07 Dec PRINCE & The Revolution’s “Purple Rain” Get Grammy Induction + My Thoughts

Purple Rain Original Movie Poster
We woke up this morning with an email from the Grammy Board letting us know that the classic “Purple Rain” will be inducted in the Grammy Hall Of Fame.
Album’s are only eligible after 25 years of release and to be honest, with the other albums nominated, Prince and the Revolution’s “Purple Rain” is the young pup.
With such stellar material, from the opening organ of “Let’s Go Crazy” to the duet of “Take Me With U” to the feelings and emotions of “The Beautiful Ones”, those 3 tracks alone would have made this a top 10 album of all time. But why stop there?
The raw funk of “Computer Blue” to the nastiness of “Darling Nikki” which helped create the PARENTAL ADVISORY label on records and increase sales of every act by doing so. Then came the track that stood out like Sofia Vergara in a tight dress; “When Doves Cry” the song that to that point would be Prince’s crowning achievement. “When Doves Cry” is what makes a Prince song Prince’s…and no one else’s!
Then he takes it up a notch and throws a dance party in our honor. “I Would Die 4 U” and who would disagree that he wouldn’t? “Baby, I’m A Star” is an artist who knew he was about to hit the big time and no one would forget how bright his star would shine.
Then, the title track. “Purple Rain” a song so good, it needed a movie named after it. There are 2 things the industry got wrong in the 80’s; “Purple Rain” only making it to #2 on the Billboard singles charts and Rolling Stone making “Purple Rain” only the 2nd greatest album of the 80’s, giving the title of #1 to “London Calling” by The Clash. Is it too late for a recount now?
Aside from me wearing out 3 copies of “Purple Rain” on cassette the first summer I ever discovered it, this is more than just a movie soundtrack; this album, and Prince’s music itself, is a soundtrack to people’s lives. The body of work that Prince along with the Revolution and others he has worked with is beyond compare.
Quite simply, no one can touch Prince. No one can touch Purple Rain. You could line up the best producers of the past 25 years and they couldn’t touch it.
I want to thank Dr. Fink, Brownmark, Bobby Z., Wendy Melvoin & Lisa Coleman for getting me through some times in life where all I had to turn to was your music, your sound. Words could not express what it means so please just take my thank you and know that there is so much more behind it.
To Prince, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for the music. Thank you for the drive you had inside yourself to create something so amazing, so funky, so full of emotion and feeling, that it has moved generations. Despite what people think, we don’t know each other on any level, only on the professional sense, but your music has been a friend when in need, and sometimes, it’s better that way. No taking, just always giving.
Again, I thank you Prince Rogers Nelson for giving us your gift of your music and “Purple Rain” and I congratulate you on another award that you so deserve.
Much Love and kick some tail for me this month in Jersey and New York.-Dr.FB
Posted at 14:15h, 09 DecemberPurple Rain changed my view towards popular music completely! I had never liked Prince until I listened to PR for the very first time. I wondered where all these great sounds come from, let alone all the guitars. After I watched that certain show at Carrier Dome, Syracuse, broadcast via satellite, I became Prince devotee and never lost him! During these 25 years absolutely no-one came along who was able to take Prince’s crown. Timberlake? Ridiculous! Gaga? Soon forgotten, you’ll see! Prince, go on and give us your funk!!!
Too Funky
Posted at 09:13h, 09 DecemberDoc! Brillant write-up & to be honest the only reason I follow you is that by chance I found your site through the numerous Prince forums, where you were mentioned! Since then I love all the articles & news you provide on our man Prince & for that I am truly greatful!
When Purple Rain was released I was a Colombian refugee living in Melbourne, Australia going on 14 & although completely taken a back from the early on-set of Prince funk with such gems as “I Wanna Be Your Lover”, “When You Were Mine” & “Controversy”. 25 years on I still recall how much of an impact Purple Rain made to my life. Not only had I predicted early in my life that this man would be bigger than anything I could imagine, the songs from this album helped me to connect emotionally with myself but also helped me get laid for the first time! A memory I will never forget 25 years on.
