12 Jul LeBum James Needs To Take A Seat

Lebron James. File Photo
I am going to say it; I never liked Lebron James. There was something about him that just rubbed me the wrong way. Last week, he gave me a reason to not like him so I don’t feel guilty for my feelings.
Let’s be real here; we all knew that Lebum was not going to resign with Cleveland or else he would have done it last year when a huge offer was on the table. This was planned since at least 2006 with Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, and Lebum. They all signed deals in 2007 to be free agents in 2010 with hopes of playing somewhere together.
The NBA says they will look into player tampering and Marc Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, is hoping David Stern takes off the kid gloves with this situation.
Los Angeles Laker free agent Derek Fisher met with the Heat on Saturday and Lebum was there to greet him and ask him to join the darkside….at least i think that is what he asked.
My sources say Fisher has no intention of signing with the Heat, but is letting the Lakers know he has options and to stop low-balling him in contract negotiations.
My advice to Lebum is to start laying low and let this blow over. That being said, the Heat are going to get a LOT of coverage over the upcoming NBA season. Expect TNT to carry a lot of games. Expect a Christmas game between the Heat and the Cavs in Cleveland. They are going to be the team that everyone is going to root against. Kind of like the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL. People may not have a favorite team but they tune in just to root against them and that means ratings.
Note to Jerry Jones. I love the Dallas Cowboys.
So for now, Lebum, take a seat, somewhere. Maybe on South Beach. Maybe in your new Villa in Miami. But for a while, please go away. Either that, or I am going to have to talk about you and seriously, I hate talking about you more than I hate talking about Lindsay Lohan.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 19:07h, 13 JulyYo the owner of this website need to go suck his boyfriend dick and while masturbating to his gay porn cock sucking bitch….. oh yea Cleveland lost another player. HA HA. HOPE YOU DIE IN A HOLE SOME WHERE DUMBASS!!!!!
Posted at 09:14h, 13 JulyFact….
Disney/ABC/ESPN manufactured the LeBron image and they wanted him out of Cleveland to a more marketable image to sell.
It’s not about the ball skills any more .
Pro sports are quickly becoming the WWE more than people realize.
Posted at 18:01h, 12 JulyKatrina sounds like an NBA groupie, the type of 400-pound black woman who flies out for the All Star weekend and shows up at afterparties in the hopes that some superstar with beer goggles will make her a parent, but ends up getting defiled by a seventh-string forward instead.
But Katrina, you should refocus your efforts and fellate Wade instead of LeBron. Wade has been spotted getting cozy with Star Jones in the past, so we know he likes elephants, and if you degrade yourself enough, you might get lucky.
Stupid people like you miss the point: by going to the Heat, LeBum is admitting he is not on par with Jordan or even lesser players like Kobe. He could have gone to the Knicks or Chicago, teams that would have put the right kind of players around him to win a championship, but he had to go for the sure thing.
So what if he wins a ring? Or two? Or three? He’ll always have fewer rings than Dwayne Wade, and he’ll always be Wade’s bitch, on Wade’s team.
Like drfunk said, go get yourself an education, you dumb whore.
Posted at 16:43h, 12 July40 views? Well thanks for the 41st view and leaving a comment on it.
Love how you correct others spellings while a 4 year old spells better than you.
Yea, there is a reason you are commenting on a post instead of actually writing one.
Now, do us all a favor and sit next to Lebum until you get an education. 🙂
Posted at 15:43h, 12 JulyMutha Fucker your ass probely don’t kno shit about basketball, he went to the heat because he was tired of getting kick out of the playoffs, ya damn fool, so he knew that teaming up with D-Wade and CHRIS Bosh ( you spelld his name wroing ass wipe) would work. Its not 4 the fame or money its for him to end his basketball carrer with a championship ring. So BITCH you need to sit your ass down and get the FUCK off this dumb Stupid Ass website dat got bout 40 views BITCH
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Posted at 13:32h, 12 July[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by CARNEGIE KID, A-NoN. CARNEGIE KID, A-NoN said: #LeMOMJAMES RT @drfunkenberry: .: LeBum James Needs To Take A Seat http://bit.ly/aVgeYE […]
Posted at 13:08h, 12 JulyLEBRON LEBRON until now i never knew how many haters u had……great motivation i must say 🙂 ..LBJ6 ALL DAY
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