19 Feb Elton John: “Jesus Was Gay”

Elton John File Photo Courtesy AskMen.com
Oh boy. Wlton John is going to be ruffling some Christian feathers big time.
In an interview with that magazine that comes free with your Sunday paper and your grandmother is the only one who reads it, Elton John did an interview where he said straight out, he thinks Jesus was gay.
“I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don’t know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East — you’re as good as dead,”
Hmm. Very interesting. Is this the whole I’m gay so he must be gay thing? Like the whole Jesus was a woman thing or Jesus was white because I am white thing? It’s a rather touchy subject that I don’t think I would have the gall to bring up.
Elton did discuss other issues:
About his early mistakes in love:“I’d always choose someone younger. I wanted to smother them with love. I’d take them around the world, try to educate them. One after another they got a Cartier watch, a Versace outfit, maybe a sports car. They didn’t have jobs. They were reliant on me. I did this repeatedly. In six months they were bored and hated my guts because I’d taken their lives and self-worth away. I hadn’t intended to.”
On life with his current partner David: “I was attracted to David immediately. He was very well dressed, very shy. The next night we had dinner. After it, we consummated our relationship. We fell in love very quickly… Every Saturday for 16 years, we’ve sent each other a card, no matter where we are in the world, to say how much we love each other… We’ve never been jealous. We talk about the sexual side of things, things that normally would have frightened me before.”
On his drug use: “For some people a gram of cocaine can last a month. Not me. I have to do the lot, and then I want more. At the end of the day, all it led to was heartache.”
Why he hates fame: “Princess Diana, Gianni Versace, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, all dead. Two of them shot outside their houses. None of this would have happened if they hadn’t been famous. Fame attracts lunatics. I never had a bodyguard, ever, until Gianni died. I don’t like celebrity anymore.”
What do you think of Elton’a comments about Jesus and other things? Too far or Elton being Elton?-Dr.FB
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Towel Rails
Posted at 00:48h, 13 Decemberelton john can be only be the best singer and composer that i know. i like the song Candle In The Wind ‘`’
Sean Perry
Posted at 20:53h, 19 JulyElton John is actually a living legend, what a great musical artist he is.~;:
Posted at 08:45h, 20 FebruaryHe’s talking outta his arse, Jesus was a hot studly heterosexual holy beast of a motherfukaa
Posted at 17:05h, 19 FebruaryMay The Lord have mercy & compassion on his soul and not allow Satan to take his life. If there is one thing I definitely know about The Lord is that He will NOT be made a mokery of!
Posted at 13:47h, 19 Februarywhat a dumb ass !!
Posted at 12:59h, 19 FebruaryElton always speaks his mind and gets away with it.
Posted at 09:57h, 19 FebruaryIF the HOMOPHOBIC actions by today’s so-called CHRISTian leaders are anything to go by : yes, Jesus must have been gay !
Posted at 09:44h, 19 FebruaryIf Elton John doesn’t like “celebrity” anymore, then please, please, please go away. Stop recording, stop touring, stop giving interviews. Just go away. OR…stop bitching, because nobody likes to hear millionaires whine.