11 Nov Photos Of Michael Jackson’s Resting Place Leaked
The photos above are from TMZ. They were posted on November 8th without a photo credit and are of Michael Jackson’s tomb.
It appears the photos were from Karen Faye, a longtime Jackson employee, who did Michael Jackson’s make-up and is very friendly with MJ’s brother Randy Jackson.
Some people are led to believe that TMZ swiped these photos from Karen’s Face book page. However, if that were true, the photos would have been taken down by now or a credit would have been given as they have posted info from Face book accounts before. TMZ is too smart to swipe photos people.
Drfunkenberry.com has learned exclusively (Not exclusively as TMZ knows how much they paid) that TMZ paid over $100,000 for the photos.
TMZ has a policy of when paying for photos that it has to be the person who took the photos in the first place to be paid. They are not going to swipe photos from a facebook account or take them from someone second hand.
So, it had to be the person who took the photos, Karen Faye, or say someone close to Karen, such as Randy Jackson. You have to sign the agreement with TMZ as they now become the owners of the photos, so no photo credit is needed.
I am told that Karen took mementos from fans that were sent in as she sent out a message weeks prior that that she would be going to Michael’s grave site and would put what fans sent in around his tomb. The photos were posted on Karen’s face book page a few weeks ago and ended up on TMZ Sunday.
It’s interesting because if Karen wasn’t paid and since she is the owner of the photos, why are they still on TMZ? She is trying to make it sound like someone swiped the photos and gave them to TMZ but that is not the case.
I think it is highly WRONG that you are posting private photos of his tomb in the first place, weather on a face book account or not. Then to turn around and make a profit off of them when you say youwere posting it “for the fans” as you say, it just straight up unprofessional as a former employee and someone who claims to do Michael right.
Now, if any of this information is not true, you can contact me and prove otherwise. TMZ, if posting these photos with your watermark is wrong and want it taken down, you can contact me as well. TMZ owns the photos hence why the watermark is there and why Karen is not making a stink for the photos to be taken down or even taken off her face book page.
What do you think of these photos coming out and the circumstances around them?-Dr.FB
Posted at 12:49h, 15 November@INVINCIBLE:
I agree with you. But then we have to blame also (and very hard) the people around Michael who, knowing his “health conditions”, deliberately limited the access of the family and did not informed them about it. But I am going to say something. I have a son and I have brothers and sisters, and believe me, there is nobody in this world who could stop me to see them if I see/feel my “son”, “bro/sis” is in trouble. Especially if you are a mother or father… His parents should have gotten to the police to see why he didn’t want to see them, why he was so reclusive and why my son was so thin; The only idea of somebody blocking me access to my son, would be an alarm to me, and reason enough to break in. Besides, I couldn’t be out of touch with my son knowing all the hell he went through since 2005 trial. Frankly I would’ve be very concern especially if he restrains access, I would do Anything possible to see what is going on and act in consecuence… They didnt.
There are too many people to blame in more or less degree…. It’s terrible.
Posted at 12:24h, 15 NovemberI agree totally with those who say that K. Faye is weird and not fair. In her facebook, she asks to her “friends” to spy each other and to send to her a private mail giving the name of the persons who are not in agreement with what she says (very insane), she is also blaming every body for the death of MJ, except her, yet she was one another witness to what happened, if MJ was as weak as she pretends she did noting as the others and she tries to mask her responsibilities. I saw on many MJ forums that they have banned her from their discussion because they are disgusted by the fact she has released the pics of MJ’s grave. What I find a little funny and strange is that Michael Bush on his face book is always quoting words like “Don’t miss a chance to shut up” or ” those who know dont speak, those who speaks don’t know”, it seems to me that it’s a classy way to say that he don’t agree the behavior of colleague K. faye.
