22 Feb Nick Jonas & Selena Gomez: Timeless

Nick Jonas & Selena Gomez. LimelightPics.com
Nick Jonas & Selena Gomez had a golf date over the weekend AND the paps found the couple.
No saucy make out photos of they young “friendly” stars, just shots of them playfully playing golf.
On a side note, it is being reported by TMZ that Selena bought Nick a present and it is really cute.
It is a pocket watch and on the back, it is engraved “Check the time….I Love you right now.” Now, that is sweet and classic. The box was engraved with a famous poem; “”I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am with you.”
Perhaps a play on Nick’s hit “Who I Am” and it is plain to see that whether they are just really good friends or more, she digs Nick for who he is. Gotta love young love. Who could ask for more?-Dr.FB
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