14 Oct Audio & Video Of Prince’s “Welcome 2 America” Press Confusion…Er Conference

Prince. Photo: GettyImages.com
So, Prince held a press conference in New York City earlier this evening. A Rolling Stone journalist had it spot on when he said Prince would be holding a mysterious press conference….because people don’t really know what he announced.
A full on U.S. tour (Major rumor for a couple of months now) or a residency at the Apollo Theatre in New York.
It is called “Welcome To America” and usually, when tourists first travel to America, the first place they either visit or travel is New York. So….it would make more sense that a residency in New York is happening. Also, the skyscrapers in some of the posters are of a New York Skyline. Plus, would you really call a tour “Welcome To America?”
“Maceo Parker. Esperanza Spaulding. Sheila E, Larry Graham, Mint Condition, Sinbad, Cassandra Wilson. Dr. Funkenberry doing the chicken dance. I am master of ceremonies. Welcome to America.”
Below is audio and video of the press conference.
[audio:http://www.drfunkenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/prince_apollo.mp3]Also, Prince, I Love you man. I may not look you in the eye when we are in the same room and have my date talk to you instead of me, but it is all about respect. So, whoever picked out that shirt for you (please don’t let it be someone I know) dock them the pay it cost them to make the shirt, sing 4 hail mary’s n toss that top in yesterday’s basura. I bet Rihanna is wearing it in 2 weeks though.-Dr.FB
P.S. thanks to a friend for sending the audio and the exclusive photos we had earlier.
marley peters
Posted at 23:27h, 27 NovemberPrince is the hottest chocolate dish ever!!!!
Posted at 13:33h, 19 OctoberPrince; Welcome 2 America Tour
December 14, 15 & 17 Izod Center East Rutherford NJ
December 18 & 29 Madison Square Garden New York NY
Posted at 03:21h, 17 OctoberReminds me of the Press Confusion,.. Er Conference Jackson did just before his death. Didn’t Prince say “This is it” or was it “This is the one blah blah blah…” Same stuff full of skunk but, that’s about all the funky Prince seems to have left these days.
Prince: “No I believe it’s better to fade away”.
Posted at 23:54h, 15 Octoberi dont think its going to be xclusive 2 new york its caled welcome 2 america not welcome 2 new york so prince bring on the cali dates
Posted at 21:01h, 15 OctoberLooks like a plain black turtlekneck w/hanging gold necklace thingy 2 me. I was there Doc and the black velour jacket was bad in a cool way. Man didn’t look a day over 40.
Bring IT MC Prince & Crew!
Prince Tour Dates 2010
Posted at 16:47h, 15 October[…] […]
Posted at 16:08h, 15 Octoberthanx 4 sharing the info i hope i get the chance to finally see him concert
Posted at 15:27h, 15 OctoberA great idea to colour code the days of the month- does that incude tones 2?
Posted at 12:59h, 15 OctoberCool … I’m happy for the fans living in NYC … I may not be able to travel to New York …. but I will try to make it … Thanks Doc for staying on top of things as usual … Peace Be Wild
Posted at 10:13h, 15 OctoberLove that he is going to actually play in the US.
Doc, totally agree with the shirt comment though. Really, could have found soemthing better to wear for the spotlight.
Posted at 10:13h, 15 OctoberAre some of you suffering from a hearing disorder. I had no trouble understanding this to be an announcement about a residency at the Apollo theater during the month of December with a lot of special guest on various nights. I think he could have spoken a little louder and taken some questions from the press but overall I had no trouble understanding what the announcement was about.
Becky Neubauer Morgan
Posted at 08:39h, 15 OctoberUgh…so discouraged, sounds like this is going to be like his stint in Vegas….great for those P fams that can afford it, but as for me a working mother and wife, who lives in the south, I cannot afford to travel to NYC plus the cost of the ticket? So unfair Prince……your real fams have been waiting a long time to see you again! And what about 20ten? Are we ever going to be able to enjoy your new music? We deserve the chance to at least buy that! Love the foot spray comment by the way, and as always he is as hot as ever
Posted at 01:24h, 15 OctoberWooh, he looks HOT HOT HOT. Fingers crossed he makes a stand in NYC – I will get on a plane to go see him! It’s been too long!
Posted at 00:29h, 15 OctoberFabulous News, WoW!
Posted at 22:41h, 14 OctoberPrince I LOVE YOU man.. (every day a little bit more)
@ Doc… Love from me to you, brother.*hug*
World Wide News Flash
Posted at 22:30h, 14 OctoberAudio Of Prince's ?Welcome 2 America? Press Confusion?Er ……
I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…
World Wide News Flash
Posted at 22:23h, 14 OctoberAudio Of Prince's “Welcome 2 America” Press Confusion…Er ……
I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)…
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Posted at 22:23h, 14 October[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by drfunkenberry, Jeff, Alltop, cody breedlove, FoxyFierce and others. FoxyFierce said: RT @drfunkenberry: Audio Of Prince’s “Welcome 2 America” Press Conference. Confusion. http://dlvr.it/72dYK […]
Posted at 22:10h, 14 OctoberO.k… So, on December 10th, he’s gonna announce that there will be tour dates ? Please, tell me that’s what it means. Because if I have to go to New York to see him, and I have to sit through (Larry) Graham Central Station, I’d rather not…
This news is so confusing, I am a little discouraged. I was happier when the rumor about him touring with Earth Wind and Fire was circulating…
Posted at 21:46h, 14 OctoberWOOOW!!! When do the tix go on sale???