13 Oct Paparazzi Ask David Arquette About Marriage In Front Of Daughter
Ok, this is so NOT cool. Wasn’t there a time when you were a celeb and you were with your child or children, the paps left you alone? Well, that did not happen yesterday when David Arquette was out with his daughter.
They appeared to be at a distance at first but still. A person who works at the restaurant went to get David and bring him and his girl in.
The paps apologized when he came out but still filmed. After he put his girl in the car, the paps asked about him and Courtney Cox and he responded like you would expect him to and said “They are best friends” and then left it at that.
What makes them think the daughter did not hear that? It just isn’t cool. David had every right to flip out but didn’t.
He is tryign to handle his separation with class, which is not what I can say for the paps who followed him around.
What do you think? Did the paps overstep a boundary?-Dr.FB
Posted at 19:51h, 14 Octoberexactly what F says above, why did you post it? Were you using your criticism as an excuse to use it yourselves? that is hypocrisy Dr.
Posted at 17:08h, 13 October“This is not so cool”, and then you post the video yourself?
Posted at 14:36h, 13 OctoberYet again another example of “people behaving badly” I find that many folks in California have no respect for one another so this comes as no shock.It’s just very disheartening and disappointing that people keep choosing to stoop to a low level instead of setting a true good example and rising above.
Posted at 11:31h, 13 OctoberWhat is wrong with these ppl..! HONESTLY!!