21 Jan Prince Does Vikings Fight Song!
[audio:http://www.drfunkenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/PurpleGold_full.mp3]Robyne Robinson broke the news at the local fox affiliate in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that PRINCE was set to debut a Minnesota Vikings fight song tonight. The song is entitled “Purple & Gold.”
Prince has been seen at a few Vikings football game and may have been inspired by Brett Favre n the way they manhandled the Cowboys on Sunday. Shoot, I hope it replaces Brett singing “Pants On The Ground” for sure.
Prince had this to say to FOX9:
“I saw the future,” said Prince.
He said he went home that night, wrote the song, “Purple and Gold,” and said it came easy and fast.
Check out the song above and let me know what you think.-Dr.FB
Update: here are the lyrics to the Vikings fight song entitled “Purple & Gold”
Purple and Gold Lyrics
the veil of the sky draws open
the roar of the chariots touch down
we r the ones who have now come again
and walk upon water like solid ground
as we approach the throne we won’t bow down
this time we won’t b denied
raise every voice and let it b known
in the name of the purple and gold
we come in the name of the purple and gold
all of the odds r in r favor
no prediction 2 bold
we r the truth if the truth can b told
long reign the purple and gold
the eyes say ready 4 battle
no need 4 sword in hand
we r all amped up like a rock n roll band
ready 2 celebrate every score
ready 2 fight the elegant war
ready 2 hear the crowd roar
that’s what we came 4
and so much more
in the name of the purple and gold
r spirits may b tired
r bodies may b worn
but since this day is r destiny
r history – that’s y we must b
4ever strong as the wind that blows the Vikings’ horn
in the name of the purple and gold
Posted at 10:31h, 22 JanuaryThese responses are hilarious! It ain’t that serious people!!! Geesh!!!
Posted at 10:20h, 22 JanuaryGD Mrng /Thank U Doc & Mr. Prince.
Mr. Prince if U read this I like the song but mayb U could create another 1 with a more up beat tempo. A song that will give them fearce energy, ya know get really pumped up. :-). U / Doc. FB 1/2 A great day and thanx again 4 this lil treat.
Posted at 10:14h, 22 JanuaryPrince is showing his love for his hometeam by writing a hymn in traditional, american tradition. That’s really sweet.
It’s meant for the Vikings ya’ll not for Prince- ” fans “.
Posted at 09:35h, 22 JanuaryThanks Doc ! xoxo -c-c-
Posted at 09:34h, 22 Januarywow
Posted at 08:09h, 22 JanuaryThe GOOD STUFF for sure!! Thanks for posting ,doc.
LOVE for one another ppl
Dat Dude
Posted at 04:56h, 22 JanuarySorry P, ‘taint happenin’. The Crescent City will not be denied, we’re pulling out all stops. That includes the snappin’ turtle tamborines!
Who dat?
Posted at 04:54h, 22 JanuaryWhat an awful song! I can’t believe Prince composed that piece of s**!
The arrangements are terrible, the melody is horrible.
Prince, hopefully you have something a lot better under your sleeves.
Posted at 04:25h, 22 JanuaryDamn this new song is terrible… Sometimes, I feel Prince should retire and stop making crap music like that, man, the chant, the music, that old linn drum beat he already used in 150 songs, how boring is that ? Man go back to the studio and do something fresh! Think 2007 Superbowl Half-time show, that was great
Posted at 02:37h, 22 JanuaryOk, so yes it is a traditional fight song…something I would have sung on the school bus after a game. lol It is what it is.
But Prince needs to get a really HYPED song for this coming Sunday.
Posted at 02:35h, 22 JanuaryOMG OMG I just can’t stop listening to this!!!!! ROTF
Posted at 02:34h, 22 JanuaryMy God how horrible !!!!
Posted at 02:30h, 22 JanuaryMan, oh, Man!!!
Tolly C
Posted at 02:17h, 22 JanuaryI love 90% of the music he has released but this is the worst song sing Daddy Pop!! He needs to go back and write something funky to make the heads bob. If the vikings listen to this crap…they will fall asleep prior to hitting the field.
Posted at 02:06h, 22 JanuaryVelo —
Yo, dumba$$, Prince created a song for the victims of Hurricane Katrina… why wouldn’t he create one for Haiti? If not, he’s probably already donated without letting the media know.
You’re an idiot!
Posted at 01:46h, 22 JanuaryJust yesterday I was stating how just about ANYTHING he does I like.
Rock & Roll is alive in Minneapolis???Really?!Hmmm? It is the old high school type hymnal fight song.Which is cool for that sort of thing.I think lyrically it is good.But if it is something to be played before or during the game… I am hoping he got another trick up his sleeve!No maraca shakin for this numba!But props to him showin love for his town/team.U win some & u lose some…so what?!Still love him regardless.
Thanks for sharing Doc
Not this dandy!
Posted at 01:24h, 22 JanuaryMy God that song was terrible. It’s rare that I think a new Prince song sucks off the bat but this song is just pitiful. It sounds like this song should be sung at church, not at a football field. If the Vikings play this before the game, it will cause them to lose. Prince, you need to redo this song ASAP. This song needs to be either rockin, full of funk or both. This is NOT gonna cut it. Still love you man!
Mikki Donavan
Posted at 01:13h, 22 JanuaryYou people all need to chill! It’s a fight song for god sakes! Not a Top 40 countdown song!!! For a fight song, it’s freaking cool! Show some support and love to a hugely talented creature that created something out of love for his home team. So sad that there are so many haters out there. Get a life!- Mikki Donavan
Posted at 01:07h, 22 JanuaryDumb da da dumb
Posted at 01:04h, 22 JanuaryFIGHT song??? Yeah people will be FIGHTING alright… for the REMOTE CONTROL so they can hit MUTE. Dayum.
Posted at 01:01h, 22 JanuaryOkay I love Prince.
And I love the Vikings.
And I even love when he’s so inspired that he writes a song for them.
But OMFG… Please please please bury that ISH deep in the ground.
That was just plain horrible.
I was expecting FUNK and GROOVE and what I heard was…well I’m sure SOMEONE’s got an appropriate word for it. Insert here _____________).
C’mon now, this isn’t something the Vikings fans are gonna be singing and humming as they’re getting ready for the big game….
Dayum, even the Chicago Bears “SuperBowl Shuffle” was catchier than that HOT MESS.
Posted at 01:00h, 22 January“BLACK AND GOLD” Ba-bey!! WHO DAT!!
Posted at 00:59h, 22 JanuaryPRINCE HAS U ALL FOOLED
Posted at 00:45h, 22 JanuaryAll I can say is WoW and Noooooo. But hey I hope the Vikings go all the way…Go Vikings Thank you Dr.FB for letting us know.
Posted at 00:12h, 22 JanuaryThats a demo…right?! The lyrics are cool but WE VIKING FANS ANEED A LITTLE BIT MORE LIGHTNING AND THUNDER!!! Rock it like you rocked the Super Bowl half time show!!!! But hey what do I know..I can’t even really play an instrument! LOL!