03 May Does Kim Kardashian Have Justin Bieber Fever?

Kim Kardashian & Justin Bieber. Photo: SplashNewsOnline.com
I was writing this before I saw that Kim Kardashian did say that she has Bieber fever as Justin Bieber tweeted that Kim was his new girlfriend after taking photos together.
Kim’s hair would have looked better down but standing next to Biebs in the bowl haircut, you wouldn’t know any way. They both attended the White House Correspondents dinner that took place over the weekend.
No word if Bieber n Kim headed to Carls Jr. for an afterparty and some salad. We have a feeling that Justin was hoping that commercial would take place in real life with him being the apple slice. Ahem.-Dr.FB
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Posted at 09:03h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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