Don’t stop the funk Doc & make sure you alwyas keep it “Too Funky”!
Peace, Love & Respect.
Posted at 05:25h, 09 DecemberGreat commentary DrFB….
Who wants Purple Rain Remastered (Deluxe) – Eye No Eye Do…
Posted at 17:36h, 08 DecemberPerfect
Posted at 17:36h, 08 DecemberPerfect.
Posted at 16:41h, 08 DecemberI would like ‘Purple Rain’ both the song and album to be number 1 again in the US and UK!
Posted at 12:06h, 08 DecemberWell put Doc. I consider you one of my best friends and love you like a brother, and without this album, we may never have been brought into each other’s lives. For that I am so grateful to Prince.
The same could be said about several other friends and especially my wife. Prince’s music has brought so many people together that a simple “thank you” doesn’t really do justice. So when people speak about an album changing lives, this one really has shaped a generation and forged love lasting loves and friendships.
Forever Grateful,
Posted at 11:18h, 08 DecemberThis is MASSIVE right here. Purple Rain was the album that changed my life where music was concerned. I loved it from the 1st time I heard it and it opened me up to how amazing music can really be. It grabbed me from the first note on Let’s Go Crazy to the last note on Purple Rain. It’s an album that sounds just as fresh and new today as it did in the 80’s. It’s sheer proof that Prince was, is and will always be THE MAN. Thank you to the Revolution for truly “revolutionizing” my life with such great music the years you guys were together. Thank you Prince for blessing me with the music that you’ve made for the last 32 years. I can’t wait to see what the next 32 years will be like.
Prince is the G.O.A.T. period, end of discussion
Posted at 06:56h, 08 DecemberI concour!
It’s an album that changed or made an enormous impact on people’s life …and what’s even more amazing, it still does to new generations! I found soulfood for all my moods whether it was party, peace, comfort or inspiration to paint. Thank you Prince & The Revolution …and congrats on another well deserved Award. May U All live 2 see the Dawn. 
Posted at 06:39h, 08 DecemberI always notice that whenever there’s a Prince story on this website, it gets the most comments. It’s very clear that he is Dr FB’s favourite. He is mine too. He will never be replaced in music. I am so happy that he was able to turn his life around when he got bullied by teaching himself music and look where he is now! Whatever happened to the bullies? I bet at least 90% of them are now some of his biggest fans. It’s so great that more teenagers and young people are getting into his music.
Posted at 05:11h, 08 DecemberDoc, it´s clear that from the amount of people you talk about in this site, Prince is the most important for you, and it´s very clear that he is and has been very relevant in your life, at a very different levels. I only wanted to tell you that your message has arrived, and for sure that has make it for Prince too.
Posted at 01:48h, 08 DecemberFinally his royal badness has been recognised by the men who laughed at him those days. He is ,was and always wil be the most entertaining, most musical, most sexy MF, in this world. Thank You Prince for giving me and my family the music we listen to each day. Thanks to the NPG for becoming the greatest family in the hole world. Excuse me if my english isn’t so good but i’m just telling what i’m feeling.
Posted at 00:23h, 08 DecemberYes. Congratulations to Prince and the Revolution; this is a well-deserved and appropriate acknowledgement.
Doc your words are eloquent and on-point.
Posted at 23:54h, 07 DecemberCouldn’t have said it better myself Doc. This album is the anthem of my life. Every track on it is perfection in a nutshell. The only record that could even come close to how truly flawless a piece is might be MJ’s Off the Wall. Not my favorite Prince album (1999) but certainly a close second. Prince by far the best living musician on the planet and has been for quite some. One can only hope that he keeps putting out great music for many years to come.
