 07 April… [Trackback]
[…] There you will find 44050 more Infos: drfunkenberry.com/2011/07/08/devs-new-video-dance-in-the-dark-copying-lady-gaga/ […]
Posted at 16:19h, 21 Augustsorry, but Dev is better than Gaga.
Strippers & More! Borgore Vs Dev "Kiss My Lips" Video! Watch Now | Drfunkenberry.com
Posted at 10:41h, 19 March[…] also released "In The Dark" which although did not reach the popularity of G6, it did gain her a comparison to Lady […]
Posted at 01:01h, 16 Septemberhow the fuck is this rip off better than gaga? i could humm this song and sound better than her. what a POSERRRRRRR, Haaaaa.
Posted at 16:33h, 19 AugustHow is Dev better than Gaga? :/
Paul Cullen
Posted at 13:50h, 14 July._. Sinceramente Que copia de Lady Gaga y no solo porque tenga diferente nombre la cancion de DEV a la de Lady Gaga quiere decir QUE YA NO ES PLAGIO! DEV! PORFAVOR SE MAS INTELIGENTE Y NO INTENTES PARECERTE A ALGUIEN MAS QUE POR SUPUESTO ES MEJOR QUE TU
Photo Of Katy Perry Planking As A Mermaid Upsets Lady Gaga Fans | Drfunkenberry.com
Posted at 09:28h, 12 July[…] comes on the heels of Dev's "In The Dark" video being compared to Gaga. Everything everyone does is copying Gaga it seems. […]
Posted at 19:51h, 11 JulyDev’s song is IN THE DARK! not Dance In The Dark…. and Dev is better than Gaga…
Posted at 19:23h, 08 JulyDon’t forget that Lady Gaga wrote a song called “Dance In The Dark”.
People think she copied the chorus.