27 Oct Katy Perry & Russell Brand: Not Feeling It

Attend Galliano Fashion Show. Photo: APimages.com/Thibault Camus
OK, I must say it. I don’t know if it is jealousy that he is dating her but I just don’t like Katy Perry n Russell Brand together. I did not trip when she was with that Travis dude but I don’t know.
I love Russell. I think he is funny as can be. Love his comedy specials. He is great and original. I love Katy Perry. I love every song but “I Kissed A Girl” straight up. I love her live shows.
I just don’t like them together. Yesterday they were spotted together and Katy was rocking a shirt that read “The real sh*t, sh*t to make you FEEL sh*t.” Lame. What’s interesting is the night or weekend they hooked up, Katy never looked hotter than at the MTV Awards opening for Russell. Russell just looks dirty and seemed to be God’s gift to women when it came to sexual escapades. I just don’t think Katy can domesticate him.
You can call me hater, you can call me hot n cold, but I dig them separately, just not together. Am I alone in this as I think I am?-Dr.FB
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Posted at 00:05h, 01 NovemberShe went from the very fine and sexy Travis to Russell. I just don’t get it.
Posted at 22:44h, 28 OctoberIt won’t last, she will bore him to tears
Posted at 11:42h, 28 OctoberNope, you’re right on this one. They just don’t seem to gel well together, at least in pictures. Don’t know much about them otherwise.
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Posted at 02:33h, 28 October[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Samantha Cox, Alltop. Alltop said: Katy Perry & Russell Brand: Not Feeling It http://bit.ly/5TnC6 Celebrities.alltop […]
let it beat
Posted at 01:20h, 28 Octobersaw her at the this is it premere tonight and he was no were around
Posted at 21:06h, 27 OctoberI cannot stand Russell Brand!I think he is obnoxious and I have to really wonder how people like him ever get to where they are by being soooo annoying!He makes me think “so simple a caveman could do it” Different strokes for different folks obviously.For some reason she reminds me of Christina Ricci in this pic.She is a pretty girl but I will not lose any sleep over never hearing nor seeing either of them.
Posted at 20:09h, 27 OctoberI agree with all of you. yuck
Posted at 19:52h, 27 Octoberpelicankiss took my words….you are not alone Doc. They are definitely an odd couple imo. It’s something about him that is extraordinarly fascinating to Miss Katy…
Posted at 19:05h, 27 OctoberI don’t really follow either of them but on first, superficial glance, ick. Reminds me of Marilyn Manson and Rachel Wood. In other words, blech.
What’s up with their EyEs??
Posted at 18:15h, 27 Octoberhahahaha. glad you said it. it’s been irking me since they started being seen together.
Posted at 17:21h, 27 OctoberYou are not alone Doc. This could actually pass for a father and daughter pic if I didn’t know who they were.