21 Jun Billy Joel & Katie Lee Divorce Story

Billy Joel & Katie Lee File Photo
It’s not as easy as her being an “Uptown Girl” is it? 7 years ago, everything was gravy. 7 years later, it’s being said they grew apart. 7 years ago, there was still a 33 year age difference.
It is being rumored that Katie Lee Joel was hooking up with a closer to her age fashion designer from Israel, Yigal Azrouel who actually is straight. A 9 year difference in age. Billy Joel, ever being the nice guy when filing divorce papers, never brought up her indiscretion. It does not mean it is not true, it’s just that Billy wouldn’t mention it. No reason for him to “Go To Extremes” so to speak.
Christie Brinkley, an ex-model and ex-wife of Billy Joel has come out in support of her ex saying he has always been a good father to their daughter they had together and a great man. Hmm. Why is Christie talking about this? Oh yea, that’s right. The man she left Billy Joel for was cheating on her crazy style and knew she never had that with Billy.
Regardless, I hope for Billy sake, the divorce proceedings go fast and smooth and not a crapload of money for Katie Lee who will be just fine doing cooking shows or cooking books or whatever she does now. Hopefully Bill Joel tells her it’s “My Life” and she does leave him alone.=Dr.FB
Posted at 23:49h, 12 January3cocktail
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Posted at 14:33h, 06 April… [Trackback]
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Mobile Hard Drive
Posted at 12:33h, 12 Decemberdivorce is of course one of the worst thing that you could experience but you could get over it ,;”
Body Cleanser :
Posted at 13:42h, 22 Octoberthere is nothing good getting a divorce, this is perhaps the saddest moment of your life`”`
Ryan Martinez
Posted at 14:00h, 07 OctoberDivorce is usually the end of a good relationship, every couple should avoid it*`*
Julia Mason
Posted at 11:50h, 09 JulyDivorce is always a bad news among married couples. Some couples just cannot iron out their differences.;~:
Billy Joel & Katie Lee Divorce Story | Celebrity News & Story
Posted at 20:02h, 21 June[…] the whole article on : Billy Joel & Katie Lee Divorce Story Related topics : Billy Joel, Celebrity Gossip, Divorce, Fashion Designer, Israel, world celeb, […]