Recently watched Gaga & Beyonce’s Telephone video. Music is actually quite good, saucy catchy tune but whoa – the imagery and theme – jail, mass murder in a diner and get-away. Even a shot of the dog in the diner, poisoned and killed — wa, WA, WHAT? Shock in any price! Way to go. Bit far? No surprise, people like India Arie are all upset. Robert Meloni, legal counsel for Gaga’s ex who’s suing her for millions, unwittingly may have stated it the most effectively in his response to MTV about Gaga’s countersuite “…gives ‘falling on your sword’ an entirely new meaning…”
Posted at 23:47h, 13 March
Beyonce is over-rated. Course she’s got billionaire husband, Jay Zee to cover her ass if mega-talented newcomer’s like Lady Gaga leave her standing in the dust. This isn’t the first person, Beyonce’s hooked up with who’s outshone her in every way…there’s been Alicia Keys as well. Beyonce is cleary out of her league with the likes of Lady Gaga and Alicia Keys.
Posted at 23:39h, 13 March
Gaga’s got it all over Beyonce. I barely looked at B. Notice the title too…first name mentioned is the winner here.
Posted at 19:34h, 13 March
Great video. Tarantino will be proud Lady GaGa definitely has her own style and is a fashion icon. The song itself is not so special, but not bad either. Because it’s GaGa it probalby will sell well.
Posted at 12:52h, 13 March
Ok….another video where she poisons people. Woopedy Doo.
Posted at 21:38h, 12 March
Great Video, once again the creative mind of GAGA has successfully entranced fans and pissed everyone else off.. and this time Beyonce’ is NO distraction she fits right in!! and the tarantino truck and theme was Wild.. “see i told ya she didn’t have a ****” was priceless.. GAGA/STEPHANIE is a beautiful and creative artist, while i don’t like every song, she is as “out there” as Prince was in the 80’s.. her style is awesome cuz no one looks like her and yet she could be run of the mill auto-toning every vocal and missing boys and just like everyone else.. but NOPE.. she’s setting her own bar.. and for those that don’t get it.. u won’t get it and for the rest of us.. we’re going GAGA over GAGA!!
Trust is like a mirror/u can fix it when it’s broken/but u can still see cracks in the MOTHER FUCKER!!!
Posted at 19:21h, 12 March
the cat
Posted at 19:17h, 12 March
AWFUL !! I agree with ertccty, i miss REAL MUSIC !!
I just dont understand what the attraction is with her. Its just pure pop garbage from an ugly drug enduced woman.
I feel sorry for the young girls who look up to her, who will try and mimic her odd strange behaviour.
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Celebrity News
Posted at 21:44h, 21 AprilI am crazy about Beyonce ‘s music! She is a great solo singer but I totally wish Destiny’s Child would get back together.
Nicki Kales
Posted at 05:16h, 23 MarchRecently watched Gaga & Beyonce’s Telephone video. Music is actually quite good, saucy catchy tune but whoa – the imagery and theme – jail, mass murder in a diner and get-away. Even a shot of the dog in the diner, poisoned and killed — wa, WA, WHAT? Shock in any price! Way to go. Bit far? No surprise, people like India Arie are all upset. Robert Meloni, legal counsel for Gaga’s ex who’s suing her for millions, unwittingly may have stated it the most effectively in his response to MTV about Gaga’s countersuite “…gives ‘falling on your sword’ an entirely new meaning…”
Posted at 23:47h, 13 MarchBeyonce is over-rated. Course she’s got billionaire husband, Jay Zee to cover her ass if mega-talented newcomer’s like Lady Gaga leave her standing in the dust. This isn’t the first person, Beyonce’s hooked up with who’s outshone her in every way…there’s been Alicia Keys as well. Beyonce is cleary out of her league with the likes of Lady Gaga and Alicia Keys.
Posted at 23:39h, 13 MarchGaga’s got it all over Beyonce. I barely looked at B. Notice the title too…first name mentioned is the winner here.
Posted at 19:34h, 13 MarchGreat video. Tarantino will be proud
Lady GaGa definitely has her own style and is a fashion icon. The song itself is not so special, but not bad either. Because it’s GaGa it probalby will sell well.
Posted at 12:52h, 13 MarchOk….another video where she poisons people. Woopedy Doo.
Posted at 21:38h, 12 MarchGreat Video, once again the creative mind of GAGA has successfully entranced fans and pissed everyone else off.. and this time Beyonce’ is NO distraction she fits right in!! and the tarantino truck and theme was Wild.. “see i told ya she didn’t have a ****” was priceless.. GAGA/STEPHANIE is a beautiful and creative artist, while i don’t like every song, she is as “out there” as Prince was in the 80’s.. her style is awesome cuz no one looks like her and yet she could be run of the mill auto-toning every vocal and missing boys and just like everyone else.. but NOPE.. she’s setting her own bar.. and for those that don’t get it.. u won’t get it and for the rest of us.. we’re going GAGA over GAGA!!
Trust is like a mirror/u can fix it when it’s broken/but u can still see cracks in the MOTHER FUCKER!!!
Posted at 19:21h, 12 MarchSilly!
the cat
Posted at 19:17h, 12 MarchAWFUL !! I agree with ertccty, i miss REAL MUSIC !!
I just dont understand what the attraction is with her. Its just pure pop garbage from an ugly drug enduced woman.
I feel sorry for the young girls who look up to her, who will try and mimic her odd strange behaviour.
Posted at 19:12h, 12 MarchI liiiiiiiiiiike it! I say FUNK IT!
Posted at 14:05h, 12 MarchRIDICULOUS!Gee!I wonder what the song is called?I miss REAL MUSIC!
Posted at 07:55h, 12 MarchLove love looooove it.
Super Great Stuff
It’s just all well in place
It works
Posted at 22:07h, 11 MarchCan’t watch it because it’s a “PRIVATE VIDEO”?