07 Apr Exclusive! George Lopez Takes Prince’s Call; 21 Nights In L.A.?

George Lopez & Prince.
Prince called into “Lopez Tonight” during the taping of the show earlier today to announce he will be appearing on the show next week and will be performing 21 nights in Los Angeles at The Forum. This is the info we were told.
George Lopez tweeted this earlier: You must watch tonight, TBS @ Midnight – Royalty calls with big announcement!
So, 21 nights…in Los Angeles? At The Forum? Wowsa! Wonder how the shows will be spread around.
We hear the first show will be next week.
More info as it becomes available….-Dr.FB
Diagnosis: L.A. Is About To Get A Dose Of That Purple Funk
Posted at 04:33h, 13 Aprilohh i got my tickets for the first show woot i soooo cant wait
Posted at 09:36h, 09 AprilI wish Prince would perform on Leno or Kimmel instead of Lopez. George dumped his wife and trashes people being fat. Does G-Low Really see Handsome when he looks in the mirror… Not… Low self esteem, so he finds fault with others Any woman who cheated with Lopez was after one thing MONEY.
K…now that being said I will watch Lopez Tonight on the 13th (only) to see Prince!!
Posted at 21:38h, 08 AprilI’m so there….Glad 2 have Prince back here again….CB777
Singer Prince Offers To Perform On "Lopez Tonight" | Stupid Celebrities Gossip
Posted at 21:32h, 08 April[…] Prince will be performing for 21 nights in Los Angeles next week and called in to George Lopez to ask if his music group, The New Power Generation, could come by the show and perform on Wednesday. […]
Posted at 17:37h, 08 AprilI never visited LA… good time as any to plan a trip ;0))
george on the lowpez
Posted at 13:00h, 08 AprilA man with integrity is hard to find but any man can change, if he really wants to. The Lopez divorce scandal is really messed up. She had his child, devoted 17 years of her life to the marriage and donated her kidney to save his life and he cheated on her with girls in every city he traveled to. What a smuck!
tha Truth
Posted at 12:26h, 08 AprilFigures that one misogynist would call another..
While Prince might’ve slightly toned down his misogynistic ways, Lopez’s is in full effect. From calling Kirstie Alley a “pig” to getting a life-saving kidney from his wife and then CHEATING on her…
Isn’t it about time people start holding jackasses accountable instead of celebrating them (ala Charlie Sheen)?
Posted at 11:18h, 08 April“George Lopez tweeted this earlier: You must watch tonight, TBS @ Midnight – Royalty calls with big announcement!”
…Big Announcement for the shows in L.A (dates) or / + SOMETHING ELSE ( new album ) ??
Qaid Amir Ali
Posted at 10:36h, 08 April… looks like wifey and I may be comin’ over to the west-coast to visit our Bumpsquad family
Dan Woods
Posted at 06:09h, 08 AprilPrince,
Coming to LA from Portland,Oregon for a few of the shows- Gonna try real hard to be at the last 3 shows. Pretty please play “Crazy You” at 1 of those 3 shows- the WHOLE song. THAT would rawk
the Purple World, sho’ nuff. <3
PS- Dr. Fink would love 2 hear from U… Please call the man…
Gregory West
Posted at 04:46h, 08 AprilI am just over the Cherry Moon about this . I live in Inglewood 5 blocks from the Forum and I feel like P and the NPG are coming to my house …………………This is way cool …………I can walk 2 the shows lol !
Posted at 04:10h, 08 AprilOnce again, extremely jealous.
Posted at 02:50h, 08 AprilTime for me and wifey to take a little vacation. The misses will love me for this and that is a good thing because my wife is really hot.
Posted at 02:38h, 08 AprilMe and Kamey will be there. Can’t wait!!!
Posted at 02:06h, 08 AprilLA, LA, LA!!! I am thinking to go back L.A to see PRINCE again!
Thank U for the info Dr^^
Posted at 02:00h, 08 Aprilcool thanx 4 sharing the info to bad i dont live in L.A. to see Prince perform cant wait 2 see next week on lopez tonight
Posted at 01:49h, 08 AprilWhoop whoop! LA here I come! Prince, please perform some of your new music! Sticky Like Glue. Laydown, & Dreamer live would make my year! Bring the funk!!!!!!
Posted at 01:31h, 08 AprilThis is the happiest news of my life!! And Im still in LA for this! Thank you Prince! Thank you God!
Posted at 00:51h, 08 AprilOk, Prince will be on George Lopez next Wednesday April 13th!
AND his 21 nights at the Forum STARTS APRIL 14th!!!! ONE WEEK!!!
Posted at 00:39h, 08 AprilLet’s see,
21 nights
@ the Fabulous Forum
in Lovely L.A.?
Hmmnnnn, sounds like the perfect scenario for an impromptu spring break!
Thanks, Doc.
Posted at 23:37h, 07 AprilOk, I gotta do LA!!!! Thanks Dr 4 the “heads-up”!!!!
Posted at 23:31h, 07 AprilPrince is keepin’ the funk alive!
Posted at 23:25h, 07 AprilOMG…This funky good news. I hope he gives us enough notice so I can plan to go to as many shows as possible. I will have to travel all the way to Cali but Prince is worth it! Cant wait for dates to be announced so I can start planning!