Royal Rican Prince
Posted at 23:23h, 07 DecemberPeople don’t like him because of the massive amount of talent and his untouchable track record. But who cares. Even to this date now matter how many Jay-Z, Biebers, Timberlakes not even combined can they even come close 2 the stratosphere that Prince is in! There will NEVER be anyone like him, too bad that he will get his much deserved recognition ONLY after he is gone:(
Posted at 22:42h, 07 DecemberCongratulations To Prince & The Revolution!More than well deserved.Prince & The Revolution especially own a great deal of my music timeline.
I only still wish that one day I could have the opportunity to see them all perform together .HINT…HINT. lol 
Posted at 22:10h, 07 DecemberC’mon, Doc, don’t hold back. Do you like the album or not?
Posted at 21:09h, 07 DecemberI couldn’t have said it better. The whole Purple rain experience way back in 1984 made Prince a superstar & world wide name. He was already a superstar on my record player and boom-box years b 4 that. The Grammy induction is well deserved. Its about time he is being paid homage. Prince is the only black superstar left in his generation. Give him his flowers now so he can smell them. Don’t wait until its to late like the press & industry did with MJ……………
Qaid Amir Ali
Posted at 20:17h, 07 DecemberVery well written Doc FB (my sentiments exactly) …
Posted at 19:53h, 07 DecemberCongrats to Prince & The Revolution . . . I can’t say enough about this album and what Prince’s music means to me . . . I have very fond memories of sitting in my room listening to this album over & over anticipating what the movie would be like . . . I remember camping outside of the mall waiting to get concert tickets so I could hear these songs from Purple Rain played live . . .I also remember some of my friends calling me crazy because of my love for the guy in the lace shirt with eye liner. The Purple Rain album has a little something for all & I am so happy that Prince & The Revolution will be receiving this honor. . . Thanks Prince for making me smile with your music.
Posted at 19:50h, 07 DecemberCongratulations, Prince! The Purple Rain tour was my first Prince concert experience and I was in awe. The album, movie and concert were great moments in my life. Still lovin the album and movie. Please come back to Detroit and put on a great concert here. The D is missing you….we’re waiting. Thank you for all the great music……. past, present and future.
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Posted at 18:48h, 07 December[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by drfunkenberry, Tony Papa, itaintover, Jasmine Jayde, mahina and others. mahina said: RT @drfunkenberry: PRINCE & The Revolution’s “Purple Rain” Get Grammy Induction + My Thoughts http://dlvr.it/9wnTj […]
Posted at 18:47h, 07 DecemberGreat thoughts, DrF. I think I wore out my cassette too back in 1984! PR opened the purple floodgates for me. From there I was buying Prince’s entire back catalog and dying for more. To say PR influenced my life is an understatement. It WAS my life for a period of time.
To this day, When Doves Cry still moves me. Especially live in concert. Same goes for Beautiful Ones. When he performed that at the Fillmore in SF in 2004, complete with the lie down and singing from the floors, I thought I would faint.
All of PR is great – every song stands on its own and means so much to me. Congratulations to Prince and all the members of the Revolution. And THANK U – I can’t imagine my life without this great art.
Posted at 18:42h, 07 DecemberI agree. You deserve this award, Prince. Congratulations again and don’t let haters put you off because you’re stronger than them. I’m only 16 but you are my favourite. That album is the best I’ve ever heard. I can’t believe there are some people who want the man dead. I have to say, what is so bad about him? So, I hope you come to London because I’ve never seen you. I bet I won’t be the only devastated one when he dies. Good luck touring America and DR FB is right: There won’t be another Prince in music. Ever. I agree with this part totally:
”To Prince, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for the music. Thank you for the drive you had inside yourself to create something so amazing, so funky, so full of emotion and feeling, that it has moved generations. Despite what people think, we don’t know each other on any level, only on the professional sense, but your music has been a friend when in need, and sometimes, it’s better that way. No taking, just always giving.
Again, I thank you Prince Rogers Nelson for giving us your gift of your music and “Purple Rain” and I congratulate you another award that you so deserve.”
Posted at 18:42h, 07 Decemberwell said doc!! nothing more 2 add ! XXX