17 Mar As Tiger Woods Announces Return To Golf, So Do Fans

Tiger Woods File Photo
As Tiger Woods announced his return to Golf and The Masters, ticket prices went through the roof even more than they were when it was just speculation that Tiger would return.
The tickets, which are normally $200 are going for about $2 grand in some circles.
CBS, which carries The Masters is breathing a sigh of relief knowing that Tiger will be returning. Golf coverage and ratings has been down since Tiger left and The Masters to CBS with Tiger Woods playing is like the NBA getting LeBron versus Kobe in the NBA Finals; ratings gold.
Even golfers who behind the scenes may not care abot Tiger are sure glad he is back. More cameras, more attention is a good thing for them. It’s not like Phil Mickelson was going to lay the verbal smackdown on Tiger anyway.
Will you be rooting for Tiger at The Masters or rooting against him?-Dr.FB
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Posted at 21:16h, 08 AprilI must be very honest dude, your site is simply worth reading. I found it just by scouting around yahoo and in all honesty i am happy that i did. Keep it up. On a sidenote, mastersgolf-tournament-2010 . blogspot . com has the first video I’ve seen on this event.
Posted at 18:11h, 18 MarchWHAT A SHOCKER!! a public appology and an announcement of his return…who saw that coming?
Posted at 11:51h, 17 MarchHELL YES I’ll be rooting for him. I admire Tiger for being the best golfer in the world, not because he’s the best husband or dad in the world. His private life is just that, private. I may not agree with his choices, but when he’s on the course, all I care about is how well he hits that little white ball.
I’m counting the days to the tourney!