30 Sep Official PRINCE Tour Announcement
We’ve been keeping you up to date with the latest on the Fall leg of Prince’s 20Ten tour in Europe, which so far is set to funk through Finland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Italy. Now here’s some official purple nuggets about the upcoming tour…
Drummer John Blackwell is back on stage for the October dates in Europe. He’ll be joined by newcomer Ida Nielsen of Denmark on the funky bass. We can’t wait to hear these two hold it down for the Purple Yoda.
We’re also being told that the one and only Sheila E. will be joining the tour. Hot like soup right there, y’all.
The set list will be similar to the earlier 20Ten shows from this summer. So lots of great hits mixed in with some unexpected surprises. You know Prince will always surprise, no matter how many times you’ve seen him.
Ticket sales have already kicked off as of yesterday and they’re going FAST. So if you’re even thinking about hitting one of the shows, don’t delay.
As for the rest of the dates on the tour? Prince won’t commit to any long term plans with promoters so we’ll just have to sit tight and see where else his Royal Badness will decide to visit. It’s just the Prince way, right?
Yeah, we know it can be frustrating for fans who are trying to make plans, but hey, it keeps us on our toes, right? – Dr.FB
Posted at 14:08h, 02 OctoberPrince, It’s me Aprilflower just wondering when you will come to SF/SAC area because we are sticky like glue. Love you man and hopefully I will get to see and meet you in 2011. With you touring Europe and the upcoming holidays 2010 is booked up. Prince US Rock Heaven 2011 tour!! Thank you Prince and thank you doc
Posted at 12:54h, 02 OctoberNYC??? It’s been a long while or even ct?
christine lindon
Posted at 11:13h, 02 OctoberPlease come to the UK Prince……….
Posted at 06:52h, 02 OctoberWhat about a US tour? Will he ever come back to the States, particularly the East Coast?
Posted at 01:44h, 02 October^like the pic Doc.
This is great news.
Prince, Sheila E., John Blackwell and Ida Nielsen.
To so many destinations and excellent locations, they’re bringing the funk without hesitation.
That’s nice.
Posted at 18:53h, 01 OctoberA concert in Barcelona would be great so really hoping for this one.
Posted at 11:51h, 01 Octoberplease please pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Posted at 11:49h, 01 Octobermake the concerts 12 & over…
u also have to come to seattle…
go to truman middle school in tacoma, wa…
Posted at 09:43h, 01 OctoberCome On, Princey!
Give us a date for Barcelona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of interesting places in Barcelona you might want to consider for an after as well!
Posted at 09:31h, 01 OctoberUK????! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese! (O:
Posted at 08:53h, 01 OctoberGood news. Tuesday is one night I am bound so Antwerp is out of the question.
I hope Prince spontaneously somewhere during the weekend pops up in some unexpected place. Keep it a secret so not too many can go and the crowd will not be too large.
Yeah keep us in the dark…we like it sometimes
Bart H.
Posted at 05:25h, 01 OctoberTHANK U PRINCE 4 coming 2 Belgium AGAIN !!!
THANK U DOC 4 the info & keep bustin’ !!!
THANK U LUC G. 4 the (uncredited) picture !!!
Posted at 04:39h, 01 OctoberThx 4 the updates funky Doc!!! :))) I sooo hope there will be more dates soon!!! What about GERMANY again , Prince?!? :)) Berlin was sooo funky now we are spoiled!!!!
When u R coming back to us we funk ur ass like u never seen before! lol :))) cuz we better shaking than the americans!!! 
Posted at 02:56h, 01 OctoberBig admiration to BASS IDA for funkin’ up MPLS …good work, nuff respect from Denmark!
Posted at 02:17h, 01 OctoberR u sure this is a tour announcement??? Helsinki & Antwerp tix sale r postponed. Gimme some input doc. Please.
luc groosman
Posted at 02:12h, 01 Octobergood news to hear Sheila E will join in,
missed her this summer when is was there for some concerts not the ones I went to.
Will it be simmilar concert to those this summer? Why are there problems with the placement of the stage then and are therefore some ticketsales postponed (Antwerp, Helsinki) ?
like you said, you never know …
by the way, I know that picture, I’ve taken it in Nice.
see nice20ten-en.blogspot.com/
Posted at 23:39h, 30 Septemberso:IT iS SaId.I m GoNnA Do My LuKe SkYwAlKeR.AnD gO wHeReEvEr hE wAnTs.
tks DR FUNk.4 Ur LiGhTeNiNG aDvIsEs.
jUsT cAnCeL My HOliDaYs AnD ReaDY 2 gO aNd ThE tHe cOsMiC sTaR aGaIn… yppy HI.
Posted at 22:11h, 30 Septembernice !!! I wish he would hit LA either on his way there or back
Posted at 20:34h, 30 Septembercool thanx 4 sharing the info hope Prince tours the US with 20ten
Posted at 19:55h, 30 SeptemberI wonder will Sheila E be on the drums to or the timbales. But John & Ida together should be an interesting full sound. Looks like Prince plans to roc the sox off this leg of his tour…I wonder will he add Chris Coleman in the future.
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Posted at 18:32h, 30 September[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ludovic, Sybille, drfunkenberry, paradise7, it is i and others. it is i said: RT @drfunkenberry: Official PRINCE Tour Announcement http://dlvr.it/6Dkz9 […]
Posted at 18:18h, 30 SeptemberA real major Prince announcement would be the release of his back WB catalogue remastered & expanded or a very very special new Studio project…..but this is something else….the after Tour……!!
Posted at 18:06h, 30 SeptemberGreat news !
Posted at 18:04h, 30 Septemberas usual
hopefully zurich soon …..
Posted at 17:52h, 30 SeptemberThanks Doc