24 Jul The Most Trusted Name In News Is….

Jon Stewart: The Most Trusted Name In News. File Photo
Jon Stewart is the most trusted name in news according to a Time Magazne Poll.
He beat our Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric by 44 percent.
Message to newscasters: how sad is it when a comedy show reporting the ness is more trustworthy than you. Just saying,
Congrats Jon!-Dr.FB
Just sayin'
Posted at 17:28h, 24 JulyPretty much 95% of all media is so left-leaning so it would make sense the most ultra liberal of them all takes the cake.
Posted at 15:51h, 24 JulyYa but,……. but……. How trust worthy is Time magazine???
Posted at 13:36h, 24 Julyagreed