Posted at 04:39h, 15 November@CLAUDE michaels family had little 2 no access 2 michael as they virtually never did–if michael wanted 2 keep his family at bay, which he did often, the people around michael through michaels instruction would do just that–his family had no platform 2 save him or intervene–unfortunately– people like karen faye, michael lee bush, kenny ortega, sony/aeg, grace etc and any other person who lived with or worked around michael on a daily basis that could see something was wrong are the people who dropped the ball imho—the ultimate rest with MURRAY
Im hearing that MURRAY will be arrest by the end of the year or early in january–they are being extremely careful–they know all eyes are on them —if they f*ck up i think the fans will freak out and burn california down 4 real–I pray justice is served
Posted at 22:15h, 14 NovemberAlbertmo, (please excuse my english, am from France)
Yes, you are right, she said that she was thinking about writing a book, but she also said that she has doubts about doing it, she hasn’t mention anything regarding that book, since a long time ago, so I don’t know if she is writing it or not, but I truly don’t care, though it would be interesting to know her life experince with MJ. On the other hand, regarding the diary she said was writting, she said that it was not going to published, that she was writing that diary for some especial members in the Jackson’s family, because she finds her (fresh) memories could be useful in this process of grieiving and seeking the truth and that the family can know what she witnessed; it has nothing to do with comercial intends.
May be you don’t need Faye telling the truth, her points of view, or what she witnessed, but she does need to express and that’s why we have freedom of speech; there are other people who do want to hear her opinions, so, I think that this is a matter of freedom of choice and respect. It is valid that you or anybody seek the truth where ever you feel like it.
I am praying for the investigation to conclude well and soon, I really hope that the delay is because they are being very careful… Michael deserves Justice, and that really is the most important thing here, beyond Karen, or Grace, or me or you.
I can’t blame Faye for pointing Ortega and AEG, because they were the leaders of that project, they were parters of Michael, they were “bosses” and she told them loudly her concerns about how she saw in Michael and they send her to kept him warm and to buy a bucket of KFC…
If you want to judge hard, you can start with MJ´s family, where were they? They saw him 2 weeks before he died.
Spread love, not hate. I respect your points of view. I send you a hug.
Posted at 12:07h, 14 NovemberClaude
Faye said many times on her facebook that she is writing a book on Michael, she is always saying that people that have writing books since his death are vultures (it’s the only point that I agree with her), but she thinks that she has the right to do it without being treated as a vulture her too. She is also writing a diary on the three last monts she were with him, for making the truth on Michael’s death. She says that the autopsy report released saying that Michael was in good shape, is a fake, maybe she is right, maybe she is wrong, I don’t know, but what is sure nobody needs Faye to make the truth, if this report is a fake, the true one will be released in due time, I know that we should all like that the things go faster, but as LAPD said recently, they want to be very careful and make no mistake. Jackson family has their own private report autopsy and know the truth without the intervention of Faye. This person is giving to herself an importance that she has not. I know that the fans had a very limited access to Michael and they are in no way responsible of this death, Faye and the others who worked with him quite every day and have seen his bad health are responsible for having doing nothing, but Faye is blaming only Ortega and AEG, she is not blaming herself and others.
Still Invincible
Posted at 00:33h, 14 November@ objective truth seeker
I hear that susan etok is fanatic fan who actually did meet michael and had some phone conversations with michael –i dont know if it was often or when but apparently she believed that her and michael had a relationship— and that she was his bff–from what i hear about all these caddy woman in michaels life, karen faye, tatianna thumbzen, susan etok, grace rhiwanda etc they all seemed 2 think they owned michael or that michael wanted 2 be with them—who knows what the hell the deal is–but susan etok is writting a book about michael—-karen also mention she was writting a book on her FB page–I have no idea why someone keeps saying she s not–she mentioned it several times before on her FB–hasnt mentioned it lately but has a few times since june
Posted at 19:46h, 13 November@SamyJo: Well I’ve heard total different stories regarding the things you are saying, I can tell you that my sources are as trustworthyl as yours, but to be fair and objective you weren’t there neither did I, so, we have to gave the benefit of doubt to everyone. And don’t judge.
