30 Sep Britney Spears New Song 3! Listen Now!

Britney Spears Cover For 3.
Here is the latest single from Britney Spears entitled 3 and it’s about threesomes. Oooh. “Living in sin is the new thing” she oozes.
3 will be on her upcoming Singles collection, even though it’s only been 2 CD’s since her last greatest hits compilation. The Singles Collection has a tenetive date of November 24th.
Here it is:
[audio:http://www.drfunkenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/3_BritneySpears.mp3]So what do you think of the new Britney Spears?-Dr.FB
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Posted at 21:13h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Lanell Macon
Posted at 04:39h, 11 MayWow, this can be a great blog which give numerous information about music. I love music and this blog helps me lot. Thanks for your value information. I’m very appreciate it.
Carmine Gallion
Posted at 06:28h, 01 MarchWith actions like hair trimming, hot videos, wedding failures or just another pop single there is a good deal carrying on around Britney. You can not help but acknowledge her antics. Recently many people have become a top devotee and can not get too much info or postings about her life history. The internet age is her chance for large earnings but will it be her ruination with too much reporting and exposure. In fact I suppose that this article and my remark are part of the same publicity I talked about.
Posted at 06:50h, 17 JanuaryWhat A Wonderful Blog Post…
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Tonya L. Gregory
Posted at 21:01h, 17 OctoberBrittney is Brittney…what more do you want…shes still awesome…it will b a good song to dance to @ the bar….Britt-GoOd wOrk!!!!!!
Posted at 20:22h, 30 SeptemberSounds like a Madge track and that ain’t a compliment
Posted at 17:04h, 30 Septemberugh it does kind of sound the same as all her other songs i would have been excited to hear the whole cd too bad its just another stupid gratest hits .
Posted at 16:31h, 30 Septemberit’s annoying.
Posted at 15:41h, 30 SeptemberWhat happened to singing about things that really matter or that actually mean something?!I was soooo disgusted when everyone was making such a big deal of her “so called singing” of Alanis’s song “You oughta know” I personally sing that song better!And I am not talkin ish!lol Plus the fact I’ve heard my karaoke singers do better!But the fact so many made a big deal of it when isn’t that what she is suppose to be doing?SINGING! lol Why is it that people have somehow got wrapped up in the packaging of it all.They go to a show and they expect everything to look and sound perfect!Why?! I would much rather watch a performer who is passionate and it is obvious that they love what they are doin and want you along for the journey.So what if they are off here or there!They are singing LIVE!Not singing along to back up tracks or lip synching.Plus many cheat with tuners that automatically pitch their voices!So how do we know if they can really sing or not?!YOU DON’T!My point! I think that people are removing themselves from Radio,MTV because of the crap that they are playing.I personally feel a void in music and also feel a change comin on!And I hope to be a part of it!Get back to real music by people with real talent!Let the demise of music that lacks “real music” begin!
Posted at 13:39h, 30 SeptemberShe is so studio…Poor thing
Miss Fortune
Posted at 13:04h, 30 SeptemberI actually feel ashame of Max Martin and my country…he can do SO much better…
Posted at 11:23h, 30 Septemberwell what can i say but: eeeeh! nah!
It will be played for a few weeks but it will just B another non memorable song.
Posted at 11:20h, 30 SeptemberSounds a lot like everything else, but I’m biased, I don’t really care for her music; nor radio much. It saddens me that people think this is
” singing. ” Techno Electronica. I can only co-sign with Lex, I can just hear somebody’s kid singing this shit. Don’t people miss real musicians, real music, ( with actual instruments ), and real singers anymo’ ? Tasteless & classless.
– Oscar ( ” The Grouch ” )
Posted at 10:22h, 30 SeptemberI’m not impressed.
Posted at 09:58h, 30 SeptemberThat was terrible. I shouldn’t be shocked but the idea of singing about a threesome like this bugs me. Add on to the fact that it just sounds so lame and tired makes me hate it more. Britney really needs to go and sit her wack ass down somewhere.
Jean Pierre
Posted at 04:25h, 30 Septemberlame.
Posted at 04:08h, 30 Septemberit sounds like crap. I think it completely sucks. wow. and normally i like her stuff.