12 Feb Exclusive! Prince Not Happy With “Glee” Over Use Of “Kiss”

Prince Copyright NPG Records 2010
When Prince is not busy kicking Kim Kardashian off his stage, I am sure he watches television just like the rest of us. We wonder if he is a fan of the show “Glee” however.
Gwyneth Paltrow will be returning to the show set at Mckinnley High as Holly Holiday, where she covered Cee Lo’s”Forget You” to rave reviews. She will be teaming with Matthew Morrison to perform “Kiss” by Prince as a duet.
We hear it has been filmed and is set to air March 8th. We have been hearing for a while about “Glee” wanting to do an all Prince episode and were surprised clearance was given for “Kiss”…but it turns out….it wasn’t.
Prince’s people contacted us about the song being used on Glee and we were given this statement;
“The planned performance of Prince’s “Kiss” on Glee is NOT approved by anyone in Prince’s official camp.”
So we now have to wonder, will this “Kiss” ever bee seen or will this be “Never Been Kissed” part 2 for Glee fans?-Dr.FB
Posted at 11:20h, 13 FebruaryWelcome 2 America………….I guess the payment was not enough for him
Posted at 05:35h, 13 FebruaryIt’s the worst song he’s ever written, so let them try and make the best of it. if he let some ancient Brit (Tom Jones) sing it in the second worst way, why not let miss P. try it?
The B Man
Posted at 05:19h, 13 FebruaryThere’s a lot of stupid in this thread (as per usual).
1. Record companies have ZILCH to do with giving permission for shows like Glee covering a Prince tune. That is down to those who own the publishing – and guess what? PRINCE owns his own publishing; last I heard Universal was administering it for him. LEARN the difference between a song and a recording. If you don’t know, keep your trap shut and don’t post lies and bullshit.
2. Prince and his fans bitching about covers? SERIOUSLY? How many covers has he been playing live recently? How many times has he recorded a cover song?
Posted at 04:33h, 13 February…thats just “Glee” sneaking up on U !
B from France
Posted at 04:30h, 13 FebruaryIf an artist is not happy with someone using his/her music, why should someone do it. Yesterday night there was a cover of Prince’s Kiss on the French version of Dancing with the stars and it was just awfull.
visa victor
Posted at 02:42h, 13 Februaryword
visa victor
Posted at 02:40h, 13 FebruaryWow…
Prince needs no TV,
Prince needs no Musical revival…
Prince needs no one born before 1990 to rehash what he’s been conveying since 1975…
Prince needs nothing…
Prince is & and always be the Amadeus of the 20th & 21st Century…
There’s nothing “YOU” who listens to mainstream corporate music can do about it…
Accept this – travel back in time or talk to someone who has “Your Mother” & then say to yourself “Am I an idiot about what real music is?
What is good music?
Before it was constantly pounded into me”?
To make me say hey….
” I just heard this same damn song 50 times already – It’s got to be good…
Get some musical taste….
By Yourself…
Without the help of Idiots..
O-I->…..Rock On Baby!
Posted at 01:44h, 13 FebruaryI am probably the only person in the world that HAS NOT seen Glee , that type of show dosent appeal to me so I can’t comment on the actors musical talent or lack there of . . . however reading that Prince dosent approve of the show using his music does not suprise me. . . I hope everything works out ok . . . who knows Prince may be pleasantly suprised with the outcome.
Posted at 21:43h, 12 FebruarySERIOUSLY…??!
These Glee people CAN SING and if they want to do a whole episode on PRINCE MUSIC..
GET ON THE COTAIL… This would bring Prince’s music to a NEW GENERATION… ENJOY! CELEBRATE…!!!
Posted at 21:25h, 12 FebruaryOf course the folks on Glee “supposedly” can sing.It’s great to pre-record it in a studio and dress it up!But to me the show is soooooo cheesy and I am amazed at it’s popularity!But then again look at the quality of most of the popular music today.SAD!JUNK FOOD! Justin Timberlake turned it down and I would have thought he would be one to sign on to appear on Glee.As far as Prince songs being performed on Glee whether it is his decision or the labels.I hope both parties decide against it!
Besides it’s not like they can do it better!So what’s the point???