Karen did what she could and thought was correct in that moment to help Michael; she, the fans, or you, didn’t know that he was going to die on june 25th. The fans could have limited access to Michael, so, the correct aproach was with the people encharged of the tour. If she or you or me, would have known what was going to happen to michael on the exact date, we would have do ANYTHING! i think, even kidnap him, to save him… unfortunatley, we, nobody knew the future… She is not writing a book, you are misinformed.
If she is responsible for michael’s death, then we all are, and all the people who was near michael those days.
I think we all here, should be focusing more in looking justice to be served for Michael, that the authorities finish a fair and complete investigation.
Posted at 18:55h, 13 Novemberclaude
Faye was fired by ben Amar at the request of Michael Jackson, and in 2005 by MJ himself, she never returned to the fans the money of their subscription when MJ ordered at once to shut the internet site. he was very upset of this.
During the three weeks before the death, she says that Ortega and AEG did not pay attention to what she told them on MJ health, but she did not do more in seeking help near MJ friends and she did want that the fans did some help. If she has left the fans did as they wanted MJ should be alive, she a betrayer and she write a book to make moneys on MJ’s back her too. she has a oart if responsibiity in MJ’s death
Posted at 18:22h, 13 NovemberShould a legal issue arise I’d be interested to see if TMZ would confirm they bought them and from whom….
Posted at 17:50h, 13 November@ just another Apfelkopf:
LOL! please watch the actual movie (and not a footage or two) before you assess whether Michael was “just another employee” in it. You’re completely and UTTERLY wrong in your assumption there.
Posted at 14:49h, 13 November@ALBERTMO:
I think that you speculate and judge too much. I am a MJ’s fan, not Karen’s; anyway, I do respect her, and have nothing against her nor anybody.
Everybody has the right to have an opinion, and she does, you may agree with her or not, but there is not absolute reason for you to hate her .
Not only “betrayers” (as you call them) are speaking now, I have heard very nice people giving their interesting points of view, like Miko Brando, Janet Jackson, Rev. Sheaperd, Liza Minelli, Lisa Marie, and they have been friends and important people in Michael’s life. Even Grace has spoken to the media and not very nicely by the way. We are talking now in public, and we are not beytrayers, are we?.
I think all this people had a different role in Michael’s life, and only him can answer who he loved most or was more or less important, not you, not me. Grace was fired too, Karen was fired by somebody else in the last leg of History tour, under different circumstances, but we can’t assure, or be so rigid on postures because we weren’t there to witness nor asked Michael regarding this particular situations.
You can’t blame Karen for Michael’s death, she did what she could, she spoke with AEG CEO, and Kenny Ortega about her concerns in order to help Michael properly, but they didn’t react quickly and well, remember that they were very few months of rehearsals before he passed, and the worst began 2 weeks before june 25. Grace didn’t save Michael did she? She was, according to your words, Grace was more important in Michael’s life than her, so if she was that important she had to do something, she was very intimate!
You are Grace’s fan not Michael’s. You are the one who must wake up, but must of all try to open your mind and don’t be so rigid.
I don’t have nothing against Grace, You, Karen, Michael L Bush, nor anybody.
Don’t judge that hard.
just another Apfelkopf
Posted at 05:46h, 13 NovemberGood to see, that there is still a conversation here.
If this is true, that fans mentioned their worries about Michael and KFK stopped them…
thats strange and people should follow this.
Did somebody ask her about it on her page?
I watched some footages from TII,
it doesnt look and sound at all as if this is Michaels piece of art,
more as if he was an employee.
Thats also strange.
We hear about extravagancies in the media” Michael as usual”
but I cant see this in real.
He HAD to do these concerts…they wanted back their money and MJ didnt have a choice.
I dont believe in suicide.
THis was an accident caused by culpable negligance or murder.
Still I question the choice of O2 instead of moving to Wembley after knowing that there are already 1.000.000 people to come.
People/women? should stop these stupid fights about Susan or Karen or Grace…thats ridiculous.
We should put our powers in finding out some truth.
