30 Sep Lady Gaga Talks Kanye

Kanye West & Lady Gaga. Photo: TheInsider.com
Lady Gaga, who is about to go on tour with Kanye West, talked about the incident at the MTV VMA’s 2 weeks ago in a recent radio interview in Las Vegas and she defended Kanye.
Gaga said:
“I would say he’s a good guy and everybody makes mistakes, and he feels so f—ing bad. He really does, he really feels bad.”
“If you listen to the radio right now, with the exception of myself, really, and, like, probably Taylor Swift, Kanye is responsible for everything we’re listening to. Everyone likes to focus on gossip, but he’s changed music and he’s really prolific and an incredible person, and I think it’s unfair to judge somebody on one mistake they’ve made.”
“He’s really kind of shown me a lot, as a friend, planning this tour — it’s all about the fans … I felt like that moment really portrayed him in a way that he really isn’t. It was just a random moment.”
I don’t think Lady Gaga would lie so I do think she believes this but it is also damage control for the suits promoting the tour. They are worrying for nothing. This tour entitled “Fame Kills” is going to sell out no problem and be a success.
What do you think? Is Lady Gaga right about forgiving Kanye and that he feels really bad or damage control?-Dr.FB
Posted at 00:09h, 13 January3buckwheat
Courtney Newton
Posted at 01:42h, 30 October{Lady Gaga, wow she
Caroline Pratt
Posted at 01:38h, 30 October{Lady Gaga, wow she
Constant Gina
Posted at 09:48h, 02 OctoberKanye has had a tough ending to 2009…I knew something was going down when the tickets stopped selling…now this..
Exclusive: Lady Gaga To Announce Solo Tour Next Week | Drfunkenberry.com
Posted at 09:40h, 02 October[…] places, the ticket prices were being cut. Lady Gaga was doing her best to promote the tour and protect Kanye but with Kanye not being able to promote the tour by going silent since the now infamous Taylor […]
Posted at 16:33h, 01 OctoberHi, http://www.drfunkenberry.com – da best. Keep it going!
Posted at 20:46h, 30 SeptemberI also think Lady G is talking outta her flabby arse when she says about him being responsible for everything we listen to. That’s a crock of shit Mrs.
Posted at 20:44h, 30 SeptemberI believe he feels genuinely bad about his actions, but he behaved like a genuine knob and it don’t mean he should be forgiven. No chance of that from this direction mate!
Posted at 18:59h, 30 SeptemberONE mistake?! LMAO..! Are her days so consumed by her wardrobe and makeup that she has no clue that this is not the first time he’s been a complete ass…?! LOL
Sounds like “play nice with your tour partner” bullshit, to me
and ~
“Kanye is responsible for everything we’re listening to. Everyone likes to focus on gossip, but he’s changed music and he’s really prolific ”
:hand: ‘Scuse me whilst I snore……
Posted at 14:27h, 30 SeptemberPlus I like to add I met and worked with Kanye . He is a kool person very down 2 earth. But very outspoken & speaks his mind.
Posted at 13:25h, 30 SeptemberI would like to see Lady Gaga in concert, but her tix are mad expensive.
Posted at 13:24h, 30 SeptemberI think those who liked Kayne before will still embrace him now..those that were on the fence like myself have probably had enough and those who hated him hated him even more now…..he’s a gemini…he’s used to being involved in love/hate situations as he deals with it on a daily basis….he just needs to learn to control his gemini impulsive side…and realize that he really does have two different sides to himself that are total opposites…when he learns that..he will be able to control himself more and more importantly…understand why he’s doing the stupid shit he’s doing…….right now he’s acting like the gemini that people complain about….that backstabbing bitch ass gemini……but that’s simply because he hasn’t come to terms with his dual personality….
Posted at 13:12h, 30 SeptemberI beleive that Lady Gaga was just expressing her true feelings and she actually knows Kanye West on a personal level … most of the people who are all up in arms about Kanye & the whole VMA incident probably have never met him personally or even heard any of his music. … Don’t get me wrong he made a mistake at the VMA’s but it’s now time to get over it
FYI … Pre-sale for Kanye & Lady Gaga starts Oct. 1 livenation.com
Posted at 12:43h, 30 SeptemberI feel the whole Kanye thing was blown out of proportion. People need to move on. Its not like he went on stage and shot her or hit her. Like Gaga said it was just a random act and mistake.