Posted at 21:21h, 12 FebruaryI’ve yet to see a good episode of Glee. I’ve tried but I think the show sucks.
Prince doesn’t want his music MOCKED and that’s how I see Glee. Its so corny.
Posted at 21:08h, 12 FebruaryMan Ernest why do u even bother then? if u assume such venom on Prince. he has many many fans indeed and what I find soooo delightful is at my son’s high school last week a 17 year old girl wearing a Purple Rain T-shirt:) There were only a few teens into him, but now lots more of the youth are diggin him as well it’s sooo awesome!! And as far as being a “good” human being, well he certainly doesn’t waste time writing negative things about you or anyone, if u knew him he is VERY sweet and compassionate he would even be to U! THE TRUTH
Ernest Radio Network
Posted at 20:16h, 12 FebruaryPrince doesn’t have to give his permission. He doesn’t own that song…yet. He won’t until a few more years. Hell, they probably butchered it more in Happy Feet than they will in GLEE. Prince will still make a little chunk of change on it, so he should hush that anyone gives a crap about his music at all. He’s too bitchy to his fans, what few he’s got. It’s not good P.R., or being a good human being.
Posted at 19:50h, 12 FebruaryCorrect me if I’m wrong,
From what I understand, Prince DOES NOT OWN the publishing or contractual rights to any of his music on Warner Bros. Records. Therefore, he has no say in what songs are being placed and for whom.
So yeah, Prince’s official camp didn’t green-light the usage of “Kiss” for “Glee” . . . but Warner Bros. Records did because they can do that without Prince’s permission.
Aside from that, I don’t see anything wrong with Glee performing a Prince song. I just wish they would have dug deeper in the catalog and chosen something unique. I would love to see a rendition of “Take Me Me With U” or maybe “Diamonds & Pearls.”
BTW, fantastic blog Dr. Funkenberry. I love the colorways — very vibrant and clean.
Posted at 19:10h, 12 FebruarySo Prince is slipping into the “Pissy Prince Phase”? How predictable?
Around and round eye see. Well maybe some day he’ll get out of the holding pattern of cycles. Mostlikely not because he seems quite stunted.
Posted at 18:45h, 12 FebruaryWhen we get a message from Prince’s camp, you can be sure it is run by him first.
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Posted at 18:43h, 12 February[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by drfunkenberry, Music2Nite and Jessica Fennelly, Suzanne. Suzanne said: RT @drfunkenberry: Exclusive! Prince Not Happy With “Glee” Over Use Of “Kiss” http://dlvr.it/GRQgn […]
Posted at 18:40h, 12 FebruaryObviously I’m not a Glee fan, however I don’t judge anyone who likes it. If you like it great, enjoy :-). I just think that some music should not be played on Glee that’s all. The best way to listen to Kiss is to put on Prince’s Parade album and listen to it from there.
Posted at 18:35h, 12 FebruaryDid Prince actually say this himself or did his people decide it for him?
Posted at 18:31h, 12 February@freda doughty and @Sophie – you guys need to get a grip. And freda a proofreader and some punctuation marks.
@Muzicluva3121 – yes, it’s a good show. People who are down on it just have no sense of fun.
Posted at 18:24h, 12 FebruaryWhy does everyone hate Glee? These people can actually sing! It’s not like Miley Cyrus doing it sor something!
Posted at 18:22h, 12 FebruaryClap. Clap Clap Clap. Clap Clap Clap Clap.
Posted at 18:21h, 12 FebruaryI was really surprised in the first place that he would have approved “Kiss” to be used by a show like Glee. I hope they won’t air it.
freda doughty
Posted at 18:20h, 12 FebruaryI don;t like the idea i can;t stand for anyone other than prince to sing princes songs, nobody can do it the right way and i would cringe to hear that man sing kiss ugh please don;t give permission, not unless you are gonna be on there to sing yourself and oversee the songs are not butchered. been a fan for 32 years.
Posted at 18:15h, 12 FebruaryOh come on, Prince – Glee is a really good show, and instead of getting pissed off with them you should ride on their coat tails and get them to do a whole show with YOUR music and about YOU! Seriously – get on the case. Good exposure plus good PR, plus happy fans who get a double bonus of you AND Puck. Mmmm, Puck and Prince…