Posted at 04:54h, 13 November@Claude
I agree with you Michael Bush is a very loyal friend of Michael, but not Faye, she says always spread love but she hates nanny Grace and Jermaine !!! She is unstable she says something and some days after she says exactly the opposite.
True friends are not speaking on Michael now, only the betrayers. She is jealous of Grace because she was more important in the life of Michal and his children than her, she was only an employee that Michael fired twice in the past.
Faye is playing a double game, with her readers addicted to her facebook, she plays the kind, loving, honest person, she proclames herself the most loyal true friend of Michael, but any time it’s possible to make money on his back, she does. Do you remember the money stolen to MJ’s fans in 2005 when she created a web site, she never returned this money when MJ ordered to close this site. Claude you are not a MJ’s fan, you are a Faye’s fan. Wake up.
Have you read the comment of Juliette above, Faye did not helped MJ when she saw that his health was becoming bad, she is responsible of his death.
Objective Truthseeker
Posted at 23:09h, 12 NovemberI am a “friend” on Faye’s FB account and don’t have any issues with what she has said on it. Think posting photos of MJ’s burial tomb was rather weird…….. Karen got upset that someone “stole” the photos but then, why did you put them on Facebook, Karen? With 5,000 “friends” you don’t know, you are ripe for the picking. The idea that she may herself have sold the photos to TMZ is interesting, as is the idea that she split this with Randy Jackson.
What I have learned in the film business is that even non-actors and “poor” actors can be consummate actors, and dupe the public depending on how they want to spin their story. Michael Jackson himself lied many times to the camera — about his plastic surgeries, etc. For goodness sakes he said, in the same interview w/Martin Bashir (no flames please!) that Blanket’s mother was someone he had an intimate relationship with; later he says she was annonymous! Even dear MJ massaged the truth as he saw fit.
Seems so many people “close to” Michael are now showing themselves to be classless & revolting. Look at Arnold Klein’s revelations on TMZ. Pathetic.
What I am interested in knowing is whether this DR. SUSAN ETOK is another fraud? Have not been able to find ANYTHING on her to back up her credibility, other than the fact that she did was a lecturer at a certain university and presumably has a PhD. But did she ever meet Michael? Why no photos of them together?? Even fans who only talked with MJ for a couple of minutes were obliged a photograph with him (he was so kind).
Susan Etok smells like a fraud, albeit an articulate one. I’d be more inclined to go on a witch hunt about her than Karen Faye, who we at least know did have a long standing working relationship and friendship with Michael (I mean, they dined together socially!).
Someone please weigh in!!!
make that change fool....
Posted at 20:28h, 12 November@ Laureen Michael had no beef with J Randy T–He did not see JRT as an enemy
Posted at 15:44h, 12 NovemberI do not believe one work of Faye, she changes always the version of her stories. If she says that she was with a Jackson, it’s for warding off her suspicions.
Since he published an unauthorized biography of him, Michael considered Randy T. like an ennemy and they never met since a long time
Posted at 15:14h, 12 NovemberKaren said on her FB page after people where freakin out about the pics that she had permission 2 take the pics and that she was with a “Jackson”–J Randy T is NOT a Jackson. There was I believe 3 other females with Ms Faye at FL, Ms Faye herself and the person who took the pic of them together—As far as I know u have 2 have a key 2 access MJ place of rest—Plus Ms Faye & Randy Jackson are BFF—Randy Jackson is in bed with TMZ–this isnt the first stime hes sold information about his family and famous brother…sadly it wont be the last—
p.s. J Randy T I dont believe has even met Ms Faye
Posted at 14:41h, 12 November@Justice
I am on Michael Lee Bush facebook, he very honest and right, a true loyal friend, he never speaks of Michael’s private llife, he talks of the costumes he made for him. He is always correct and I trust him.
Concerning the death of Michael, I am absolutely sure that it is not a suicide, it’s first priority was his chidren, they were his happiness and his force, he would NEVER commit suicide and honestly I do not think it’s a murder. It’s only this awful Murray who does wrong things, injecting too much drugs and making a mixture.
Posted at 13:15h, 12 November@b3xy
If we believe Michael was over-drugged and deppresive, then the posibility of suicide becomes more belieble. A deppress person can easily think that killing himself would be the better for his kids.
It’s just a posibility…Although I’m still thinking in murder.
Posted at 13:03h, 12 NovemberI dont care what anyone says I wil never believe it was suicide, he would never leave his children like that. I truely believe it was murder, even if it was an accident to overdose him if they had responded quicker he would still be here today.
I wish he had never agreed to do those stupid concerts, because there isnt a true fan out there that would say they would rather of had a concert than him alive today. I would swap everything (new music, videos, concerts etc) and have him live a quiet life doing nothing just to have him back 🙁
Posted at 12:35h, 12 November@Albertmo
So MLB was not fired? I didn’t know… btw, what’s your opinion about him… he seems to be much loyal, right?
@Just another
The first I thought was Murder. Now with all that people is saying I don’t know. Would you consider suicide? Nevertheless, I can’t believe Michael was in such terrible condition… at least not in the footage we can see… what do you think?
just another Apfelkopf
Posted at 10:33h, 12 NovemberLook, I dont understand how people can complain about “using Michael” and freaking about leaking pictures,
that THEY were so keen to see !
Get real people, we know MJ because he was used and so were we.
Thats how this malformed business goes…
We maybe have a chance to overthink our culture now that we got a glimpse into this elusive swamp.
What is important..
to find out how it was possible that under the eyes of so many powerful people and “Best friends” Michael could be an addict to a narcotic that needed to be administered by IV !
Which doctors treated his face and skin so badly and irresponsible that Michael had to spend his life with pain and a face that was falling apart ?
Just the imagination is so perverted,
it was for sure more than one and Michael was not the only victim of them.
Again: How its possible that AEG continues to “organize” 50 concerts in the O2 Arena(20.000) , that so many experts and insiders claimed that Michael cant do it…,
but not move to Wembley(75.000 – 90.000) and make 10 – 15 concerts there ???
And no costumes ready ?
For me it looks very much like a murder….
we need to investigate and find out ourselves…
cause even authorities are silent and let them (AEG,SONY etc) have their business of the year !
Posted at 10:12h, 12 November@ is there : I think that Newshound’s sources are wrong because Faye said on her facebook that she had no contact with Michael between 2005 and May 2009 when she was engaged by AEG for the O2 Arena concerts and Michael had never the intention to reopen Neverland.
@justice : I know that Faye was the only one to be fired because Michael Lee Bush and others were not fired. I have all these information from a friend of mine who was also a friend of Michael, I cannot say his name, because he is one these who are very loyal and true to Michael and never spoke of him on the net. Now he lives in New York, but before he lived for many years at Neverland with his sister and two brothers, all four have followed Michael on all the History Tour, and he knows much any others on MJ’s private life.
just another Apfelkopf
Posted at 05:59h, 12 NovemberI am amazed that there are some people left, that think independant.
I dont know with who Karen Faye was at FL, if it was Taborrelli we will probably find some pics in his next book ….
but for sure she is installing some new fan-community with Randy.
If they are honest with each other…who knows.
I remember her stating this on her page:
“Go to Randys page . He is one of US !”
In a way its not fair:
We are watching Karen, Randy, Susan Etok and whoever comes by….
discussing, blaming…
the money makers and maybe assassins sitting undisturbed in the back , pockets wide open and “dancing on the table each night” celebrating MJ`s death.
And yes, I also would like to point on something :
After all Karen is a person that stayed with MJ a long time, she should know him well.
Of course “they” will prevent her from really going against them…
she will have her offers.
We should not be naive and claim truth, where it never was.
Just reacll the story how the Jackson5 got discovered, actually by Gladys Knight ….but for publicity, thats us the flock !,
it was Diana Ross and Gordy made clear that THIS version will enter the history books !
Thats about history books my friends, and this is “just” pop music….
Lets try to find the truth together, rage against the machine !